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FMB’s Degree
Degree Show
Nottingham Trent University’s Fashion Marketing and Branding course
allows it’s students to develop strategic and critical thinking in the fashion
and lifestyle industries, all the while developing a creative flair. In this book,
you’ll find edited highlights of the course, plus some selected samples of
our final year work.
Our degree show Emporium, was named to demonstrate the diversity and
intricacies of each individual project. Covering a wide range of topics and
industries, you’re sure to find something or someone to interest you…
I’ve been truly inspired by my course, with marketing strategies and brand identity being a crucial
part of my learning. I have built up my knowledge greatly over the past 3 years and feel that I’ve really
mastered the art of breaking down research, finding key insights and creating an exciting strategic
marketing plan. I’ve learnt how to think creatively using different methods to spark inventive ideas;
I’ve found that I love building exhilarating concepts with a team and bouncing ideas off each other.
With an eye for aesthetic appeal, I feel that my visual communication is one of my strengths and I’ve
largely developed my Photoshop and Indesign skills to assist this.
C a r r o ll
In terms of communicating plans to a team, I’ve built up my confidence greatly through regular
assessed presentations. One of my favourite parts of the course was learning about the
digital future; this inspired me, sparking an interest in future technology and how it can be
incorporated into marketing. Although I already have experience in PR, digital marketing and
event organisation, I’d love to build up further knowledge within the marketing industry so I can
eventually create my own brand or concept after I’ve obtained this experience.
Contact Information
[email protected]
Phone: 07771783244
LinkedIn: Hannah J Carroll
Throughout the three years on Fashion Marketing and Branding, creative thinking has always played an
integral role to my projects. When presented with the task of developing a one year communications strategy
for an existing brand or creating an entirely new product, creative thinking has underpinned all of the course
units. One project where this creative thinking was demonstrated was in our final year ‘Future Thinking’ project.
The analysis of a large macro trend and exploration of its different elements was then applied to an existing
brand. For this project I chose to review the Functional Foods trend and how consumers now want extra
added benefits to the foods they consume. By applying this to the PG Tips brand I developed a new product and
marketing strategy.
georgina carter
C ar t e r
Strategic planning can be applied to both the theory learnt within the FMB course and indeed the practical,
such as group projects. Strategic planning of timings and utilising different group member’s strengths is a skill
I will be taking into industry.
My visual communication skills have been greatly enhanced in two key areas – the first being in personal
presentation skills and the second in creative software (including Adobe).
FMB has utilised many key skills that I can put into practice in my future career. These include; organisation,
self-motivation, working under pressure, critical analysis of data, communication, time management and
presentation skills. The ten week placement in second year has greatly benefited my career prospects for
when I graduate. These placements gave me invaluable industry insight which has also helped me to determine
the sector of fashion I wish to pursue.
Image 4 – Lammily Doll, 2014
The fear of fat has developed into a complex issue
with far reaching results (Liggett, 1989).This is true for
many western societies, however in the past this was
not always the case. In some cultures today, ‘fatness’
brings prestige. For families in Bangwa, Cameroon,
plumpness shows that a family has money and can
afford to eat well. This mindset was the same in the
UK, most notably in the regency era. This was a time
when the gastronomic delights of wealthy land owners
and indulgence was a way of life for the wealthy (The
Supersizers Go, 2008).
The change in this culture within the West can be
accredited to the shift of handmade clothes to the
mass-produced clothing in standardised sizes in the
late 19th century. Numbers that could be given to
body sizes, with the ability to ‘chart progress’ and
compare against others (Graham, 2014).
Brumberg (1998) has explored the diaries of women
over time. In the 20th century, women became more
preoccupied with looks as a measure of self-worth, as
opposed to good work and character in the centuries
before hand. The word ‘image’ started to first appear
in this century.
The Barbie Doll toy has been criticised for portraying
an ideal shape of women that is unrealistic. Barbie
and her connotations have been explored as it is
argued that she promotes thinness and sizes that are
not reflective of her target market. This creates body
acceptance issues, similar to what is discussed within
the fat acceptance movement.
