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How to take notes
• Subject (Sometimes title of slide)
– Main point
– 2nd main point
– 3rd … etc
• 2nd Subject (Perhaps title of next slide…)
– Main point
– Etc…
Rome’s Beginnings
• -Italy was originally
occupied by many
different groups of
• -Two main groups were
Greek colonists and the
• -The Etruscans ruled
much of central Italy and
Rome itself
Rome becomes a Republic
• Rome was originally under the influence of
the Etruscans until they overthrew the last
Etruscan king. (509BC)
• Romans did not like the idea of one man
ruling the rest, so they formed a republic.
• Republic is a form of government in which
power rests w/ citizens who have right to vote
for leaders. (Different from a democracy…)
Structure of the Republic
-Senate= governing body
-Consuls= two patricians
-At first only the Patrician
could hold office in the
-Patricians= landholding
upper class
-Plebeians= farmers,
merchants, artisans,
Roman Expansion
• Rome dev. a large army by requiring all land
owning citizens to serve in the army.
• They used this force to conquer both the
Etruscans (North) and the Greek colonists
The Punic Wars
-Rome fought Carthage in
three wars from 264 B.C. to
146 B.C. for control of the area.
-2nd War, Hannibal (Carthage)
led troops through France and
the Alps to attack the main
Italian Peninsula. He was
successful for a time.
-Scipio (Rome) forced Hannibal
to leave by attacking Carthage
• -By the Third Punic War,
Carthage was no longer a
threat, but many feared
their return to power.
• -Cato, an aged and
influential senator ended
all of his speeches with
“Carthage must be
• -Needless to say…
Carthage was destroyed
and its citizens made
-Conquests brought much wealth to Rome
-Wealthy families bought huge estates called
-Romans forced the people they conquered to work
as slaves on the latifundia
-Slave labor hurt the small independent farmers
-Farmers fell into debt, sold their land, and moved
to the city looking for work
-Gap between rich and poor widens=riots and chaos
The Gracchus Brothers
-Tiberius and Gaius
Gracchus were patricians
who were elected tribunes
•The brothers worked to
get the state to distribute
the land to the poor
•They also worked to get
the state to buy grain to
feed the poor
•Senate felt they were a
threat to its power, and
hired thugs to kill the
brothers and their followers
Republic to Empire
-Civil wars broke out to decide who should hold
power. The senate wanted to keep the status quo;
political leaders wanted to weaken the senate and
enact reforms
-Slave uprisings throughout the republic
-Armies became loyal to their commanders
because they gave them benefits such as
conquered land
Republic becomes an Empire
• 1st Triumvirate : Julius Caesar, Crassus, and
Pompey (59BC)
• Pompey fears the strength of Caesar’s army
and has the Senate order the army to disband.
• Caesar refuses to disband his army and they
march towards Rome. (49BC)
• Pompey flees and Caesar defeats his forces in
Greece, Asia, and Spain.
• 46BC Caesar returns to Rome and the people
crown him as Dictator for life.
• … the Republic is no more…
Caesar’s Reforms
• Granted citizenship to
more people in the
outer provinces.
• Created jobs for the
poor through public
building projects.
• The people loved their
• Fearful of the Caesar’s popularity, many
nobles and senators plotted his assassination.
2nd Triumvirate
• After Caesar’s death, civil war broke out and
Rome was in chaos.
• To preserve the empire, Octavian, Mark
Antony, and Lepidus joined together to restore
• They succeeded in restoring peace for ten
years (48-38BC) but then ended in jealousy
and violence.
• Octavian defeated Antony’s forces and forced
Lepidus to retire.
Pax Romana
• Means “Peace of Rome”
• From 27BC to 180AD… 207 years
• Well built roads and port cities made travel
safe and easy.
• Civil Servants were paid to manage affairs of
Daily Life in Rome
• Majority of citizens were
• Men were head of
household and could
banish or sell family
members into slavery.
• Women could own
property and testify in
court, but could not
vote. Roman women
were nearly social
equals to men.
• Rich lived lavishly while
poor lived off of gov’t
rations and
• Numerous slaves were prisoners of war.
• Their owner had the right to do whatever he
wanted with them.
• Some slaves were forced to become Gladiators
• Roman gods and
goddesses were replicas
of the Greek gods,
except that the names
had been changed
• Religion and State were
• Public and private rituals
paid homage to these
• Create a Comic Book/ Storyboard with one of
the following ideas: Punic Wars, 1st or 2nd
Triumvirate, or Roman Daily Life.
