fabaceae (leguminosae)
... 10a. Anthers dimorphic, alternately dorsifixed and basifixed, either all equal or alternately longer and shorter. 11a. Upper part of filaments swollen or expanded; perennial shrublets, often spiny and glandular ......................................................................................... ...
... 10a. Anthers dimorphic, alternately dorsifixed and basifixed, either all equal or alternately longer and shorter. 11a. Upper part of filaments swollen or expanded; perennial shrublets, often spiny and glandular ......................................................................................... ...
please click here
... Christmas Pole 85-90 days. Heirloom also known as the Calico Lima Bean. Introduced to the US in 1840. Long season lima bean grown primarily for its beautiful seeds which are light cream color variegated in a deep maroon. Aggressive plants may reach heights of well over 10 feet and must be trellised. ...
... Christmas Pole 85-90 days. Heirloom also known as the Calico Lima Bean. Introduced to the US in 1840. Long season lima bean grown primarily for its beautiful seeds which are light cream color variegated in a deep maroon. Aggressive plants may reach heights of well over 10 feet and must be trellised. ...
Vol. 2 part 1 - Species Plantarum Programme
... Species Plantarum aims to provide in concise format, and with standardised data fields, basic taxonomic information on the vascular plants of the world, including accepted names and synonyms with bibliographic data, types of names, keys and descriptions from family to varietal levels, geographical d ...
... Species Plantarum aims to provide in concise format, and with standardised data fields, basic taxonomic information on the vascular plants of the world, including accepted names and synonyms with bibliographic data, types of names, keys and descriptions from family to varietal levels, geographical d ...
2011Customer Appreciation SPECIALS
... Everbearing varieties produce berries in late spring and then another crop in late summer. June-bearing types bear a large crop all at one time in late spring. All varieties listed are very ...
... Everbearing varieties produce berries in late spring and then another crop in late summer. June-bearing types bear a large crop all at one time in late spring. All varieties listed are very ...
Plant Varieties Journal
... it is covered by provisional protection. Also it immediately becomes a ‘variety of common knowledge’ and thus may be required by others as a comparator for their applications with a higher application number. Applicants are reminded that they are required to release propagative material for comparat ...
... it is covered by provisional protection. Also it immediately becomes a ‘variety of common knowledge’ and thus may be required by others as a comparator for their applications with a higher application number. Applicants are reminded that they are required to release propagative material for comparat ...
SPECIALS - Lindenberg Seeds
... peat moss mixture gradually. A transplant fertilizer is recommended at this time. Water very well. Our Tea Roses can be wintered on the Prairies with a little protection (northern climates will require special attention). Cut your bushes down to about 30 cm (12”), then mound them up with soil or mul ...
... peat moss mixture gradually. A transplant fertilizer is recommended at this time. Water very well. Our Tea Roses can be wintered on the Prairies with a little protection (northern climates will require special attention). Cut your bushes down to about 30 cm (12”), then mound them up with soil or mul ...
RETAIL • MAIL ORDER Cornus kousa Scarlet
... Also, please note that the nursery will be closed for Inventory from September 3 through September 11, During that time no orders may be placed or picked up. For the past ten years, we have held talks, presentations, book signings and other events, on an array of horticultural topics. Because we kno ...
... Also, please note that the nursery will be closed for Inventory from September 3 through September 11, During that time no orders may be placed or picked up. For the past ten years, we have held talks, presentations, book signings and other events, on an array of horticultural topics. Because we kno ...
Annual Flowers, Grasses, Succulents, Vines
... A host plant for the Monarch and Soldier butterflies. In early summer, it forms small mauve and white, star-shaped flowers in pendulous clusters that make way for an abundance of 2.5" to 3" wide hairy green "family jewel" shaped seed pods with a reddish blush. These inflated capsules are rounded wit ...
... A host plant for the Monarch and Soldier butterflies. In early summer, it forms small mauve and white, star-shaped flowers in pendulous clusters that make way for an abundance of 2.5" to 3" wide hairy green "family jewel" shaped seed pods with a reddish blush. These inflated capsules are rounded wit ...
2015–2016 Seed Exchange Catalog
... you’ll find any further information from each individual who donated that particular plant as follows: Donor Code - Flower color. Donor’s description of or comments about the plant. Germ: Donor’s germination information, if provided. Donor name. ‘Cultivar name’ of plant from which seed was collected ...