When scaled up to human size, Barbie dolls would
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07949403830
Growing up across various different countries such as Hong Kong, Malaysia and England I have been
fortunate enough to experience a diverse range of religious and ethnic communities first hand, which
has provided me with a wider perspective. The holistic nature of the Fashion Marketing & Branding
course is one aspect that really strengthened my understanding of the marketing and branding as it
allowed me to extend the parameters of debate outside of fashion and consider the wider issues at
Jessica chaplow
Incorporating creative flair and analytical content in equal measure is something that I
thoroughly enjoy doing when executing a piece of work, FMB’s ability to nurture me to find
the perfect equilibrium between these two fundamentally crucial elements has been both
extremely enjoyable and invaluable throughout the course. Moving onto the next stage knowing
that I have acquired these skills from my time on the Fashion Marketing & Branding course
has made the prospect seem less daunting.
Contact Information
Mobile: 07964675155
Email: [email protected]
Linkedin: Jessica Chapplow
I initially approached this course from a creative fashion background and was keen to learn about
placing these ideas in a strategic marketing context. Throughout the course, I have been particularly
inspired by the exploration of creative innovation within all areas of marketing, whether it is through
product development, branding, advertising or strategic planning.It has also been interesting to
study and conduct effective research methods to gain informed market insights. By further adapting
these findings into operational strategic plans, we have established projects from research to
implementation, gaining tangible experience in project development.
H e le n a
C l a rke
In addition to these creative abilities, the course has instilled a variety of valuable skills that will
form the basis of my professional work ethic. Group projects within the course have simulated
industry practice, and allowed us to develop strong team working and communication skills. The
nature of the course has also required effective organisation and time management, which has been
a vital learning process.
Throughout the course, Fashion Marketing & Branding has enabled me to develop a substantial
learning background, providing a range of possible career opportunities in marketing, branding and
fashion buying.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07540834214
Studying Fashion Marketing and Branding has allowed my background in fine art and interest in
business to combine to enable me to fulfill all of my academic and creative capabilities. I have enjoyed
becoming familiar with a wide variety of marketing and branding strategies, which has allowed me
to develop a broad sense of the landscape of Fashion Marketing and Branding. Live projects with
brands such as Gossard and Boots No7 have been particularly interesting, as they have provided
insights into the industry that I am so looking forward to begin a career in. The opportunity to
visualise my work has been rewarding as it has allowed all of my creative ideas to materialise.
With seven years of experience working in luxury retail I have become attuned to
the luxury retail environment. This experience has heightened my knowledge of this
industry, which has been further enhanced by studying the global luxury market for all
of my final year projects. I am looking to take this passion to begin a career in luxury
marketing or buying in the near future.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07709976655
The course has been a personal journey in discovering the diverse career options
available from learning about Marketing and Branding. It has enlightened my knowledge
in the marketing, communication and branding strategy that result in a brands
success. I have enjoyed the creative freedom as well as learning to apply logic to create
a meaningful and realistic final project.
I am an ideas person and learning skills in applying strategy to creative business
ideas has been a key skill I have taken from this course. After I graduate, I am looking
to learn skills required to manage my own business, strengthen my leadership skills,
and a deeper understanding business and finance. I plan to achieve this through a
Managerial position whilst finding start-up funding for House of Dough.
Fashion Marketing and Branding has enabled me to develop an array of written, verbal and visual
skills. Not only has it made me develop these invaluable skills, but it has also given me an opportunity
to improve in other areas, such as working as part of a team, working towards deadlines, and
achieving desired objectives. Being such a creative course, I have particularly enjoyed everything that
revolved around the design aspect, and as result, I feel extremely confident in using programs such
as InDesign and Photoshop. This, combined with my strategic planning, has enabled me to create
extremely visual marketing reports, based on extensive consumer and market research.
The course has given me an opportunity to work on a variety of live projects, whilst also
undertaking a number of placements and internships. These have improved my commercial
awareness and marketing strategies, whilst allowing me to put the theory learned into
practice. Being extremely interested in the financial side of a business, and being a strong
analytical individual, I hope to pursue a career within the buying sector.
Contact Information
email: [email protected]
mobile phone: 07787858488
linked in:
Over the 3 years of the course I have learnt a lot about the industry and developed the skills
needed in order to utilize them in the business.
I learnt how to think creatively and translate these ideas to produce a creative body of work.
Not only that, but the course helped me to improve my marketing strategies to think more
outside the box. Learning to work with the deadlines, taught me to manage and use my time
well, to ensure the best possible results.