• Needs to have at least 8 frames
• Each frame must have either a caption or
dialogue in it.
• Make it Pretty 
Comic Strip
End of Day 1
Fall of Rome
and Roots of
Western Civilizations
Fun Video
Crisis is the Theme
• Rome prospered under “Pax Romana” due to
trade, spoils of war, and farms being able to
feed the general population.
• By 400AD, all of these sources disappeared.
The Decline Begins
Commodus from the
movie Gladiator
• 180 CE Marcus
Aurelius died
• His son, Commodus,
took control of Rome
• Commodus was a
poor leader, killed by
his bodyguard
• Time of disarray
Political Problems
• Poor leaders
weakened the
• Frequent fights for
• Many officials took
• Talented people chose
not to serve due to
dangers of
government life
Social Problems
• Taxes were too great, many
rich people stopped paying
• People stopped attending
• Large number of people
• Plague (disease) spread
throughout Rome, killing 1 in
• Famine: There was not
enough food to feed people
Economic Problems
• Farmers lost land, unable to
grow and sell crops, out of
work (and famine)
• People bought fewer goods,
shops closed
• Inflation occurred: Rapidly
rising prices. Money lost value
because fewer taxes paid.
• Coins lost value: Less gold put
in, people found out (caused
• Bartering grew: sell goods
without using money
• No taxes, no money
Military Problems
• Military only in it for
money (mercenaries)
• No money to pay military
= weak military
• Constant threat of
invaders on empire’s
• Weak military, unable to
stop border invasions
Diocletian Reform
• Became Emperor in 284
• Governed as absolute
ruler, limited personal
• Doubled size of Army
(hired German
• Set fixed prices for
goods to limit inflation
• Split the empire in half
to make it easier to
Constantine Reform
• Constantine (312 CE) united the empire
again under one ruler
• Moved the capital from Rome to Greek
city of Byzantium. (Byzantium’s name
was changed to Constantinople in
honor of the emperor)
• Center of power was shifted with the
capital. East prospered while the west
The End Cometh…
• Constantine died in 337 CE,
replaced by Theodosius.
• Theodosius could not rule the
empire (Not as strong of an
emperor), divided in two again.
• Raids from Germanic tribes begin
to tear apart the empire in the
Rome Finally Falls…
• Main reason for German
invasions was to flee from
the Huns.
• 452AD Attila and the Huns
swept through Western
Rome and approached
Rome itself.
• Weakened by famine and
disease, the Huns agreed to
leave Rome
• Romulus
Augustulus (14 yr.
old boy) was the
last Roman
Emperor and was
defeated by
Odoacer in 476AD
-Even though the western empire fell in 476AD, the Eastern
empire would continue with the capital in Constantinople
until 1453.
-The Eastern Empire would from this point on be referred to
as the Byzantium Empire.
Roman Contributions
Spread of Christianity
• Under Pax Romana, roman roads and internal
stability allowed Christian Missionaries to
travel across the empire safely and efficiently.
• At first, Christians were persecuted by Roman
authorities until 313AD when Constantine
converted to Christianity.
• 380AD Theodosius makes Christianity the
official religion of the empire.
• Roman Art was practical, realistic,
and intended for education.
Architecture, Engineering, Technology
• Used ideas of Arches, domes, and concrete in
public buildings.
System of Law
• All Persons had right to equal treatment under the law.
• A person was considered innocent until proven guilty.
• Burden of Proof rested with accuser rather than
• Person should be punished only for actions, not
• Any law that seemed unreasonable or grossly unfair
could be set aside.
• Principles of Roman Law helped form the basis for legal
systems in many European countries
Learning and Literature
• Poet Virgil wrote Aeneid: Epic
of legendary Aeneas (Written
in praise of Rome and Roman
virtues and in similar style to
Greek Epics of Homer).
• Poet Ovid wrote light, witty
poetry about love
• Many historians who wrote
sophisticated prose.
• In your spirals,
• -Think about the legacy left by Roman society.
Write an example of something today that
comes to us from their legacy and how it affects
you. (Minimum 3 sentences)
• -Then write about the fall of Rome. Why do
you think Rome fell? Give at least two reasons
why you think they fell. (Minimum 3 sentences)
Unit Exam
• May use any notes you have personally taken,
but you may not share notes.
• No talking
• When finished, turn in to the tray and sit
quietly in your seat until everyone is done or
work silently on your comic book.