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Cell Test 2.1-2.3 IB SL Biology
Version A
1. A mycoplasma is an organism with a diameter between 0.1 and 1.0 μm. What does the organism's size tell you about
how it might be classified?
A. It must be a single–celled protist.
B. It must be a single–celled fungus.
C. It could be a bacterium.
D. It could be a typical virus.
2. All of the following are part of a prokaryotic cell except
B. a cell wall.
C. ribosomes.
D. an endoplasmic reticulum.
3. The advantage of light microscopy over electron microscopy is that
A. light microscopy provides for higher magnification than electron microscopy.
B. light microscopy allows one to view all organelles within a cell.
C. light microscopy allows one to view processes in living cells.
D. light microscopy can be used to view 3D images.
4. Which ratio limits the size of cells?
A. The rate of metabolism to mass
B. The surface area to volume
C. The mass to volume
D. The surface area to mass
5. Which of the following is true about binary fission?
A. It is a form of sexual reproduction.
B. It is a form of asexual reproduction.
C. It only occurs in eukaryotic cells.
D. It occurs in all cells.
6. Which pair of features is correct for both plant and prokaryotic cells?
Plant cell
Prokaryotic cell
Able to change shape
Fixed shape
Contains DNA associated with protein
Contains naked DNA
DNA enclosed by membrane
DNA associated with protein
Chloroplasts may be present
Chloroplasts may be present
What describes the functions of the following organelles?
Golgi apparatus
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Synthesis of proteins for cell secretion
ATP production
ATP production
Synthesis of proteins for cell secretion
Synthesis of proteins for cell secretion
Processing of proteins
Processing of proteins
Synthesis of proteins for cell secretion
8. Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following molecules?
A. lipids
B. glycogen
C. proteins
D. nucleic acids
9. A student observes and draws an Amoeba, using the high power lens of a microscope. The diameter of the drawing is 100
mm. The actual diameter of the Amoeba is 100 µm. What is the magnification of the drawing?
A. 0.001
B. 100
C. 400
D. 1000
Which type of organelle or structure is primarily involved in the synthesis of oils, phospholipids, and steroids?
smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins?
rough ER
Golgi vesicles
12. Hydrolytic enzymes must be segregated and packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular components. Which of the
following organelles contains these hydrolytic enzymes in animal cells?
A. chloroplast
B. lysosome
C. central vacuole
D. mitochondria
13. The liver is involved in detoxification of many poisons and drugs. Which of the following structures is primarily involved
in this process and therefore abundant in liver cells?
A. rough ER
B. smooth ER
C. Golgi apparatus
D. nuclear envelope
Which organelle often takes up much of the volume of a plant cell?
Golgi apparatus
Which organelle is the primary site of cellular respiration in eukaryotic cells?
Golgi apparatus
Which organelle contains it’s own DNA and ribosomes?
Endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
Thylakoids, DNA, and ribosomes are all components found in
18. Which of the following is NOT a function of life?
A. metabolism
B. homeostasis
C. movement
D. nutrition
19. Which of the following statements is correct?
A. cells are composed of tissues
B. tissues are composed of organs
C. organs are composed of organ systems
D. organs are composed of tissues
Which structure–function pair is mismatched?
nucleolus; production of ribosomal subunits
lysosome; cellular respiration
ribosome; protein synthesis
Golgi; protein modification
In what way are eukaryotic chromosomes different from prokaryotic chromosomes?
Eukaryotic chromosomes
Prokaryotic chromosomes
Protein is present
Protein is absent
DNA is present
DNA is absent
DNA is absent
DNA is present
Nucleus is absent
Nucleus is present
22. Which of the following statements is true?
A. all body cells in a multicellular organism contain the same DNA.
B. all body cells in a multicellular organism perform the same functions.
C. body cells in a multicellular organism do not specialize
D. cells in a multicellular organism specialize because they have different DNA.
Cell Test 2.1-2.3 IB SL Biology
1. The electron micrographs below show mitochondria in longitudinal section. The mitochondrion in A is
from a bat pancreas cell and that in B is from a mouse liver cell.