... you’ll find any further information from each individual who donated that particular plant as follows: Donor Code - Flower color. Donor’s description of or comments about the plant. Germ: Donor’s germination information, if provided. Donor name. ‘Cultivar name’ of plant from which seed was collected ...
1 - Whitney Gardens
... Planting Environment. Even though we recommend (1) some shade for a particular plant, most rhododendrons can be grown in a great deal of sun. Our growing fields, as an example are located in the sunniest part of the garden. However, in the long term, some shade or filtered shade is recommended, espe ...
... Planting Environment. Even though we recommend (1) some shade for a particular plant, most rhododendrons can be grown in a great deal of sun. Our growing fields, as an example are located in the sunniest part of the garden. However, in the long term, some shade or filtered shade is recommended, espe ...
U Tech Glossary - Genesis Nursery
... them up in the oed and copying the definition into a Word document. And as I have found glossaries, I have encorporated their data int this list. The following is a combination (conglomeration) of numerous glossaries plus odd definitions from carpology, ecology, genetics, geology, geomorphology, ped ...
... them up in the oed and copying the definition into a Word document. And as I have found glossaries, I have encorporated their data int this list. The following is a combination (conglomeration) of numerous glossaries plus odd definitions from carpology, ecology, genetics, geology, geomorphology, ped ...
2016 Lindenberg Seeds Catalogue
... spikes of flowers in mid-spring, set against lush foliage. Prefers full or partial shade. Fast growing and easy to maintain. Grows well under trees where others may have difficulty. Semi-hardy on the southern Prairies. Use extra winter protection. Ajuga reptans. 4711 Black Scallop — dark burgundy almo ...
... spikes of flowers in mid-spring, set against lush foliage. Prefers full or partial shade. Fast growing and easy to maintain. Grows well under trees where others may have difficulty. Semi-hardy on the southern Prairies. Use extra winter protection. Ajuga reptans. 4711 Black Scallop — dark burgundy almo ...
the Catalog!
... Planting Environment. Even though we recommend (1) some shade for a particular plant, most rhododendrons can be grown in a great deal of sun. Our growing fields, as an example are located in the sunniest part of the garden. However, in the long term, some shade or filtered shade is recommended, espe ...
... Planting Environment. Even though we recommend (1) some shade for a particular plant, most rhododendrons can be grown in a great deal of sun. Our growing fields, as an example are located in the sunniest part of the garden. However, in the long term, some shade or filtered shade is recommended, espe ...
Kam Guilzhouh nyim Guangxxih - Platform for Agrobiodiversity
... Kam experts were consulted in determining the appropriate gifts to be provided for each participant in the study. Every person interviewed was compensated and given useful goods such as fruits, vegetables, meat and household items as well as photographs of themselves, their family and friends. A por ...
... Kam experts were consulted in determining the appropriate gifts to be provided for each participant in the study. Every person interviewed was compensated and given useful goods such as fruits, vegetables, meat and household items as well as photographs of themselves, their family and friends. A por ...
catalog without prices - Pinewood Perennial Gardens
... racemosa This native has creamy-white, 1-2' flower spikes during early summer. Deeply cut, dark green leaves up to 2' long. 4-6' ht. Z 3-8. ...
... racemosa This native has creamy-white, 1-2' flower spikes during early summer. Deeply cut, dark green leaves up to 2' long. 4-6' ht. Z 3-8. ...
to find descriptions and photos of many of the plants sold in the
... Description: Erect stems bearing large light-green leaves in single plane on opposite sides of the stem. Ideal patio tub plant and may be used as indoor plant. Height: 1 m Flowering: White flowers in terminal inflorescence followed by blue globular fruits, 1 cm diameter. Requirements: Well composted ...
... Description: Erect stems bearing large light-green leaves in single plane on opposite sides of the stem. Ideal patio tub plant and may be used as indoor plant. Height: 1 m Flowering: White flowers in terminal inflorescence followed by blue globular fruits, 1 cm diameter. Requirements: Well composted ...
our 2011 Glover Perennials catalog!
