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Placenta 30, Supplement A, Trophoblast Research, Vol. 23 (2009) S26–S31
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
journal homepage:
Comparison of Immune Cell Recruitment and Function in Endometrium During
Development of Epitheliochorial (Pig) and Hemochorial (Mouse and Human)
B.A. Croy a, *, J. Wessels b, N. Linton b, C. Tayade b
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Queen’s University, Room 924 Botterell Hall, Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada
Department of Biomedical Sciences, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada N1G 2W1
a r t i c l e i n f o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Accepted 30 September 2008
The role of maternal immune cells in early implantation sites has received special attention from
reproductive biologists because immune cells participate in tissue transplant rejection. During normal
pregnancy, endometrial immune cells differ from those in blood by subset distribution and appear to be
activated but non-destructive of conceptuses. The immune system evolved well before placental
mammals. By comparing the regulation and functions of endometrial immune cells between species in
two phylogenetic clades that model differently evolved placental types (pig (Sus scrofa) versus mouse
(Mus musculus) and human (Homo sapiens)), we seek to understand how ‘‘non-self’’ trophoblast cells
thrive in most pregnancies. Our studies suggest recruitment of specific immune cells to conceptusassociated endometrium and immune cell-promoted endometrial angiogenesis are of key importance for
mammalian conceptus well-being.
Ó 2009 Published by IFPA and Elsevier Ltd.
Chemokine decoy
Dendritic cell
Uterine Natural Killer cell
The immune system evolved millions of years before placental
mammals appeared (Fig. 1A) [1,2]. Components of innate immunity,
including cells that resembled Natural Killer (NK) lymphocytes,
molecules related to NK cell receptors and the major histocompatibility complex are estimated to have evolved >600 million years ago
(Mya), prior to the first whole genome duplication. About 60 Mya
afterwards, the recombinase activating genes (RAG) appeared that
control somatic cell recombination in T and B lymphocytes, and thus
adaptive immunity. Prior to this, antigen specific receptors, clonal
selection and immunological memory would not have existed [3].
Evolution of placental mammals followed that of oviparous
mammals and began w100 Mya. It is estimated that mouse (Mus
musculus) placentation appeared w32 Mya, that of humans (Homo
sapiens) w35 Mya and that of pigs (Sus scrofa) w55 Mya [4]. These
relative relationships are shown in Fig. 1. Mammalian evolution
would then result as reproductive strategies not discarded as
incompatible with immune mechanisms and different immunological strategies may have evolved between species.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 613 533 2859; fax: þ1 613 533 2566.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B.A. Croy).
0143-4004/$ – see front matter Ó 2009 Published by IFPA and Elsevier Ltd.
Many investigators have addressed the functions of the
maternal immune system during pregnancy in humans and mice
and found considerable similarities. Both species belong to the
molecular phylogenetic clade Euarchontoglires and are classified as
having hemochorial placentation (Fig. 1B). That is, uterine epithelial
cells are lost during conceptus implantation and an endometrial
decidual response is induced. Many fewer immunological investigations have been reported on other species. We study the pig as an
earlier placental mammal from a distinct molecular phylogenetic
clade, the Laurasiatheria [4]. Pigs use epitheliochorial placentation.
This means that epithelial cells are retained at the uterine lumen
surface, there is no induction of endometrial stromal cell decidualization and that trophoblast does not invade maternal tissue but
rather expands to cover a large maternal surface [5]. Here, our
major immunological findings to date from studies of a commercial
meat pig, the Yorkshire, are reviewed and contrasted with current
understanding of murine and human implantation site immunology. Our major approaches have been real-time polymerase
chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for
comparisons of gene expression between endometrium and
trophoblast from the same conceptus attachment site. In many
cases, laser capture microdissection (LCM) was used to isolate
immune cells or endometrial endothelial cells from histological
sections prepared from conceptus attachment sites. Relative gene
B.A. Croy et al. / Placenta 30, Supplement A, Trophoblast Research, Vol. 23 (2009) S26–S31
2.2. Endometrial immune cells in early pig pregnancy
Fig. 1. Illustration of the estimated evolutionary time scale in millions of years (Myr)
for development of the immune system and placental mammals (left) and for the
phylogenetic clades of mammals (right). Self–non-self discrimination was the first
immune trait to evolve. It used innate immune processes such as evolution of transplantation antigens (MHC) and receptor (R)-bearing Natural Killer (NK) cells.
