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SMP Quiz Session 1 Alchemy of the Universe: Nucleosynthesis of Chemical Elements 1/22/11 Which of the following statements about the nucleus of an atom is FALSE: 1) The nucleus has an overall posiIve charge. 2) The nucleus takes up a very small amount of space compared to the enIre atom. 3) The nucleus contains both protons and neutrons. 4) The nucleus repels the electrons that orbit around it. 5) The nucleus contains most of the mass of the atom. Which of the following processes CANNOT transform one element into a different element (i.e. transmutaIon)? 1.  Alpha decay 2.  Gamma decay 3.  Nuclear reacIons (fusion/fission) 4.  Beta decay 5.  None of the above 1. 
You have two atoms, one has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons and the other has 6 protons, 8 neutrons, and 6 electrons. Which of the following best describes the difference between them? They are two different elements. They are two different isotopes of the same element. They are different ions of the same element. They are different isotopes of different elements. None of the above. Nuclear fusion is: 1)  The spli[ng of heavier nuclei to produce lighter nuclei and energy. 2) The combining of electrons with nuclei to produce atoms and release energy. 3) The process of fusing together light nuclei (for example, hydrogen) to produce heavier nuclei (for example, helium) and energy. 4) The release of gravitaIonal energy as the Sun slowly contracts. 5) The release of energy from chemical bonds. The most stable element in the universe (does not undergo nuclear fusion or fission) is: 1. 
Hydrogen Carbon Uranium Helium Iron If you wanted to find an atom in your li_le finger that has been in its present form since the beginning of the universe, which element should you look for? 1. 
Hydrogen Carbon Iron Oxygen Nitrogen The fact that our bodies have heavy elements (ex. iron) means that: 1.  There were earlier supernova explosions in our galaxy. 2.  The universe started with these elements. 3.  These elements were synthesized during the Big Bang. 4.  Some black holes stars exploded. 5.  These elements were made by radioacIvity in the Earth's core. Why can a star with a mass like our Sun not fuse elements heavier than carbon or oxygen? 1. 
Because there are no heavier thanelements those two; they are the heaviest nuclei in nature. Because their cores just cannot get hot enough for the fusion of heavier nuclei. Because all such stars explode before they can make any other elements. Because all such elements become radioacIve and their nuclei break apart rather quickly. Because their cores get too hot for further types of fusion to be able to happen.