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Geology 12 – Redmond
WebQuest #4 – Sedimentary Rock
Instructions: Work alone or with a partner. Answer the following questions using the
web page:
Value: 15 pts. total (1 pt. per question, except #14 which is worth 2 pts.).
Due Date: see class website.
Caution: You may hand in one copy per group but be sure that each person has a set of answers as
I may draw test questions from this assignment.
1) Where do most sedimentary rocks form?
2) Under what conditions is most sediment cemented into rock?
3) Explain how microscopic organisms can become a type of sedimentary rock.
4) Which rocks are part of the evaporate sequence? How do they form?
5) What is a playa and what does it have to do with sedimentary rock?
6) How do mud cracks form? What does “desiccated” mean?
7) What conditions must be present in order for petroleum to form? Explain.
8) How does coal form? Explain.
9) What is peat and how does it form?
10) What is quartz? Describe its properties and explain how it relates to sedimentary rock.
11) Read the sandstone page. List, in point form, some of the properties of sandstone. How does
it form?
12) Read the shale page. What is shale made from and how does it form?
13) Read the surface minerals page. List the three surface minerals that resist weathering the
14) Look at the images in the Sedimentary Rock Gallery. List your three favorite sedimentary rocks
and explain why they are your favorite.