Fe r
The course gave me an insight into the different careers within the fashion industry and
working on the fashion map project and dissertation, I was able to develop my research skills,
which will prepare me for a career in buying and merchandising.
What I will take from these 3 years is how to work in an environment that is constantly
changing and businesses having to adapt to these changes.
business issue
As retail has been around for years, countless research has been done
in this area and many have come up with foundations and models to
contribute towards store attributes.
Lindquist’s studies introduced 9 store attributes:
physical facilities
Even though the health and fitness trend is a
growing macro-trend, Chris Zaremba thinks,
"we have the highest proportion of people over
50 that are obese or overweight. We have to
do something or this country will face a major
health crisis." (Zaremba, �0�5)
So even though reports show an increase in the
over 50 population over the next few years, it
appears that the older generation will be suffering from some kind of health condition, whether
it is obesity or heart disease.
NHS reported strong evidence that people who
are active are less likely to suffer from these
health conditions.
While at the same time, there are those that
are doing something about their health as 9�%
of the participants chose to be active for their
However research has shown that there are very
few health and wellbeing classes and groups
aimed at the over 50s and most of them are
all ages. This is the same with gyms being an
all ages gym and looking at the survey results,
85% of the survey takers find all ages gyms
and classes to be intimidating and would prefer
joining groups of their age.
Figure 2 | All ages yoga class
Fig. 8 l Topshop in-store
store atmoshphere
institutional and
business opportunity
With this age group accounting for a large share of the population and businesses overlooking this
market there is need for a health hub aimed specifically at this age group.
Over the years these attributes have been developed, simplified and
updated and brings us to Berman and Evans four categories within the
retail environment: exterior of the store, general interior, layout and
design variables, and point of purchase and decoration variables.
Having the health hub product idea in mind, a survey was sent out, asking participants if they would
be interested in a new holistic concept aimed at the over 50s, with 76% of participants
interested in this idea.
A fifth category, entitled ‘human variables’ was later added in by
Turley and Milliman.
In addition 60% of survey takers would also be interested in health and wellbeing classes
specifically for their age group.
Retail in the digital age l 15
Studying Fashion Marketing and Branding has given me the opportunity to look into many
different aspects of the fashion industry that I may be interested in pursuing in the future.
It has allowed me to develop many different skills, which would be useful in the workplace,
in particular, my visual communication skills have greatly benefited from all of the different
projects I have undertaken throughout the past 3 years. Having multiple projects to focus on
at one time has allowed me to successfully manage my time and work to deadlines all the while
ensuring that the work I produce is to the best of my abilities.
The opportunity to select my own macro trend and topic for this final project allowed me to
decide what I am passionate about and what I want to focus on in the future. Moving forwards,
this degree has helped me to realise that my strengths lie in the design and organisational
aspects, and that using these skills would allow me to look into the particular industries I am
interested in; event planning and interior design.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07539648512
FMB has provided me with the ability to persue my passion in food and health; the creative
and strategic aspects of this course has enabled me to show my creativity but ensure I have
foundations of solid, factual research. The course has given me the opportunity to spend a
year researching a topic I love and has helped me hugely personally.
H a n n ah
Fr o s t
My tutor Yvonne and other lecturers have encouraged me to see the bigger picture
and think outside of the box. In the future, I feel the research and analytical skills I’ve
learned will help me when pursuing my dream of starting my own business!
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07595 639 190
Linked in : (Hannah E Frost)
This course has really helped to develop my understanding of how vast the fashion industry is. There
are many aspects that I wasn’t fully aware of until I started this course.
FMB has enhanced my creative and visual skills greatly. I have enjoyed expanding my knowledge of
different software and improving my visual skills, especially in InDesign and Photoshop.
The mixture of live projects and set modules have really helped to develop my team working and time
management skills. I have found that I am able to take on leadership roles in order to complete tasks.
ade gould
Working on an array of projects has really helped to improve my strategic thinking and apply it to
an appropriate market.
