Botanic Scientific Terms
... laniflora - DSN. L. From lana, wool and flora, flowers. See Kanahia l. - 16, 328a lanium - DSN. G. From lana wool, probably referring to the ‘downy flowers’. - 28, 287 lannea - DSN. From linné, wool. Or Lanné the common name used in Senegambia for the species Lannea edulis var e.- 1, 160; 2, 242; 16 ...
... laniflora - DSN. L. From lana, wool and flora, flowers. See Kanahia l. - 16, 328a lanium - DSN. G. From lana wool, probably referring to the ‘downy flowers’. - 28, 287 lannea - DSN. From linné, wool. Or Lanné the common name used in Senegambia for the species Lannea edulis var e.- 1, 160; 2, 242; 16 ...
Rehana Tabassum - Dhaka University Institutional Repository
... name and English name (when available), brief description, chromosome number, flowering and fruiting time, ecological notes, distribution, uses and specimen examined have been provided. 5. Habitat, duration of life-span, phenology, status of occurrence, economical importance of the species and also ...
... name and English name (when available), brief description, chromosome number, flowering and fruiting time, ecological notes, distribution, uses and specimen examined have been provided. 5. Habitat, duration of life-span, phenology, status of occurrence, economical importance of the species and also ...
... A fourth section of additional slides and speaker’s notes provides detail on some extra topics that you can add to your presentation, as you think appropriate. The slides have been drafted in general terms with the hope that they will remain current, and therefore of use, for the foreseeable future. ...
Native Species Planting Guide for New York City
... A few key principals of island biogeography are important to consider understanding the level of biodiversity possible for New York, our „City of Islands‟. The degree of biological diversity is limited by the size of an island -- the larger the island, the more species diversity is possible. All th ...
... A few key principals of island biogeography are important to consider understanding the level of biodiversity possible for New York, our „City of Islands‟. The degree of biological diversity is limited by the size of an island -- the larger the island, the more species diversity is possible. All th ...
Flora of Micronesia, 5: Bignoniaceae-Rubiaceae
... sources, herbarium labels, and field notes, as we realize that many are different renderings of the same names, as heard by people of different linguistic backgrounds and experience. This necessesarily results in more repetition. Sources are always given, and specimens cited where possible, but the ...
... sources, herbarium labels, and field notes, as we realize that many are different renderings of the same names, as heard by people of different linguistic backgrounds and experience. This necessesarily results in more repetition. Sources are always given, and specimens cited where possible, but the ...
fabaceae (leguminosae)
... distinct and often highly differentiated into papilionaceous corolla: upper petal (standard) outermost, 2 lateral petals (wings) ± parallel with each other, lower 2 innermost petals usually connate by their lower margins and forming a keel. Stamens mostly 10, sometimes fewer or more numerous, distin ...
... distinct and often highly differentiated into papilionaceous corolla: upper petal (standard) outermost, 2 lateral petals (wings) ± parallel with each other, lower 2 innermost petals usually connate by their lower margins and forming a keel. Stamens mostly 10, sometimes fewer or more numerous, distin ...
Sugar Beet - van Veen Organics
... Requirements for seed germination and plant emergence Objectives of seedbed preparation The function of the seedbed Techniques and implements for seedbed preparation Sowing and placement of seed Crust formation and crust breaking Adaptation to local conditions Mechanical weed control Soil compaction ...
... Requirements for seed germination and plant emergence Objectives of seedbed preparation The function of the seedbed Techniques and implements for seedbed preparation Sowing and placement of seed Crust formation and crust breaking Adaptation to local conditions Mechanical weed control Soil compaction ...
Botanical root meanings as compiled from website
... French: Alpinia, a genus in the ginger family is NOT named for alpine regions, but rather for one Propser Alpinus, an Italian physician. I have not attempted to cover all forms of which a word-part might par- take, and I have purposefully varied the Latinized endings, even when I couldn't think of h ...
... French: Alpinia, a genus in the ginger family is NOT named for alpine regions, but rather for one Propser Alpinus, an Italian physician. I have not attempted to cover all forms of which a word-part might par- take, and I have purposefully varied the Latinized endings, even when I couldn't think of h ...
Glossary of Latin roots
... French: Alpinia, a genus in the ginger family is NOT named for alpine regions, but rather for one Propser Alpinus, an Italian physician. I have not attempted to cover all forms of which a word-part might par- take, and I have purposefully varied the Latinized endings, even when I couldn't think of h ...