Appearance of the duplicated Recombinase activating genes (RAG1, RAG2) permitted
somatic recombination and evolution of adaptive immunity. RAG1 and RAG2 are used
by T and B lymphocytes to produce their wide ranges of exquisitely specific antigen
surface receptors.
expression in these pure populations of cells was compared with
that in the endometrial and trophoblast biopsies.
2.1. Gene expression is not uniform throughout the porcine
conceptus attachment site
Pregnancy is 114 days in commercial pigs. Blastocysts begin to
attach at gestation day (gd)12 on the mesometrial side of the uterus
but several days elapse before firm attachment is achieved [6]. At
this time, porcine blastocysts produce oestradiol (E2), interferon
(IFN)-gamma and -delta [7]. These are not major known products of
mouse or human blastocysts [8,9]. At gd19, we examined the levels
of transcription of endometrial IFNG, tumour necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGFA), products of
murine and human uterine Natural Killer (uNK) cells. In comparison to mesometrial samples from virgin gilts (female pigs at
puberty), gd19 mesometrial tissue had significantly elevated transcription of these three genes [10]. In anti-mesometrial endometrium, only transcription of TNF was increased. A greater increase in
TNF occurred mesometrially. Thus, positionally-defined microdomains of immune gene expression occur in porcine endometrium during conceptus attachment.
The mouse blastocyst attaches on the opposite side of the uterus
(anti-mesometrial), inducing there, decidualization and changes in
gene transcription. Lateral regions of the uterus then decidualize
and finally the mesometrial region [11] where, in mice and pigs, the
suspensory mesentery serves as a conduit for the uterine vessels
that will supply placentae. No decidualization occurs between
mouse implantation sites.
We examined gene expression in mesometrial pig endometrium
between gd19 conceptus attachment sites. Neither IFNG nor VEGFA
transcription was elevated above that in non-pregnant tissue but
TNF transcripts were equivalent in abundance between and at
attachment sites [10]. This suggests gestational TNF transcription in
porcine endometrium may be induced endocrinologically rather
than by conceptus attachment.
Oestrous cycles and pregnancy modify immune cell subsets in
the porcine endometrium and uterine epithelium [12,13]. Again,
this is similar to mice, humans and many other mammals. We
observed that pregnancy induced mild skewing in these subsets
with enrichment of uNK cells and their transient expression of
cytotoxicity from gd12 that was abruptly terminated at gd28
[14,15]. Porcine uNK cells show association with uterine glands as
seen in humans [16] but not mice, and with blood vessels, as seen in
both humans and mice [16,17]. Porcine uNK cells are found below
the luminal epithelium, absent in humans and mice as well as in the
endometrial stroma, equivalent to the uNK cell-rich decidua basalis
of humans and mice. Uterine NK cells become abundant rapidly
during decidualization in mice (post-implantation) and humans
(late secretory phase of each menstrual cycle and early pregnancy)
but cytotoxic activity is not easily demonstrated ex vivo [16,17].
Recent work using multiparous sows of a different meat breed and
earlier study time points suggests uNK cells are lost from pig
attachment regions and move into deeper endometrial regions
[13]. This would position the porcine uNK cell population closer to
the uNK cell positions found in mice.
We reported that presence of a blastocyst was essential to shift
lymphocyte subsets in pigs [18]. This is not true in mice or humans.
In mice, artificial deciduomata induce differentiation of numerous
uNK cells, likely via initiation of synthesis of interleukin-15 (IL15),
an essential viability factor for the progenitors of NK cells [19–21].
In women, ectopic pregnancy sites are devoid of decidua and uNK
cells but both are found within the uterus as long as the ectopic
gestation continues [22]. Thus, progesterone (P4) has more obvious
effects on endometrial immune cells in mice and humans than in
pigs. This effect appears to be indirect as lymphocytes in murine
implantation sites do not express progesterone receptor (PGR) [23].
Studies in humans have suggested that immature dendritic cells
(DC) recognized by anti- CD209/DC-SIGN have a contact relationship with uNK cells in early decidua [24,25]. We found that antihuman CD209 marked a relatively rare cell of stellate morphology
in virgin and in gd20 and gd50 pig endometrium. These DC-like
cells frequently localized with blood vessels but appeared to have
random positional relationships with lymphocytes [26].
2.3. Chemokines and chemokine decoy receptors at the
maternal–fetal interface
Chemokines are small cytokine molecules important in the
positioning of immune cells, endothelial progenitors cells and other
cell types within developing tissues. There are >40 known chemokines that are subclassified structurally. An alternative classification is whether a chemokine contributes to recruitment of cells
that promote inflammation or to cells that promote homeostasis.
The former are more common. Most chemokines bind to more than
one signalling receptor but also to non-signalling, decoy receptors
[27]. Three of these are known and reported to be expressed by
mouse and human trophoblast. Decoy receptors D6 and DARC bind
and target the degradation of inflammatory chemokines [28] while
Chemocentryx decoy receptor (CCX CKR) targets degradation of
homeostatic chemokines (Fig. 2) [29,30]. Only two chemokines are
known that are not ligands of the characterized decoy receptors.
These are CCL1 and CXCL12. Decoy function is required in vivo to
resolve inflammation [31,32].
We addressed the expression of chemokine decoy receptors
in porcine attachment site endometrial biopsies and in sitematched trophoblast [33]. We successfully amplified porcine D6
and CCX CKR (GenBank accession numbers: DQ437505.1 and
EU168334.1) but were unsuccessful using multiple primer pairs,
in amplifying DARC, a gene not yet sequenced in pigs. Both D6
B.A. Croy et al. / Placenta 30, Supplement A, Trophoblast Research, Vol. 23 (2009) S26–S31
Fig. 2. A list chemokines that bind to the decoy receptor molecules D6, DARC and CCX CKR. Some inflammatory chemokines bind to both D6 and DARC.
and CCX CKR were expressed by porcine trophoblast. Both genes
were also expressed at more abundant levels by co-localized
endometrium during early pregnancy [33]. We also established
that at least one ligand for all three known chemokine decoy
receptors is found in porcine endometrium and trophoblast [33].
D6 and CCX CKR were demonstrated at gd20 and 50 by IHC
using cross-reacting, anti-human reagents. Fig. 3 shows
a photomicrograph of gd50 porcine trophoblast dual labelled for
D6 and its ligand CCL4 (previously called MIP-1-beta, Act2 or
Scya4). Expression of both D6 and CCL4 by trophoblasts and by
endometrium suggests that intraepithelial as well as stromal
positioning of cells chemoresponsive to CCL4 (i.e., those
expressing CCR5), is co-regulated by D6.
Pregnancies have been studied in mice genetically ablated for
D6 [34]. Although implantation site morphology is slightly altered
in this strain, large litters are carried to term. If pregnant D6 null
mice are challenged by immunological protocols that provoke
abortion (lipopolysaccharide or human anti-phospholipid antibodies), they are exquisitely sensitive to pregnancy failure. Thus, D6
is considered a non-redundant, conceptus-sparing molecule in
pregnant mice [27,34]. Commercial meat pigs show two waves of
spontaneous fetal loss. Rescue experiments indicate these are
genetically normal conceptuses with full term potential (unpublished data). We did not find transcriptional changes in maternal or
fetal D6 during porcine peri-attachment or mid pregnancy losses. In
contrast, mid pregnancy loss was associated with both maternal
Fig. 3. Photomicrographs of D6 decoy receptor expression (A), expression of CCL4, a D6 ligand (B) and an overlay to display receptor/ligand co-expression (C) in healthy gd50
paraffin-embedded porcine trophoblast. Sections were stained with rat anti-human D6 (R&D Systems) and anti-mouse and rat CCL4 (eBioscience Inc.) antibodies. D6: green; CCL4:
red. Scale bar is 400 mm. Inset (D) is negative control. Background reactivity is non-specific binding to RBCs. Scale bar is 200 mm.
