Download L A cell is the basic unit of all living things. Life processes are the

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A cell is the basic unit of all living things.
Life processes are the functions a living thing must carry
out in order to stay alive and reproduce.
Nutrients are substances that are needed for an
organism to live and grow.
Similar cells working together form a tissue.
Different tissues working together form an organ.
A plant cell has a cell wall and chloroplasts. An animal
cell does not.
The cell wall is the tough outer covering of a plant cell
that gives the cell its rigid shape.
The nucleus is the control center of a cell’s activities.
Chloroplast is the structure in which food making
occurs. It contains chlorophyll.
Cytoplasm is a jellylike substance that fills much of the
A vacuole is a large storage area in a cell filled with a
liquid that contains various substances.
A cell membrane is a thin layer surrounding all cells that
allows water and dissolved materials into and out of the
Photosynthesis is the food-making process of plants.
During photosynthesis plants take in sunlight, CO2, and
water to make glucose (sugar) which they use for food.
Plants then give off oxygen as a waste gas.
Roots absorb water and anchor the plant into the
Stems connect the roots to the leaves and keep the
plants upright.
The leaves are the food-making factory of plants. Leaves
take in CO2 and sunlight and release oxygen.
Stomata are the holes in leaves that bring in CO2 and
release oxygen.
Tropism is the plant’s response to its environment.
Chlorophyll is the chemical in chloroplasts that makes
plants green and helps cause photosynthesis.
Germination occurs when a plant first begins to grow
out of its seed.
An embryo is a plant that is still in the seed. This is the
beginning stage for any living thing.
A seedling is a plant that has just begun to grow above
A cone is the part of a conifer plant that produces
pollen or seeds.
Producers (plants) are living things that make their own
Consumers (animals) are living things that get their food
from eating other living things.
Fertilization occurs when pollen lands on a stigma and
fertilizes the ovary, growing a new plant.
The seed coat is the part of the seed that protects the
The stamen is the male part of the flower that produces
pollen necessary to make seeds.
The pistil is the female part of the flower that takes in
pollen from the stamen to make seeds.
Petals attract animals to plants to help with pollination.
The fruit is the part of a flower that forms around a
Vegetables are the parts of some plants that form near
or on the roots.
The life cycle of flowering plants
1. The flowers are ready to be pollinated.
2. Seeds develop and are scattered.
3. Seeds absorb water and begin to swell
4. The seed germinates.
5. The plant grows and flower buds appear.