... French: Alpinia, a genus in the ginger family is NOT named for alpine regions, but rather for one Propser Alpinus, an Italian physician. I have not attempted to cover all forms of which a word-part might par- take, and I have purposefully varied the Latinized endings, even when I couldn't think of h ...
do coleoptile tips produce auxin?
... obtainable from the tip; and that deseeded plants were no longer capable of 'regeneration of the physiological tip' (the phenomenon by which the apical region of the stump of a decapitated coleoptile becomes a source of auxin several hours after decapitation). Pohl (1935, 1936) produced evidence tha ...
... obtainable from the tip; and that deseeded plants were no longer capable of 'regeneration of the physiological tip' (the phenomenon by which the apical region of the stump of a decapitated coleoptile becomes a source of auxin several hours after decapitation). Pohl (1935, 1936) produced evidence tha ...
rosaceae - Harvard University
... usually with several exposed scales, sometimes with only 2. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple or compound; stipules paired, free or adnate to petiole, rarely absent, persistent or deciduous; petiole usually 2-glandular apically; leaf blade often serrate at margin, rarely entire. Inflorescenc ...
... usually with several exposed scales, sometimes with only 2. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, simple or compound; stipules paired, free or adnate to petiole, rarely absent, persistent or deciduous; petiole usually 2-glandular apically; leaf blade often serrate at margin, rarely entire. Inflorescenc ...
... Lantana is closely allied to, and difficult to separate from, Lippia L. and Phyla Loureiro. Munir (1993) suggested that they could all be included in the one genus, while Sanders (1987) states that Lantana may be polyphyletic or derived from a number of ancestors. The major difference between Lantan ...
... Lantana is closely allied to, and difficult to separate from, Lippia L. and Phyla Loureiro. Munir (1993) suggested that they could all be included in the one genus, while Sanders (1987) states that Lantana may be polyphyletic or derived from a number of ancestors. The major difference between Lantan ...
this file
... for genera, and several significant changes have already been proposed, with others anticipated in the future. Just as with the families, more than one botanically justifiable option may be available for use. Far from being an indictment against botanists, this is an unavoidable consequence of the f ...
... for genera, and several significant changes have already been proposed, with others anticipated in the future. Just as with the families, more than one botanically justifiable option may be available for use. Far from being an indictment against botanists, this is an unavoidable consequence of the f ...
... Richardia, and Spermacoce, of neotropical origin, and Oldenlandia (Hedyotis) of African origin. A number of species are used for various medicinal purposes. Genera, tribes, and subfamilies of Rubiaceae characteristically either have or lack raphides; this character is generally considered informativ ...
... Richardia, and Spermacoce, of neotropical origin, and Oldenlandia (Hedyotis) of African origin. A number of species are used for various medicinal purposes. Genera, tribes, and subfamilies of Rubiaceae characteristically either have or lack raphides; this character is generally considered informativ ...
Workshop on Xanthomonas citri/ Citrus canker
... Increasing international travel and trade has resulted in an unprecedented number of plant pathogen introductions, including Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), the bacterium that causes Asiatic citrus canker (ACC). The disease affects commercial and dooryard citrus, and has far-reaching political ...
... Increasing international travel and trade has resulted in an unprecedented number of plant pathogen introductions, including Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), the bacterium that causes Asiatic citrus canker (ACC). The disease affects commercial and dooryard citrus, and has far-reaching political ...
... black and shiny, often with white spots; size 2.2(-2. 9) x 1.2(-1. 6) mm; endosperm formation nuclear, but later becoming cellular throughout. ...
... black and shiny, often with white spots; size 2.2(-2. 9) x 1.2(-1. 6) mm; endosperm formation nuclear, but later becoming cellular throughout. ...
1 - Durham e-Theses
... oxidase was to improve fungal pathogen resistance against oxalic acid secreting pathogens. The results described in this thesis are concerned with a direct comparison of the structure, stability and kinetics between the native cereal and transgenic oxalate oxidases and the possible consequences for ...
... oxidase was to improve fungal pathogen resistance against oxalic acid secreting pathogens. The results described in this thesis are concerned with a direct comparison of the structure, stability and kinetics between the native cereal and transgenic oxalate oxidases and the possible consequences for ...
