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Vocabulary Term Nonvascular plant Vascular Plant Photosynthesis Book Definition A plant that depends on the processes of diffusion and osmosis to move materials from one part of the plant to another. A plant that has specialized tissues called xylem and phloem, which move materials from one part of the plant to another. The process by which plants capture light energy from the sun and convert it into chemical energy (sugar). Tropism A change in the growth of a plant in response to a stimulus. Phototropism A change in the growth of a plant in response to light. Plants tend to grow towards light. Gravitropism A change in the growth of a plant in response to gravity. Cell Wall A structure that surrounds a cell membrane and provides strength and support to the cell membrane. Chlorophyll A green pigment in chloroplasts that absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. Xylem A specialized plant tissue that transports water from one part of the plant to another. Phloem A specialized plant tissue that transports sugar molecules from one part of the plant to another. Gymnosperm A plant that produces seeds in cones. Angiosperm A plant that produces seeds in flowers. My definition Picture Stamen Male reproductive structure of a flower. Made up of the anther and the filament. Pistil Female reproductive structure of the flower. Made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. Ovary The part of the flower that contains ovules. This will develop into a fruit following fertilization. Pollen Holds plant sperm cells. Pollination The transfer of pollen to the female cone in conifers or stigma in angiosperms. Deciduous Tree Describes trees with leaves that change color in autumn. Evergreen Tree Describes trees that keep their leaves year-round. Fruit The ovary of an angiosperm. Holds the seeds (fertilized ovules). Petal The often colorful structures on a flower that are usually involved in attracting pollinators. Cuticle A waxy layer that coats the surface of stems, leaves, and other plant parts exposed to air. Sporophyte A stage in a plant life cycle during which spores are produced Spore A small reproductive cell protected by a thick wall Gametophyte A stage in a plant life cycle during which eggs and sperm are produced