(a) Annotate the micrographs to show two similarities in the structure of the mitochondria. (2)
both have two (outer) membranes;
both have cristae;
both have a matrix (with a grainy appearance) / ribosomes;
2 max
(b) The mitochondria differ in size. State two other differences that are visible in the
mitochondria. (2)
arrangement of cristae;
density of cristae;
amount of matrix granules / any reference to dark dots;
(do not accept ribosomes)
2 max
(c) Predict, with two reasons, which of the mitochondria would have been able to produce ATP
energy at a greater rate. (2)
A / bat’s;
larger size / volume;
greater surface area of cristae / more cristae;
closeness of mitochondria in B mouse reduces rate;
3 max
2. (a) State the typical size of (i) a bacterium (1) __(approximately) 1 μm Accept any value between 0.5 μm and
1.0 μm. (ii) an average eukaryotic cell (1) __(approximately) 10 μm to 100 μm
Accept any value within this
(b) Explain the importance of the surface area to volume ratio in limiting cell size. (2)
rate of transport of materials across membrane;
energy / heat is a function of surface area;
rate of metabolism is a function of mass to volume ratio;
as size increases the ratio between SA and volume decreases;
causing problems in transport / rate of exchange; 2 max
3. Distinguish between the structure of plant and animal cells. (6)
Award [1] per difference, plant cells:
have cell walls, animal cells do not;
have plastids / chloroplasts, animal cells do not;
have a large central vacuole, animal cells do not;
store starch, animal cells store glycogen;
have plasmodesomata, animal cells do not;
animal cells:
have centrioles, plant cells do not;
have cholesterol in the cell membrane, plant cells do not;
plant cells generally have a fixed shape / more regular whereas animal cells are more rounded;
4. Outline the cell theory, discussing at least one area of research that supports the theory. (4)
All living organisms are composed of cells.
Cells are the smallest unit of life. They are the smallest structures capable of surviving
on their own.
Cells come from pre-exsisting cells and cannot be created from non-living material.
When scientists started to look at the structures of organisms under the microscope they
discovered that all living organisms were made up of these small units which they proceeded
to call cells.
When these cells were taken from tissues they were able to survive for some period of time.
Nothing smaller than the cell was able to live independently and so it was concluded that the
cell was the smallest unit of life.
For some time, scientists thought that cells must arise from non-living material but it was
eventually proven that this was not the case, instead they had to arise from pre-existing cells
as shown in Louis Pasteur’s experiment. Sterilized chicken broth that remained unexposed to
microbes would not generate life, until exposure to microbes occurred.
5. Draw and label a diagram of the ultrastructure of E.coli. (7)
1 pt for each of the following: cell wall, plasma membrane, cytoplasm, pili, flagella, ribosomes (70S)
and nucleoid.
6. (a) Label the structures indicated in the diagram below. (5)
Plasma membrane
Nuclear envelope
Rough ER
(b) Deduce, with a reason, whether this is a prokaryotic or eukaryotic cell. (1)
eukaryotic; membrane bound nucleus and organelles,
(c) If the nucleus measures 5 mm in length, and the magnification is X 15,000, what is the actual length
of the nucleus? Show your work. (1)
specimen size = image size/magnification
image = 5 mm or 5,000 μm; 5,000/15,000 = .33 μm or 330 nm
4. Outline one therapeutic use of stem cells. (6)
Award [4 max] for any of the following general statements:
 stem cells are cells that retain the capacity to divide and have the ability to differentiate along different
paths into all types of cells / are pluripotent / totipotent;
 stem cells are derived from blastocysts / human embryos, left over from IVF / placenta / umbilical cord /
some adult tissues;
 new techniques / technologies rely on replacing diseased / dysfunctional cells with healthy / functioning
 need to identify desired type of stem cell and grow in culture / special solutions / controlled conditions;
 develop biochemical solution that will cause cells to differentiate into desired cell type;
 develop means of implanting / integrating cells into patient’s own tissues so that they function with the
body’s natural cells;
 danger of rejection of cells therefore need to suppress immune system;
 must make sure new cells do not become overgrown / develop into cancerous tumours;
Award [2 max] for a specific example ie: [1] for type of cells and [1] for proposed use:
eg retinal cells;
replace dead cells in retina to cure presently incurable diseases such as glaucoma and macular degeneration;
eg graft new skin cells;
to treat serious burn victims;
eg nerve tissue;
help repair catastrophic spinal injuries / help victims of paralysis regain movement;6 max
(Plus up to [2] for quality)