The course has put an emphasis on gaining real world experience, and because of the work
placements I’ve undertaken, my confidence has grown and I have a greater understanding of
my own capabilities. After graduation I’m looking forward to exploring the different roles in the
fashion industry and building on my previous experience of branding and marketing for creative
agencies and individuals.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
The nature of this degree has allowed me to practice all elements of marketing and branding, whilst
learning key fashion principles, encouraging me to think strategically but with a creative flare. Course
content combines individual study and working as part of a team to produce presentations and
reports, developing communication, presentation and teamwork skills. Throughout the three years,
an emphasis has been placed on analysing the future trends influencing the fashion and lifestyle
industry: something of a particular personal interest. My final year studies have been focused on, and
have resulted in an advanced understanding in the male consumer.
a s e lg r a v
Alongside my third year studies, I have completed an internship at start up e-commerce brand
Little Black Wardrobe, working as their Marketing and Social Media Intern, devoting two days per
week. The completion of this, whilst working on an extensive body of work, has improved my time
management skills, and my ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously.
The combination of FMB and work experience has driven my passion for marketing, confirming my
career aspirations. I am confident that Fashion Marketing and Branding has prepared me to enter
the fashion and lifestyle industry as a marketing professional.
Suitable is a new menswear brand offering affordable, tailored, suits and shirts online. As innovators in online tailoring,
Suitable utilises emerging technologies to create perfectly fitting, bespoke formalwear, unique to each wearer, to take tailoring
into the future. The brand will launch with pioneering online 3D body scanning technology, available through an integrated
mobile app and website, to capture the accurate measurements needed to create bespoke garments, without leaving home. The
brand will evolve alongside technology: 3D body scanning is just the beginning.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07984136089
Throughout my time as an FMB student I have acquired many experiences and skills that I
will hold with me for life. With particular reference to the business side of the course, FMB
has helped me develop strategy planning skills In which I am able to create strategic business
and communication plans of my own, whilst effectively communicating and promoting these
business ideas verbally and visually through the use of presentation skills which the course has
thoroughly improved.
Gab ella
In terms of the creative side, the course has helped to improve my creative thinking and design
skills, helping me visually communicate my ideas through the use of Photoshop and InDesign, in
which I am able to create visually aesthetic branding representations and layouts. The creative side
of the course has definitely helped me the most ad inspired me to move forward into the fashion
industry. Previously I did a placement for 3 months at a company called Closet Clothing working
alongside the marketing department, which helped me gain valuable marketing and communication
skills, which further secured me a job for the rest of the summer working alongside the commercial
photographer in an assisting and styling role.
Contact Information
Linked in: Gabriella Hodgson
Mobile: 07703835100
Email: [email protected]
I have really enjoyed the course, I love how commercially focused it is and feel it has prepared
me for for industry. Fashion Marketing and Branding at NTU has taught me a combination of
analytical and creative skills which have I subsequently applied at my internships at House Of
Holland, Lulu Guinness and The Sunday Times Style magazine.
A l ic e
I have particularly enjoyed the more visual elements of the course. I love using Adobe
packages like Photoshop and Indesign to create branding. I enjoy thinking of creative
marketing strategy and applying this to the wide range of brands we have had the
opportunity to focus on. I also really enjoy trend forecasting; looking at the bigger
picture in society and seeing how this will influence attitudes and behaviour.
Contact Information
Linked in:
Mobile: 07402884628
Email: [email protected]
Fashion Marketing and Branding at NTU has helped me to understand how a brand operates, from
creating the brand values and ethos, to the marketing and communicating with consumers. I have
enjoyed broadening my visual communication skills as my passion lies with Visual Merchandising and
Interior Design. My Stage 2 project was focussed on creating a physical store for the online retailer
ASOS. This gave me the opportunity to explore my own personal interests and create a strong
portfolio for when I approach future employers for jobs in this area.
phillippa lomas
P h i l i ppa
The creative thinking and strategic planning aspects of the course have encouraged me to think
outside of the box when considering a brands opportunities and how the retail environment is
changing. Key guest lecturers have inspired my work as well as helping me to build contacts within
the fashion industry.
I had an 8 weeks placement with the lingerie brand Gossard as well as the UK’s number 1 seller of
hosiery and shapewear, Pretty Polly. This experience gave me a taste of what working life is like and
also helped me to narrow down what I would like to do as a career.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07730394296
Studying Fashion Marketing and Branding in the Art and Design School, I had opportunity
to strengthen my visual communication skill through designing professional and appealing
fashion marketing report. I also had opportunity to experience and use numbers of
equipment and facilities to do the creative projects and styling projects which can prepare
me for my future career in the fashion industry. Besides, as required in the course works,
working on marketing researches and trend researches helped me develop my creative
thinking and also critical thinking based on informed insights.