B.A. Croy et al. / Placenta 30, Supplement A, Trophoblast Research, Vol. 23 (2009) S26–S31
and fetal elevation in CCX CKR [33]. This suggests that removal of
both maternal and fetal signals for homeostasis is a pathway
contributing to fetal death in pigs. CCX CKR has not been studied in
the endometrium of other species, leaving undefined the relevance
of this strategy to pregnancy failure in other mammals.
lymphocytes always made significant contribution to HIF1A abundance in endometrium. However, at sites of conceptus arrest,
lymphocytes did not transcribe HIF1A, suggesting perhaps their
early participation in blocking the maternal neoangiogenesis
required to support a conceptus.
3.2. Endometrial lymphocytes and DCs are angiogenic
3.1. Endometrial lymphocytes are sensors of their
Pattern recognition is a more primitive method of immune cell
recognition than is use of antigen specific receptors. One of the
major families of pathogen-associated recognition pattern molecules (PAMPs) is the Toll-like receptor (TLR) family, originally
described in invertebrates [35]. TLRs signal in a manner analogous
to IL1B and several TLRs play key roles in innate immune responses.
Immature DC and monocytes/macrophages have the most abundant expression of TLRs. TLRs and other pattern recognition
receptors have been described at the human and mouse maternal–
fetal interface where they are postulated to prevent microbial
infections of implantation sites [36]. First trimester human villous
and extravillous trophoblasts express TLR2 and TLR4. TLR1 and
TLR6 can form heterodimers with TLR2 and be co-localized with it
[37]. Human endometrial cells also express TLRs, particularly
lumen epithelial cells and uNK cells. The latter do not appear to
respond directly to TLR ligands but become activated to produce
IFNG by TLR-responding accessory cells [38].
TLR expression is less well studied at the mouse maternal–fetal
interface. Sobill and her colleagues examined TLR transcription and
function in cultured mouse uterine epithelial cells and found
consistent expression of TLR1–6 and sporadic expression of TLR7–9
[39]. In random-bred mice, uterine expression of TLR2, 3, 4 and 9
was reported by Gonzalez et al., between midgestation and term in
comparison to non-cycle-timed, virgin uterus. Transcripts for these
four TLRs increased gradually as pregnancy progressed. Placenta
also expressed these molecules dynamically with TLR4 decreasing
significantly in late gestation. Western blotting and IHC verified
transcription of the receptors [40]. Using LPS challenge of late
gestation, inbred mice, Salminen et al, found induction of uterine
and placental TLR2 transcription but no change in that of TLR4 [41]
while Zhang and colleagues report outcomes in DBA-mated CBA
females indicative of functional endometrial TLR3 [42].
Based upon these reports, we cloned TLRs1–10 for Sus scrofa [43]
and asked whether the TLRs expressed by human trophoblast
(TLR1, 2, 4, 6) are expressed at the porcine maternal–fetal interface.
TLR2 expression was not found but porcine trophoblast and endometrium expressed TLR1, 4 and 6. Levels of TLR1 and TLR6 were
similar in both trophoblasts and endometrium at both gd20 and 50.
In contrast, peri-attachment TLR4 was greater in endometrium than
in trophoblast while at midgestation, TLR4 transcripts had become
more abundant in trophoblast than in endometrium. CD209/DCSIGNþ cells were among the porcine endometrial cell types
expressing TLR4 and TLR6 but they did not express TLR1 [44].
Activation of TLR4 and other TLRs in mouse macrophages induces
the expression of VEGF [45].
Another molecular sensor that appears to have a key role in
human and mouse implantation sites is hypoxia inducible factor
(HIF1) [46–48]. We examined porcine HIF1A expression in virgin
endometrium and peri-implantation stage maternal and fetal
tissues. Levels of transcription rose gradually within attachment
sites (gd15, 19, 21, 23) from basal levels found in virgin endometrium and there were always relatively more endometrial than
trophoblastic transcripts [10]. Transcripts from endometrial
lymphocytes dissected at healthy attachment sites suggested that
The process of enlargement of maternal vascular supply to
placentas is different between pigs and mice. In pigs, expansion of
the sub-epithelial capillary network is the major event while in
mice, as in humans, structural and functional changes to spiral
arteries are key [17,49]. VEGFA is the key molecule maintaining
endothelial cell viability and driving their proliferation to initiate
angiogenesis. To study porcine attachment sites, primers for VEGFA,
Placenta growth factor (PGF) and VEGFRI and RII were used on
samples from virgin, gd20 and gd50 gilts. Lymphocytes had a much
greater abundance of VEGFA transcripts at all three time points than
endometrial endothelial cells and than trophoblast from matched
pregnancy sites [50]. PGF transcription was at similar abundance in
lymphocytes and in endothelial cells in virgin endometrium but,
during pregnancy, endothelium had more transcripts than
lymphocytes and both had more transcripts than trophoblast.