Acanthaceae of Bolivia - Department of Botany
... 8a. Calyx formed of two pairs of dissimilar lobes; stamens ad style exserted ............................ 18. Lepidagathis 8b. Calyx subequally 4-lobed; stamens and style included. ................................................................. 17. Justicia 9a. Fertile stamens usually 4 (or if 2 a ...
... 8a. Calyx formed of two pairs of dissimilar lobes; stamens ad style exserted ............................ 18. Lepidagathis 8b. Calyx subequally 4-lobed; stamens and style included. ................................................................. 17. Justicia 9a. Fertile stamens usually 4 (or if 2 a ...
Our World Famous 160 Page Plant Reference Guide.
... Abies Concolor Gable’s Weeping - Gable’s Dwarf Weeping White Fir. Evergreen shrub that is a dwarf weeping green form of Concolor Fir. Grows slightly upright with leader leaning over. Very nice fir for small gardens. Grows 2 to 4” per year. Hardy in zones 3 - 7. Abies Concolor Mora - Mora Dwarf Blue ...
... Abies Concolor Gable’s Weeping - Gable’s Dwarf Weeping White Fir. Evergreen shrub that is a dwarf weeping green form of Concolor Fir. Grows slightly upright with leader leaning over. Very nice fir for small gardens. Grows 2 to 4” per year. Hardy in zones 3 - 7. Abies Concolor Mora - Mora Dwarf Blue ...
Kirstenbosch Seed Catalogue 2016
... 12) Seeds are collected from plants true to name, according to the latest botanical information, but all are the result of open pollination, so the absence of hybridisation cannot be guaranteed. 13) Viability of seed is not guaranteed. 14) Stocks are limited. Seed out of stock at time of order compi ...
... 12) Seeds are collected from plants true to name, according to the latest botanical information, but all are the result of open pollination, so the absence of hybridisation cannot be guaranteed. 13) Viability of seed is not guaranteed. 14) Stocks are limited. Seed out of stock at time of order compi ...
Readinq Texts for Enqlish : ( Dispensa ) 2010
... When there is too muchi water in thè soil, some of it must be drained off. This is thè other meaning of drainage; thè removal of excess water from thè soil by ditching or tiling. This is done in order to maintaìn a correct balance of air and water in thè soil. Good drainage makes a soil easier to wo ...
... When there is too muchi water in thè soil, some of it must be drained off. This is thè other meaning of drainage; thè removal of excess water from thè soil by ditching or tiling. This is done in order to maintaìn a correct balance of air and water in thè soil. Good drainage makes a soil easier to wo ...
Species – Group 1 - New England Botanical Club
... The species of Carex in North America are grouped into two major subgenera, Vignea and Carex. Vignea includes those species whose female flowers have 2 stigmas and flat lenticular achenes, and are arranged in short, sessile, bisexual spikelets. There are two major groups within Vignea, the species i ...
... The species of Carex in North America are grouped into two major subgenera, Vignea and Carex. Vignea includes those species whose female flowers have 2 stigmas and flat lenticular achenes, and are arranged in short, sessile, bisexual spikelets. There are two major groups within Vignea, the species i ...
Journal of Ethnopharmacology South African Helichrysum
... The genus Helichrysum Mill. derives its name from the Greek words helios (sun) and chrysos (gold) which is appropriate considering the attractive yellow flowers displayed by several species (Pooley, 2003). The genus belongs to the Asteraceae family, tribe Inuleae and subtribe Gnaphaliinae (Hilliard, ...
... The genus Helichrysum Mill. derives its name from the Greek words helios (sun) and chrysos (gold) which is appropriate considering the attractive yellow flowers displayed by several species (Pooley, 2003). The genus belongs to the Asteraceae family, tribe Inuleae and subtribe Gnaphaliinae (Hilliard, ...
Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana
... Dutch or French interests. The former British domains became independent on May 26, 1966 as the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, and the former Dutch domains became independent on November 25, 1975 as the Republic of Surinam. French Guiana became an Overseas Department of France in 1946 and is an int ...
... Dutch or French interests. The former British domains became independent on May 26, 1966 as the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, and the former Dutch domains became independent on November 25, 1975 as the Republic of Surinam. French Guiana became an Overseas Department of France in 1946 and is an int ...