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How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
Origins ­ How Life Began
Chapter 18 You have to know: How do we know? >Big Bang 13.7BYA
>Math of expansion of the Universe
>Radio telescopes detecting radio waves from that time
>From basic elements H, other elements formed
Sun was Born: 5 BYA
Earth was born: 4.6 BYA
Atmosphere of ancient earth: CO2, NO2, H2 O, H2 S, CH4 No Oxygen in the atmosphere (Is this important?) Why were the seas an olive green?
STEPS to the formation of a life ­ evidences for each Inorganic compounds > Organic compounds > Single cell containing the most organic compounds > cell needs to survive and reproduce > More cells > multicellular organisms 1
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
Abiotic Synthesis of Organic Compounds
Most imp Organic Compounds needed _____ and ________
From inorganic compounds by synthesis and rearrangement of the elements ___ ____ ____ _____ using energy from ____ _____ ____
But how?? Hypothesis One ­ organic compounds formed on earth from earthly compounds Evidence: Stanley­Miller experiment
Hypothesis Two: Hydrothermal vents ­ oxygen poor and can make organic compounds with the heat and inorganic materials
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
Hypothesis three ­ organic compounds came from outer space
Evidence ­ • Airplane experiment
• Meteorites from space have amino acids (Australia)
• Capsule Experiment
Hypothesis four ­ Clay Hypothesis by Carl Woose­ organic compounds formed from clay like particles
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
Inorganic compounds > Organic compounds > Single cell containing the most organic compounds > cell needs to survive and reproduce > More cells > multicellular organisms How did the first cell form?
By chance! The ancient seas were filled with organic compounds. Some accidentally enclosed with a lipid membrane like structure and was capable of surviving, using energy from outside and able to reproduce ­ YooHoo!
Evidence: Lab experiments 4
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
When did this happen? ~3.5 BYA
What was the first cell like? A heterotroph Heterotroph Hypothesis ­ Oparin and Haldane Cell was a heterotroph which obtained energy from the environment full of organic compounds and other heterotrophs
Evidence: • Oldest fossil 3.5 BYO was a heterotroph
• Chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis is a more complex organic compound and may not have evolved so soon.
• Photosynthesis results in a) the buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere and b) formation of the ozone layer (allowed life to evolve on land)
• No evidence of oxygen in rocks till about 3.2 BYA
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
First cell was an anaerobic heterotroph and a prokaryote (simplest cell still exists today)
What does a prokaryote look like?
Then ­ simple autotrophs evolved with the formation of chlorophyll
Evidence: Fossils. stromatolites, rust on rocks
After that ­ some bacteria evolved a method to use oxygen from atmosphere to get more energy from carbs. Anaerobic respiration produces _____ ATP per glucose
Aerobic produces _________ ATP per glucose
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
What are the different type of prokaryotes in the world?
How and when did the prokaryote evolve to form an eukaryotic cell Endosymbiotic theory ­ Lynn Margulis
1. DNA present in all chloroplasts and mitochondria
2. All organelles have double membranes
3. DNA in chloroplasts and mitochondria are circular (just like bacterial DNA today)
The Seven Daughters of Eve (2001, ISBN 0­393­02018­5) by Bryan Sykes presents the theory of Human mitochondrial genetics for a general audience. Sykes explains the principles of genetics and human evolution, mitochondrial genetics, and his analyses of ancient DNA to genetically link modern humans to their prehistoric ancestors 7
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016
How Life Began 2014.notebook
November 29, 2016