Lymphocytes preferentially expressed transcripts for VEGFRI rather
than VEGFRII, the reverse of trophoblast. IHC confirmed expression
of these four molecules [49,50]. Conceptus arrest was associated
with a combined transcriptional loss of VEGFA and gain of PGF in
lymphocytes and relatively constant receptor transcription. PGF has
a decoy function for VEGFA that may enhance the reduction of
endothelial cell viability achieved through loss of VEGFA
transcription [51].
In human and mouse implantation sites, lymphocytes are
reported to produce VEGFA, PGF and other angiogenic molecules
[52–54]. Disruption of this pathway has been associated with
human gestational complications, particularly pre-eclampsia ([55].
In mice, genetic loss of VEGFA is an embryonic lethal while loss of
PGF has more minor, non-lethal effects [56].
3.3. Endometrial lymphocytes transcribe FasL, Fas
and pro-inflammatory type 1 cytokines
Maturation and activation of lymphocytes leads to transcription
of death pathway effector molecules and inflammatory cytokines.
To address whether lymphocytes in virgin porcine endometrium
and at conceptus attachment sites between gd15 and 50 were fully
differentiated, activated cells, analyses of transcripts for FASLG, FAS,
IFNG and TNF were undertaken. Basal transcription of both FASLG
and FAS in lymphocytes from virgin uteri was not altered at gd15
but levels had begun to rise by gd19 and were significantly higher
by gd 21 [50]. From gd6, mouse uNK cells express FASLG in their
cytoplasmic granules and surface FAS [57]. Both molecules are also
reported as functional in human uNK cells [58–60].
Pregnancy induced a gain in porcine lymphocyte transcription
of IFNG but not of TNF unless the conceptus was experiencing
midgestation arrest [50]. Interestingly, trophoblast showed much
greater transcription of TNF than endometrium or endometrial
endothelium or lymphocytes in healthy attachment sites. From day
6, mouse uNK cells release IFNG [61] and, by gd8, TNF [62]. The
latter cytokine is granule localized [62]. Human uNK cells transcribe both molecules early during normal pregnancy [58].
The biology of uterine and placenta attachment site specific
lymphocytes in pigs appears to be very similar to that in mice and
humans. To date, only minor differences in usage of TLRs have been
B.A. Croy et al. / Placenta 30, Supplement A, Trophoblast Research, Vol. 23 (2009) S26–S31
identified as distinct. Co-ordinated maternal and fetal elevation of
CCX CKR, the decoy receptor responsible for degradation of
homeostatic chemokines, during midgestation conceptus arrest,
has been uniquely described but remains to be investigated in other
species. Given the more ancient phylogenetic development of
porcine placentation versus human and mouse, a more primitive
porcine usage of immune cells might have been expected. The clade
separation of these species also appears to be without effect,
although blastocyst attachment site positions and placental structure differ greatly. Endometrial immune cells for the species we
compared as samples from two of the four molecularly-defined
clades of placental evolution appear to be environmental sensing
cells able to participate in the process of ‘‘non-hard-wired’’ angiogenesis at individual placenta attachment sites. This convergence is
consistent with the concept that placental evolution was accompanied by modification of the functional programs of an established
primitive immune system in ways that increase the success of
placental reproduction.
The authors do not have any potential or actual personal,
political, or financial interest in the material, information, or
techniques described in this paper.
These studies have been supported by NSERC, OMAFRA, Ontario
Pork, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Bioniche Life Science, Inc.
and the Canada Research Chairs’ Program. We thank Mr Kota Hatta
for assistance in preparation of the illustrations.
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