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1) Analyze- To examine carefully and in detail to identify causes, key factors, or
2) Astronomer- A scientist who studies the universe beyond Earth.
3) Atmosphere- The envelope of gases that surrounds Earth.
4) Axis- An imaginary line that passes through Earth’s center and the North and
South Poles about which Earth rotates.
5) Big Bang- The initial explosion that resulted in the formation and expansion of
the universe.
6) Bio- Life or living.
7) Cementation- The process by which dissolved minerals crystallize and glue
particles of sediment together into one mass. It is the fourth step to form a
sedimentary rock.
8) Centi- One hundredth of a basic unit of measurement.
9) Classify- To organize into groups based on similarities.
10) Cleavage- A mineral’s ability to split easily along flat surfaces.
11) Compaction- The process by which sediments are pressed together under their
own weight. It is the third step to form a sedimentary rock.
12) Compare- To examine two or more objects and note similarities.
13) Conclusion- The outcome of an experiment to tell if your hypothesis is correct or
14) Conservation- The practice of using less of a resource so that it will not be used
15) Continental Drift- The hypothesis that the continents slowly move across Earth’s
16) Contrast- To examine two or more objects and note unlikeness or differences.
17) Controlled Experiment- An experiment in which only one variable is manipulated
at a time.
18) Controlled Variable- The variables that are not changed in an experiment.
19) Convergent Boundary- A plate boundary where two plates move toward each
other. It is the main cause for mountains to form.
20) Core- The central region of an object.
21) Crust- The layer of rock that forms Earth’s outer surface.
22) Data- Facts, figures, and other evidence gathered through observation.
23) Density- The amount of mass of a substance in a given volume.
24) Deposition- The process in which sediment is laid down in new locations. It is the
second step to form a sedimentary rock.
25) Divergent Boundary- A plate boundary where two plates move away from each
other. It is the main cause for volcanoes to form.
26) Dormant- A volcano that is not currently active, but that may become active in the
27) Earthquake- The shaking that results from the movement of rock beneath Earth’s
28) Eclipse- The partial or total blocking of one object in space by another.
29) Energy- The ability to do work or cause change.
30) Equinox- The two days of the year on which neither hemisphere is tilted toward
or away from the sun.
31) Erosion- The destructive process in which water, wind, or gravity loosens and
carries away fragments of rock. It is the first step to form a sedimentary rock.
32) Estimate- An approximate judgment or evaluation.
33) Evaluate- To determine the significance or worth of the results of an experiment.
34) Evolution- The process by which all the different kinds of living things have
changed over time.
35) Extinct- A volcano that is no longer active and is unlikely to erupt again. Or an
organism that no longer lives on Earth.
36) Fault- A break or crack in Earth’s lithosphere along which the rocks move.
37) Fossil- A trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock.
38) Fossil Fuel- An energy-rich substance (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) formed
from the remains of organisms.
39) Fracture- The way a mineral looks when it breaks apart in an irregular way.
40) Galaxy- A huge group of single stars, star systems, star clusters, dust, and gas
bound together by gravity.
41) Geo-Earth
42) Geologic Time Scale- A record of the geologic events and life forms in Earth’s
43) Geologist- A scientist who studies the forces that make and shape planet Earth.
44) Gram- The basic metric unit to measure mass.
45) Graph- An instrument for making records.
46) Gravity- A force that moves rocks and other materials downhill; the force that
pulls objects toward each other.
47) Habitat- The place where an organism lives and where it obtains all the things it
needs to survive.
48) Hardness- The level of a mineral’s ability to be scratched.
49) Hypothesis- A possible explanation for a set of observations or answer to a
scientific question. It must be testable! (An educated guess)
50) Igneous Rock- A type of rock that forms from the cooling of molten rock at or
below the surface.
51) Inertia- The tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.
52) Infer/inference- To draw a conclusion based on reasoning.
53) Interpret- To give or provide the meaning of.
54) Kilo- One thousand of a basic unit of measurement.
55) Kinetic Energy- The energy an object has due to its motion.
56) Lava- Liquid magma that reaches the surface.
57) Light Year- The distance that light travels in one year.
58) Liter- The basic metric unit of volume.
59) Luster- The way a mineral reflects light from its surface.
60) Magma- The molten mixture of rock-forming substances, gases, and water from
the mantle.
61) Manipulated/Independent Variable- The one factor that a scientist changes during
an experiment.
62) Mantle- The layer of hot, solid material between Earth’s crust and core.
63) Mass- The amount of matter in an object.
64) Metamorphic Rock- A type of rock that forms from an existing rock that is
changed by heat, pressure, or chemical reactions.
65) Meteorologist- A scientist who studies the causes of weather and tries to predict
66) Meter- The basic metric unit to measure length.
67) Metric System- A decimal system of weights and measures based on the meter as
a unit of length, the gram as a unit of mass, and the liter as a unit of volume.
68) Milli- One thousandth of a basic unit of measurement.
69) Mineral- A naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a crystal structure and a
definite chemical composition.
70) Objective- What a scientist tries to obtain or accomplish based on their efforts.
71) Observing- The process of using one or more of your senses to gather
72) Ology- The study of.
73) Orbit- The path of an object as it revolves around another object in space.
74) Pangaea- The name of the single landmass that broke apart over 200 million years
ago and gave rise to today’s continents.
75) Potential Energy- Energy that is stored and available to be used later.
76) Predicting- To tell in advance what you think is going to happen.
77) Purpose- An intended or desired result.
78) Qualitative- Pertaining to quality or qualities.
79) Quantitative- Pertaining to the measurement of quantity.
80) Responding/Dependant Variable- The factor that changes as a result of changes to
the manipulated variable.
81) Revolution- The movement of an object around another object.
82) Rock Cycle- A series of processes on the surface and inside Earth that slowly
changes rocks from one kind to another.
83) Rotation- The spinning motion of a planet on its axis.
84) Science- A way of learning about the natural world.
85) Scientific Law- A statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every
time under a particular set of conditions.
86) Scientific Method- The ongoing process of discovery in science.
87) Scientific Theory- A well-tested concept that explains a wide range of
88) Sedimentary Rock- A type of rock that forms when particles from other rocks or
the remains of plants and animals are pressed and cemented together.
89) Solstice- The two days of the year in which the sun reaches its greatest distance
north or south of the equator.
90) Streak- The color of a mineral’s powder.
91) Summarize- To put an answer into a brief and comprehensible format.
92) Transform Boundary- A plate boundary where two plates move past each other in
opposite directions. It is the main cause of earthquakes.
93) Universe- All of space and everything in it.
94) Variable- A factor that can change in an experiment.
95) Volcano- A weak spot in the crust where magma has come to the surface.
96) Volume- The amount of space an object takes up.
97) Water Cycle- The continual movement of water among Earth’s atmosphere,
oceans, and land surface through evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.
98) Weather- The condition of Earth’s atmosphere at a particular time and place.
99) X-axis- The horizontal axis of a coordinate system.
100)Y-axis- The vertical axis of a coordinate system.