* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Classifying Rocks 3 rock types ______________ ______________ _______________ Sediment ____fragments, ______, or _____and _____remains that settle ___of ______or air Sedimentary Rocks “that which has _______” Formed from ________ Sediments=rocks exposed to ________that have been broken down into very small pieces Formation depends on _________________ Sediments __________ into ___________ Cement ___________over time Sedimentary Sediments change into Rock by __________ ________together by new ________to form ______ _______ Sedimentary rock formed from _______of ______, bark roots, and other plant material that is ______and under ________ Contains ____minerals _____________ Sedimentary rock with _____of _____, ______, _______or other products that are ____ ___than 2 mm cemented _________with minerals. _________ Sedimentary rock made of _______and skeletons of ______organisms. Over time the individual _____are ___longer _____ and _________limestone Sedimentary Rock and Wind Water movement: ______ sediment ______before smaller sediment _____Direction : Cross-beds, ___________, Mud Cracks