Download The immune system is our body`s defense system. It has many parts

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The immune system is our body’s defense system.
It has many parts to it that help protect us from foreign invaders that cause
disease like bacteria or viruses that may enter our body.
The skin, tiny hairs inside the nose and the mucous membranes (in nose and
mouth) all are the first barriers against germs
If those things fail and germs get inside, several things happen.
The Immune System’s parts are:
 adenoids – two glands in the back of your nose
 tonsils – 2 ovals that are found in the back of your throat
 lymph – liquid that surrounds body cells
 lymph nodes – bean like organs that filter and destroy pathogens (germs)
 thymus – gland that causes white blood cells to become T cells
 white blood cells – main part of the immune system
o They surround, ingest, and destroy invading bacteria
 T cell – a white blood cell that destroys germs
 spleen – organ the size of a fist that filters foreign matter
 bone marrow – soft fatty tissue found in bone cavities that produce new
blood cells (red and white cells)
Your body’s health depends on this system to destroy these invaders
It does 4 things in order
1. Responds after the invader is present
2. It decides what type of invader it is
3. It remembers if the invader came to our body before
4. It attacks the substances that is not part of our body
Diseases of the immune system:
 AIDS – disease that attacks the good cells in your blood
 Infections – any time a germ gets inside your body they multiply and
cause this
 Allergies – when the immune system overreacts to ordinary things and
your body tries to ‘fight’ them. It usually causes a reaction
to certain plants, animals, foods, bites, or a variety of other
Once your body has fought off a germ, it is ready with the right antibodies (these
are proteins that attack disease germs) in case that type of germ attacks again.
Then you have become ‘immune’ to the disease.
Virus – causes colds, flu, cough, sore throats
Bacteria – causes ear and sinus infections, strep throat, urinary tract infections …
antibiotics can treat these germs
What should you do to keep your body strong to help your immune system?
 Balance your diet – lots of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables
 Water – this keeps your mouth, eyes, or skin from becoming infected
 Washing your hands – need we say why?
 Dress for the day’s weather – sunscreen, coats, etc ….
 Chill out – learn ways to cope with stress
 Antibiotics – when your immune system needs help …
o Make sure to take all the pills your doctor prescribes
 Vaccinations – make sure your vaccinations are up to date
 Exercise – daily exercise keeps the blood circulating
o this way the nutrients can get to each part of the body
 Sleep – kids need at least 8 hours of sleep each night
o It gives the immune system a chance to rest too.
Why do we get fevers, hives or rashes?
It’s the immune system working.