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Ch. 9: Learning /
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Cognitive Conditioning
Classical Conditioning
-learn by association-
Stimulus – produces a response
Response – reaction to stimulus
Ivan Pavlov – founder
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
-causes automatic response
unstoppable; ex:
meat = saliva)
Unconditioned Response (UR)
-automatic reaction
(ex: drooling from meat)
Conditioned Response (CR)
-learned reaction to a neutral stimulus
(ex: drooling at bell)
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
-causes CR
(ex: the bell)
Real Life Applications
of Classical Conditioning
Helps us adapt to environment and
offer protection from danger.
Taste aversions
 Generalization – respond to similar
but not identical stimuli the same
(ex: rape)
 Discrimination – sort & respond
differently to stimuli
Extinction – eliminate response
-CS not followed by US
(ex: Don’t Cry Wolf; fire alarm)
Spontaneous Recovery-immediately
recover reaction after extinction in
presence of US
Flooding – immediate exposure to US
(ex: fear factor)
Systematic Desensitization –
gradually erase response to US
(ex: swimming lessons)
Counter Conditioning – pleasant
stimulus in face of fear
(ex: dentist)
Little Albert (p. 249)
Assignment: Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditiong
-learn through reinforcementConsequences to actions
B.F. Skinner – founder
Primary Needs
-biological (food, water, air, shelter)
Secondary Needs
-learned values (approval, status,
-increases frequency of wanted
behavior (reward)
-increases frequency of wanted
behavior when removed (fear,
- “for the greater good”
-not punishment (meant to
decrease behavior)
Real Life Applications
of Operant Conditioning
-reinforce each small step to accomplish
larger task (ex: stick shift)
Programmed Learning
-computer programs (ex: video game
Behavior Management
-Cognitive & Behavior Therapy
(change thoughts & actions)
Schedules of Reinforcement
Fixed ratio
Variable ratio
Fixed interval
Variable interval
Assignment: Read pgs. 253-255 and
give an example of each type of
reinforcement schedule.
Do not use the examples from the
Cognitive Conditioning
-learn through thought & observation-
Albert Bandura
Latent Learning
-cognitive (mental) map
Social Learning
-observation – watch & repeat
Psychological Uses for
Classical to create new assoc.
Aversive conditioning – help control
-escape conditioning
-avoidance conditioning
Modeling – teach new behaviors &
control learned helplessness
Token Economies - reward
Classical Conditioning worksheet
 Schedules of Reinforcement
 Ch. 9 Test