I have learnt analysing the market environment and planning marketing strategy for a brand
in terms of positioning, promotional strategy, marketing mix, budget planning and so on. In a
word, this course not only provided me with the facilities to develop my creative skill but also
the great knowledge of a business. It has prepared me for my career in marketing team,
promotional team and production team in a fashion retailing.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07598473572
LinkedIn: Edwin Leung
The Fashion Marketing and Branding course has provided me with the skills to potentially have a
long career within the sector. Projects require the development of skills such as creative and visual
thinking, as well as developing and creating strategy plans for specific tasks. Particular highlights
include the market knowledge the lectures have for the marketing and branding market, as well
as their contacts that provide interesting and inspired industry lectures from various brands and
The course has also helped improve various personal skills such as team work and time
management, and increased confidence whilst doing presentations!
After university I would like to gain further industry knowledge perhaps through work
experience or an apprenticeship.
Sense allows you to monitor your fitness, which can then been seen on the mobile app.
You can manually enter calories eaten, or exercise.
The device also allows you to keep track of your wellbeing. You can log your mood/anxiety levels onto the app at specific times of the day, so you can notice any influencers or triggers.
1/3 of participants said that a sleep application would be useful when monitoring their wellbeing and fitness. Sense allows you to see when you are unsettled or awake so you can
familiarise yourself with a routine.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @itsmecharrose
Having come to university immediately after leaving school, I feel Fashion Marketing and Branding at
Nottingham Trent University has facilitated my growth from sixth form student to an adult ready to
begin her career. Being a creative person, I feel I have flourished in the visual communication aspects
of the course; I have built upon my skill levels on Adobe Creative suite to be confident at undertaking
projects on the software. I also think my three years at Fashion Marketing and Branding have
helped me develop a strategic, yet creative thought pattern, something which I did not have prior to
attending university.
M cMaho
The balance of these processes are a unique, invaluable skill to have, something that I feel
differentiates myself from others beginning their careers within branding roles.
Post university my plans are still undecided. I hope to get a career that allows me creative
freedom on projects, as I have done during my time at university. Ultimately, my dream career
would be to work on cosmetics branding at a luxury department store such as Harrods.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07747168027
Before joining Fashion Marketing and Branding, I completed a BTEC in Fashion and Clothing
and soon realised my interest in the business side of fashion rather than the designing side but
still wanted that element of creativeness from the course.
What I have enjoyed most about the course is the chance to develop my strategic and creative
thinking through working on live projects that have been both challenging and rewarding,
allowing me to think outside the box and provide a marketing strategy that meets the
consumers wants and needs.
M i lwar d
The course has enabled me to produce work that is represents my creative and visual flair. My
skills in Photoshop and InDesign have developed over the three years on Fashion Marketing
and Branding and allowed me to produce visual reports that reflect my creativity. The
communication side of the course has enabled me to develop my verbal presentation skills that
were non-existent before joining the course. I now feel I can argue my point across and stand
up confidently in front of an audience.
Contact Information
Mobile: 07891637725
Email: [email protected]
Fashion marketing and branding has opened my skill sets to incorporate an equal mix of the
creative and the strategic. It has given me the opportunity to be exposed to a variety of industries and
market sectors that I otherwise may have not been interested in, which has informed my thinking and
pushed the boundaries of my marketing capabilities.
