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Stanford Notes Modeled for section 7.1, pages 193 and 194
BEFORE you start reading, carefully consider the PURPOSE OF YOUR READING:
The learning goal and achievement standards.
Describe the differences, similarities and evolutionary links between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
Left hand column
Notes in your own words about the main
ideas in EVERY paragraph and EVERY
figure, table, or graph.
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes193—194
P 193 Paragraph 1
similarities between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
Cells all have cell (plasma) membranes
and DNA,
differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
but they vary in size from 0.2 micrometers
for small prokaryotes to up to 500
micrometers for large eukaryotes.
Figure 7.4 p 193
differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
Most cells are too small to see, 1-5
micrometers (millionths meter, 1-5 µm) for
prokaryotes but 10-100 µm for most
differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells.
P 193 Paragraph 2
Having a nucleus versus not having a
nucleus splits all organisms into 2
Eukaryotes—have a nucleus
Prokaryotes—don’t have a nucleus
Right hand column
Section summaries
A short paragraph written in your own
words after re-reading all the paragraph
summaries for the section. What you write
should be used to answer the learning
goal identified by the teacher as the
purpose for the reading.
Learning goal for the reading
Describe differences, similarities &
evolutionary links of prokaryotic &
eukaryotic cells.
Section review
Prokaryotes which are bacteria are smaller
& simpler than eukaryotes which are either
protists, plants, animals, or fungi. The
prokaryotes area smaller and simpler,
having neither nuclei or membrane bound
Prokaryote—bacteria, cells without a
nucleus, usually smaller & simpler than
eukaryotic cells
…pro means before & karyote means kernel—like
the seed of a peach, which is what a nucleus looks
like in a cell!
Eukaryote—all cells except bacteria; these
are cells whose DNA is separated from all
other parts of the cell by the membrane
that surrounds an organelle called the
…eu means with and karyote means
kernel (the nucleus that looks like the seed
in the center of a peach)
P 194Paragraph 1
differences between prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells
Prokaryotic cells are bacteria. They have
no nucleus separating their DNA & are
smaller & simple, but they DO carry out all
8 functions of life.
P194 paragraph 2
Eukaryotic cells include all cells except
bacteria: 1 celled protists and multicellular
plants, animals, and fungi. Eukaryotes are
more complex & have a membrane around
DNA, forming a nucleus.
Figure 7.5 p 194
These diagrams show compare
prokaryotic cells versus plant and animal
eukaryotic cells.
euk- plant/animal
Cell Wall
Membrane Bound Organelles
End. Retic.
Small vacuolesX
Central vacuoleX
Cell membrane—the plasma membrane,
flexible barrier that surrounds all cells and
controls movement of materials in and out
of the cell.
Nucleus—a part of eukaryotic cells which
is a compartment (separated area) that is
enclosed in a membrane & contains
genetic material called DNA
Micrometer—1 millionth of a meter; the
unit of measure for cell size. Symbolized
by µm.