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Name ____________________ due date ______________
1. What do roots do?
a. ___________________________________
b. ___________________________________
c. ____________________________________
Plants can have either a ___________________ system or a _______________system
2. What are the two things stems do for a plant?
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
The xylem cells - _______________________
The phloem cells - ____________________________
3. The leaves of the plant are important because _________________________________
A simple leaf has _____________
A compound leaf has ____________
The outer surface of the leaf has a waxy coating called a ____________________. It _____________
The leaves manufacture glucose (a sugar) to feed the plant. This is called _____________
For this process, the plant needs ______________, ______________, and _____________ in the
Photosynthesis supplies _____________for the plant and a gas called _______________ for other
forms of life.
4. Flowers are important in ____________________
The female part of the flower is called ________________________
The male part of the flower is called __________________________
The joining of pollen with an ovule to form a seed is called ________________________.
Petals are also important parts of the flower because that help attract pollinators. Name three
pollinators- ______________________________________________________
5. Fruit is the _____________________
Every seed is a tiny plant (embryo) with leaves, stems, and root parts waiting for the right things to
happen to make it ___________________ and _________________.
6. All plants need these seven things to grow. Write them.
a. ____________________________
e. _________________________
b. ____________________________
f. _________________________
c. ____________________________
g. _________________________
d. ____________________________
Check what you have learned – Mysteries
1. ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________________________
Life Cycle of a Plant
An annual is - _______________________________________________________
A biennial lives - _____________________________________________________
A perennial is - ______________________________________________________
Which of these life cycles apply to mammals - _______________________________
Think About It – Which parts of plants do people eat? _____________________________
CASE 3 – Is It Dust, Dirt, Dandruff, Or a Seed
1. Parts of the Seed – List what each of the following does
Cotyledon ___________________________________________________________________
Endosperm __________________________________________________________________
Seed Coat___________________________________________________________________
2. What do seeds need in order for germination to occur?
3. What do non-flowering plants produce instead of seeds?
CASE 4: Plantenstein is the Suspect
1. Label the parts of the Flower:
1) __________________
2) __________________
3) __________________
4) __________________
5) __________________
6) __________________
7) _________________
8) __________________
9) __________________
10) __________________
11) __________________
2. What is a perfect flower? ______________________________________________________
3. Name two types of pollinators. ___________________________________________________
4. Vegetative propaganda is a form of [ sexual / asexual ] reproduction.
5. Name two types of plant cloning: __________________________________________________
6. How does each plant reproduce? A = Seeds B = Some Other Way C = Seeds and some other way
______ Marigold
______ Fern
______ Carrots
______ Strawberry
______ Mushroom
______ Pine
7. A seed is ___________________________________________________________________
8. A bulb is ___________________________________________________________________
9. A stem cutting is _____________________________________________________________
10. Name four of the fruits pictured: