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Ms Lizanne
Life Cycle
• A plant's life cycle describes how long
a plant lives or how long it takes to
grow, flower, and set seed. Plants can
be either an annual, perennial, or
• Annual
• A plant that completes its life cycle in
one growing season. It will grow,
flower, set seed, and die.
• Examples: Marigolds, tomatoes, and
• Perennial
• A plant that lives for 3 or more years. It
can grow, flower, and set seed for
many years.
• Examples: Daisies, chrysanthemums,
and roses.
Ms Lizanne
Life cycle ……continued
• Biennial
• A plant that needs two growing
seasons to complete its life cycle.
• It grows vegetatively (produces
leaves) one season.
• Then it goes dormant or rests
over the winter.
• In the spring, it will begin to grow
again and grow flowers, set seed,
and die.
• The seed that is left behind on the
ground germinates and the cycle
begins again.
• Examples: Parsley, carrots, and
Ms Lizanne
Plant Parts
• Basic parts of
plants are roots,
stems, leaves,
flowers, fruits, and
Ms Lizanne
• The roots help provide support by
anchoring the plant and absorbing
water and nutrients needed for
• Nutrients are substances that the
plant needs to be healthy.
• Plants can have either a Taproot
system (such as carrots, turnips)
or a fibrous root system (such as
turf grass).
• In both cases, the roots are what
carries the water and nutrients
needed for plants to grow.
Ms Lizanne
• The stem is made up of lots of
tiny tubes through which water
can move.
• Stems carry water and nutrients
taken up by the roots to the
• Then the food produced by the
leaves moves to other parts of
the plant.
• Stems also provide support for
the plant allowing the leaves to
reach the sunlight that they need
to produce food.
Ms Lizanne
The leaves are joined
to the stem at the
node and the space
between the nodes is
the internode.
• Leaves are the food making
factories of green plants.
• Leaves come in many
different shapes and sizes.
• Leaves can be simple. An
oak leaf or a maple leaf are
examples. A compound leaf
is a leaf made up of separate
• They are important to plants
as they are where the plant’s
food is made.
Ms Lizanne
• Leaves help the plant use energy
from the sun to make food from
water and the air around it.
• This process is called
• In this process, carbon dioxide
water and light energy are
changed into glucose (a sugar).
• This energy rich sugar is the
source of food used by most
• Photosynthesis is unique to green
• Photosynthesis supplies food for
the plant and oxygen for other
forms of life.
• A green plant helped make the
Ms Lizanne
oxygen you are breathing today.
Flowers & Seeds
• Flowers not only look pretty but,
in fact, are important in making
• Flowers have some basic parts.
• The female part is the pistil.
• The pistil usually is located in the
center of the flower and is made
up of three parts: the stigma,
style, and ovary.
• The stigma is the sticky part at
the top of the pistil.
• It is attached to the long, tube-like
structure called the style.
• The style leads to the ovary that
contains the female egg cells
called ovules.
Ms Lizanne
Petals / Pollination
• Petals are also important
parts of the flower,
because they help attract
pollinators such as bees,
butterflies and bats.
• When an insect visits a
flower, pollen sticks to it
and brushes against the
• The insect visits another
flower, the pollen brushes
onto the flower’s stigma,
and pollination takes
Ms Lizanne
• The male parts are called
stamens and usually surround
the pistil.
• The stamen is made up of two
parts: the anther and filament.
The anther produces pollen. The
filament holds the anther up.
• During the process of fertilization,
pollen lands on the stigma, a
tube grows down the style and
enters the ovary.
• When the pollen reaches the
ovary fertilization occurs.
• The fertilized ovule becomes the
seed, and the ovary becomes the
Ms Lizanne
• The fruit is the ripened
ovary of a plant containing
the seeds.
• After fertilization, the ovary
swells and becomes either
fleshy or hard and dry to
protect the developing
• Many fruits help seeds
• Many things we call
vegetables are really fruits
such as tomatoes and
Ms Lizanne
What is a seed?
• Most plants come from
• Seeds come in all shapes,
sizes, and types.
• They can be small, like
radishes, medium, like
marigolds, or large, like
• Seeds from flowering
plants have seed coats to
protect them.
• Seeds remain dormant
(asleep) until they are
given soil, water, andMslight.
Seed Dispersal
• Seeds spread by the
wind, water or by
animals and birds.
• This is called seed
• Seeds fall onto the
ground and germinate
as long as the
conditions are right.
Ms Lizanne
Seed dispersal
Ms Lizanne
• Germination is when a seed
starts to grow into a new plant.
• All seeds need water to
germinate and usually warmth.
• Light is not always needed for
• When a seed germinates a root
and shoot start to grow.
• As the seedling grows, it
develops a stem, leaves and
more roots.
Ms Lizanne
Life cycle of a plant
Ms Lizanne