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Modern Genetics – GMOs and Biotechnology
What is Biotechnology?!?
Bio =
= techniques or information
Application of biological techniques to manipulate DNA to benefit humans
Biotechnology has impacted the fields of
Genetically Modified Organism (Agricultural)
Foods - organism whose
________________ material has been _____________ using genetic
engineering techniques
Examples: Rice, __________________, corn, and
DNA ________________ is being used to improve agricultural ______________ and ________
Genetic engineering of ______________ (multiple organisms) animals speeds up the selective
breeding process
_____________________ genes can be ___________________ between varieties or species
So GMOs are 100% bad?!?
There are advantages...
can help ___________________ that have deficiencies (that lack something)
_____________ yield increases and can have a ______________ life
________________ can charge and make more money
the food that we eat may contain more __________________
How to make a GMO?
________________ transformation can also happen with crops
____________ genes can be ______________ into crop
DNA to enhance the vitamins by inserting genes for specific vitamins
(golden rice- enhanced with Vitamin A)
Resist certain ______________, can tolerate ______________,
prevent rotting
There's another way to change DNA...and it is over 100,000 years old...
1. _____________________________
called plant
Modern Genetics – GMOs and Biotechnology
a. Crossing dissimilar organisms to bring together the best of both organisms (but these are often
 Mule – Donkey and Horse
 Liger – Lion and Tiger
 Several Citrus Fruits
 Wheat plants – Mostly hybrids are selected for ability to resist disease, weather
tolerance, and produce the most grains
2. __________________ Breeding
 Allowing only organisms with desired traits to produce offspring
 Farmers have been doing this to create new foods.
 Examples: 1.________________
Take DNA samples and use ________________
enzymes to cut the DNA at certain sites.
The samples are placed in an agarose gel and into an
___________________ machine where electrical
charges are used to separate the pieces of DNA by size
and molecular weight
Creates a ______________ _____________ for each sample (DNA Fingerprint)
If a crime scene blood sample was taken and a suspects sample matches up with the crime scene =
definitive evidence of guilt.
In paternity tests matching band pattern must be seen between child
and father
Medical Purposes
Gene therapy is the alteration of an afflicted individual’s genes
Gene therapy holds great _______________l for treating disorders _________________ to a
single defective gene
________________ are used for ______________ of genes
into specific types of cells, for example bone marrow
Gene therapy provokes both ______________ and
___________ questions
Genetic alternation of one organism’s DNA to transform it to
express a section of another organism (foreign) DNA
_____________ are usually used as vectors to place beneficial
__________ inside because they can mass produce the gene
Example: Using _________ to create ____________. Humans
use the bacterial plasmid to insert desired genes and have the
bacteria produce the product in this case, human insulin.
Modern Genetics – GMOs and Biotechnology
Cloning - Creating an identical copy of something – produced from a single cell.
When _______________ animals we are not certain about the effects on the created organism.
Usually cloned organisms are ______________ and do not ______________ very long.
 Ex. Dolly and premature aging
Reduced the variety in a _______________ since all organisms have the same _______________
 Think of cloning humans…we would all have the exact same traits, which not good as a
 Organisms that are cloned usually experience premature aging
 Going against the natural order of things in the world.
Creating tissues for ___________________ that would not be rejected by the organism________________ cloning
Using these tissues to help fight diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s (replace damages brain cells)
Create therapeutic proteins like antibodies (monoclonal antibodies)and have several copies