M o n ey
Projects and tasks throughout the course have structured my research methods; innovative
thinking and implementation of knowledge, and this will be of invaluable use when developing
ideas and concepts in any future career. In addition, Fashion marketing and branding has
evolved my visual communication skills by frequently pushing me to think imaginatively and
relate the information to the projects aesthetics for an artistically holistic approach.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07976972154
As an international student in Nottingham Trent University, I had the opportunity to study
Fashion Marketing And Branding. At the start of the study, I felt nervous and curious on
everything, but I get used to it in the end, I had a good study experience in this 3 years, I
learned marketing strategy, it is good for me to know how to analyze the market and find out
the strength and weakness of it, and I think marketing strategy is also useful for me when I
working in the future, and the course also help to creative my thinking,
I’m an unimaginative person, it is challenge me when I was doing the project to create
thinking, but our tutor was help me a lot about it, and also I learned some visual
communication, I learned how to use Photoshop and InDesign, overall this 3 years I’ve
come into contact with some fashion which I was interested in, and knowing how to
work together with others. I think I will go back to my country and looking for the job
which is related with my course after university.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
After finishing the course I enjoy looking back on my last 3 years, and to see how much FMB has
enabled me to improve my visual communication and presentation skills. The course has helped
me gain so much confidence in presenting in front of an audience, and helped me develop creative
ideas of how to visually communicate my ideas in reports. One of the best things about the course
is that they want you to do projects that you love, and that it’s not just limited to the fashion industry.
Fashion Marketing and Branding also taught me about how to structure and build strong marketing
strategies for a range of different brands, from Toni and Guy to Volvo Trucks!
N ew bery
Although I’m not positive what my career aspirations are yet, FMB has allowed me to
experiment with exploring different industries to see what I enjoy. In the future I will be
hoping to gain experience for jobs within the motoring or events industries. I also find
digital marketing interesting and I would like to learn more about this in the future.
1. To increase followers and likes on social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) by 200% by the end of
2. To increase brand awareness of F1
FanZone™ within the F1 community by
300% by the end of 2018.
3. To have an 80% satisfaction rate from
consumers at the UK event by the end
of 2018.
These SMART objectives would be able
to be reviewed whenever to see if the
brand is on their way to achieving their
strategic objectives by the time period
The first objective will be measured by
looking at the rise in followers and likes
on social media platforms.
The second objective will be measured
on a combination of ticket sales, app
downloads and activity on social media
sites to determine that this objective
has been met.
The third objective will be measured
by customer satisfaction surveys, which
will be emailed post event to attendees, with an incentive for them to fill
in the survey, by offering them a percentage of money off their next event,
therefore also encouraging them to
re-attend the following year. This objective will also be measured by numbers of fans re-attending the event year
upon year.
Contact Information
Telephone: 07590047923
Email: [email protected]
Coming from a purely business background Fashion Marketing and Branding has allowed me
to continue my business studies in a creative and innovative environment. Not only has the
course taught me how to create strong communication strategies for a variety of businesses
operating in different markets, but it has also taught me how to analyse and evaluate different
ideas and opportunities allowing only the most relevant and effective ones to be taken forward.
FMB has also given me the opportunity to build my CV alongside the course. I spent one term
studying at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York where I studied a selection of
modules including Faces and Places in Fashion, Visual Styling, Advertising and Promotion, and
Direct Promotion. In addition to this I also spent one term interning in London at All Saints,
Four Marketing PR Agency and Adam&Eve DDB Advertising Agency. From my experiences
in industry, in New York and from the course itself I have found my real passion lies within
marketing and advertising.
Contact Information
Mobile: 07842765825
Email: [email protected]
Fashion Marketing & Branding has exclusively shaped my commercial drive and creative flair which has
assisted in executing critical thinking and strategies that engage with consumer’s needs and benefits. The
projects and briefs I have worked on have allowed me to excel in areas of confidence plus engaging with
aspects that I was previously unfamiliar with.
My highlights of the course include; digital marketing and the rise of social media, importance of visual
communication, relevance of market trends and how this can impact brands and consumers, and the
magnitude of future thinking. My biggest take from the course though, proved to be how strategy can ultimately
benefit consumers and develop brand loyalty.
I relished my opportunity to return to education having worked in industry for a number of years and
embraced it. On reaching the pinnacle of this exciting course I feel that it has benefitted my knowledge
and a career potential massively.
Moving forward, I see my future within digital marketing. I feel that developing the online connection with
consumers is a vital attribute and feel my strengths lie within digitally focused roles. My key skills of time
management, visual panache and team leadership will assist me in continuing my career with marketing
and branding.