... many new listings in this year's catalog (over 90 new plants). The trends you will see include: More natives. Glover Perennials is committed to offering the largest selection of native plants on Long Island and beyond with over 140 species to offer this year from the Northeastern U.S., as well as ma ...
... many new listings in this year's catalog (over 90 new plants). The trends you will see include: More natives. Glover Perennials is committed to offering the largest selection of native plants on Long Island and beyond with over 140 species to offer this year from the Northeastern U.S., as well as ma ...
MF2408 Sericea Lespedeza: History, Characteristics, and
... levels where ground cover and other plant competition is dense. Examples of such areas include fence rows, brushy and grassy areas, and where fire and grazing have been excluded for years. Established sericea lespedeza plants will reduce or eliminate competing vegetation. When sericea lespedeza beco ...
... levels where ground cover and other plant competition is dense. Examples of such areas include fence rows, brushy and grassy areas, and where fire and grazing have been excluded for years. Established sericea lespedeza plants will reduce or eliminate competing vegetation. When sericea lespedeza beco ...
... investigators were often misled by convergent evolution of some characters. The large amount of material consulted here allowed such an overview, but also showed that much more discerning collecting is still needed to record and assess as much as possible of the local variation. The author made some ...
... investigators were often misled by convergent evolution of some characters. The large amount of material consulted here allowed such an overview, but also showed that much more discerning collecting is still needed to record and assess as much as possible of the local variation. The author made some ...
Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania
... course of extensive travels to five Regions of Tanzania mainland, i.e. Kilimanjaro, Tanga, Iringa, Tabora and Kigoma, and also to Zanzibar, and interaction with local people in the areas visited. Many organizations and individuals contributed to the successful completion of that part of the work, an ...
... course of extensive travels to five Regions of Tanzania mainland, i.e. Kilimanjaro, Tanga, Iringa, Tabora and Kigoma, and also to Zanzibar, and interaction with local people in the areas visited. Many organizations and individuals contributed to the successful completion of that part of the work, an ...
Growing Friends - Blue Mountains Botanic Garden
... Description: Erect stems bearing large light-green leaves in single plane on opposite sides of the stem. Ideal patio tub plant and may be used as indoor plant. Height: 1 m Flowering: White flowers in terminal inflorescence followed by blue globular fruits, 1cm diameter. Requirements: Well composted ...
... Description: Erect stems bearing large light-green leaves in single plane on opposite sides of the stem. Ideal patio tub plant and may be used as indoor plant. Height: 1 m Flowering: White flowers in terminal inflorescence followed by blue globular fruits, 1cm diameter. Requirements: Well composted ...
Diffuse and Spotted Knapweed - Colorado State University Extension
... is a short-lived perennial, a biennial, or occasionally an annual. It reproduces and spreads from seed. The plant develops a single shoot (stem), 1 to 2 feet tall or more, that is branched toward the top (Figure 1). Grazed plants may produce multiple stems. Rosette and lower shoot leaves are deeply ...
... is a short-lived perennial, a biennial, or occasionally an annual. It reproduces and spreads from seed. The plant develops a single shoot (stem), 1 to 2 feet tall or more, that is branched toward the top (Figure 1). Grazed plants may produce multiple stems. Rosette and lower shoot leaves are deeply ...
Verbascum thapsus

Verbascum thapsus (great mullein or common mullein) is a species of mullein native to Europe, northern Africa, and Asia, and introduced in the Americas and Australia.It is a hairy biennial plant that can grow to 2 meters tall or more. Its small yellow flowers are densely grouped on a tall stem, which grows from a large rosette of leaves. It grows in a wide variety of habitats, but prefers well-lit disturbed soils, where it can appear soon after the ground receives light, from long-lived seeds that persist in the soil seed bank. It is a common weedy plant that spreads by prolifically producing seeds, but it rarely becomes aggressively invasive, since its seeds require open ground to germinate. It is a very minor problem for most agricultural crops, since it is not a very competitive species, being intolerant of shade from other plants and unable to survive tilling. It also hosts many insects, some of which can be harmful to other plants. Although individuals are easy to remove by hand, populations are difficult to eliminate permanently.It is widely used for herbal remedies, with well-established emollient and astringent properties. Mullein remedies are especially recommended for coughs and related problems, but also used in topical applications against a variety of skin problems. The plant has also been used to make dyes and torches.