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Course description:
1. Credit points: 2 ECTS
2. Time commitment:
No. of hours
3. Prerequisites: Biology
4. Recommended background knowledge:
Genetics, Molecular Biology.
5. Subject description:
An introduction to the relationship between genetic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms that
direct the development of multicellular organisms. Topics include: history and basic concepts,
patterning of body plan, organogenesis, developmental gene regulation, cell differentiation, germ
cell development, regeneration of tissue, evolution and development, stem cell biology and the
techniques used in developmental biology study. The course will cover general principles of the
development of invertebrate, vertebrate, and plant model systems.
6. Objectives & Outcome:
(Knowledge &/ Skills gained via the course) The goal of this course is to introduce students to
the very broad field of developmental biology. Particularly, the intimate connection between
morphological changes and developmental gene regulation system. In the life sciences, the area
of developmental biology is of fundamental interest in biology, since it is not just intriguing for
students to observe the phenomena of changes that are crucial for developing of single cell into a
complex, coordinated, functional life that is multicellular and multifaceted, but more
importantly, there is much in developmental biology that can have biomedical implications. As
they learn, students will be exposed to concepts, principles and mechanisms that underlie
development. Different model organisms are studied to demonstrate the rapid advances in this
field and to show the interconnectivity of developmental themes among living things. The social
and ethical implications of recent technologies, which enable scientists to manipulate life, will be
discussed either in class or through essay writing.
7. Assessment/ Evaluation:
Attendance Exercises
Percentage %
8. Prescribed Textbook(s):
[1] Principles of development : Lewis Wolpert et al., Oxford University Press
[2] Biochemistry and molecular biology of plants: Buchana, Gruissem, Jones., American society
of Plant Physiologists.
Course content & schedule:
Topic 1: The origins of developmental biology.
1.1 introduction
1.2 history of developmental study
Topic 2: Model organisms:
2.1: vertebrates.
2.2: invertebrates.
2.3: plants.
Topic 3: Identifying developmental genes.
3.1 induction of mutagenesis
3.2 forward genetic screens and reverse genetic techniques
Digital Lab 1
Topic 4: Patterning the vertebrate body plan.
4.1: setting up the body axes in vertebrate.
4.2: the origin and specification of the germ layers
4.3: signalling proteins and patterning
Topic 5: Patterning in mesoderm and nervous system
5.1 homebox gene
5.2 somite formation and patterning
5.3 organizer region and neural induction
Topic 6: Development of the Drosophila body plan.
6.1: body axes, segmentation and activation of genetic cascades
6.2: pattern in nature
Topic 7: Development of the invertebrates and slime mold
Topic 8: Plant Development
8.1: differences between plant and animal
8.2: embryonic development
8.3: meristem and vasculature
8.4: leaf adaxial and abaxial polarity
8.5 flower
Digital Lab 2
Topic 9: Cell differentiation
9.1: reversibility and inheritance of patterns of gene activity.
9.2: control of specific gene expression
9.3: models of cell differentiation
Digital Lab 3
Topic 10: Morphogenesis
10.1: cell adhesion
10.2: cleavage and blastula formation
10.3: gastrulation
10.4: neural tube formation
10.5: cell migration
10.6: directional cell enlargement
Digital Lab 4
Topic 11: Stem cell technology
11.1: embryonic stem cells.
11.2: adult stem cells.
11.3: the potential uses of human stem cells
Topic 12: Methods in developmental studies
12.1: genetic mosaic transplantation.
12.2: plant genetic transformation
Topic 13: Discussion module using the concept in the movie Jurassic Park as a tool to approach
ethical and experimental issues in developmental biology research.
Reference Literature:
[1]. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2012;28:687-717. Gastrulation: making and shaping germ
layers. Solnica-Krezel L, Sepich DS.
[2]. Dev Dyn. 2007 Sep;236(9):2454-63. Hox patterning of the vertebrate axial skeleton.
Wellik DM.
[3]. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005 Apr 5;102(14):4936-42. Gene regulatory networks for
development. Levine M, Davidson EH.
[4]. Development. 2012 Jul;139(14):2453-6. Somitogenesis. Maroto M, Bone RA, Dale JK.
[5]. Curr Opin Genet Dev. 1997 Aug;7(4):507-12. Neural tube morphogenesis. Spörle R,
Schughart K.
[6]. Nat Rev Genet. 2009 Dec;10(12):845-58.Vertebrate limb bud development: moving
towards integrative analysis of organogenesis.
[7]. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 2011 Apr;22(2):293-9.
Arabidopsis as a model for wood formation. Zhang J, Elo A, Helariutta Y.
[8]. Plant Cell Physiol. 2012 Jul;53(7):1180-94.
Leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity specification and lamina outgrowth: evolution and
Yamaguchi T, Nukazuka A, Tsukaya H.
[9]. Stem Cell Information
The official National Institutes of Health resource for stem cell research
[10]. To differentiate or not to differentiate?
NATURE REVIEWS Molecular cell Biology