The opportunity for the NFL isn’t solely to expand into the UK market by creating a new
franchise. Further opportunity lies in developing fan experience and engagement to ensure the
sustainability and survival in the UK market. This opportunity lies within the family demographic to create a renowned and exciting fan experience which emits an economic, social and
emotional bond, not only with the NFL and teams but also with their own family and the wider
NFL community. The abundance of digital platforms will expose fans to predominantly visual
content rather than text which will innovate how game day experience can embrace technology
more than any other sports organisation in the world. E-ticketing will be rejuvenated through a
new product development that will drive toward digital saturation of fandom which will benefit
the NFL and fans alike. Combined with a marketing and communications strategy, the NFL will
decisively widen the NFL’s global reach that will see the brand excel in becoming the best sports
entertainment in the world.
Sponsorship will be the primary
source of income as Regal London
need to attract £100m from organisations willing to partner with
the team. A lucrative and jointly
beneficial team sponsorship will be
with British Airways who will pay
£80m per year. This figure is based
on the sponsorship deal Ethiad has
with Manchester City. “Nick Keller,
chairman of Sport Industry Group,
believes cross-media strategies are
helping sport sponsors to engage
with fans more directly and show
ROI more clearly.” [Marketing Week:
“Regal London symbolises Britain’s rich royal
heritage by incorporating an imperialistic
titled team name that not only reflects
London but also Great Britain entirely. As
an ambassador for the sport of American
Football within the UK, the team’s values
and mission evokes one of passion, pride and
Regal London Brand guidelines
The FuelBandAccess (FBA) is a new product development in collaboration with Nike.
The collaboration will manufacture a specifically designed NFL FuelBand that also
works as an e-ticket used to enter Wembley stadium, redefining wearable technology.
The innovation of the FBA will rejuvenate e-ticketing that will diminish the need for
paper or smart card electronic tickets. This NPD could revolutionise ticketing and
spectatorship worldwide not just in the NFL but in English soccer, arena concerts and
festivals worldwide. E-ticketing and M-ticketing are becoming increasingly used by
fans and passengers worldwide which creates a digitally flawless integrated system that
drives towards a paperless society.
Contact Information
Mobile: 07974681831
Email: [email protected]
London: a team is borne...
As a recent Fashion Marketing and Branding graduate from Nottingham Trent University, I have
a broad understanding both fashion and lifestyle industries. Fashion Marketing and Branding has
continually encouraged me to achieve my creative potential whilst solving business problems
and developing strategic marketing skills. Through studying at Nottingham Trent I have had the
opportunity to work on a series of live projects including collaborations with N07, Gossard and
O-Range. Each of the projects further expanded my marketing skillset, allowing me to apply what I
have learnt over the last three years in a practical and realistic way. The various international trips
available through FMB have aided my international industry knowledge.
Z oe
I have a strong interest in developing a career in Marketing and I have completed a
series of internships during my degree, helping to further my understanding of industry
environments and to provide deeper insight into relevant roles available. I spent a week
at Coast planning and implementing their AW14 press event where I worked closely
with Visual Merchandising, Marketing and PR. Additionally, I also spent six months
at a Cambridge based PR agency, looking after several health, wellbeing and lifestyle
brands, whilst enhancing my communications, networking and account management
Sainsbury’s easy cook BRanding
launching Sainsbury’s Easy Cook:
A new brand concept for Sainsbury’s
Easy Cook
Easy Cook
Easy Cook
The recipe Dinner-Kits will be a brand extension of Sainsbury’s core
Contact Information
Mobile: 07852974354
Email: [email protected]
I have enjoyed the balance of both creativity and business theory and logical thinking within the
course. It has allowed me to think from a business and strategic point of view, whilst further
developing my visual and creative skills.
The large amount of group work required over the years has improve my communication and team
work skills which will be a valuable skill for the future as well as gaining new IT skills in programmes
such as InDesign and Photoshop.
i n ge wo o
The most inspiring aspect of the course, is learning just how invaluable marketing and branding
are to a brand and how it’s success can be determined by these two areas. Learning about the
psychology behind marketing is also something I have found very interesting, such consumer’s
buying behaviour and the reasons behind store layouts.
Fashion Marketing & Branding has directed me towards wanting a future career within a
marketing team within a large fashion company.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07843618219
LinkedIn: Emma Swingewood
Fashion marketing and branding has given me the chance to develop my skills by allowing me to work on
projects, which involve focusing on strategic planning and improving my creative and visual skills in a way which
can connect with consumers.
FMB has allowed me to develop my team-working skills through projects allowing me to work more effectively
as a team. Additionally, having the opportunity to focus on my own chosen project has allowed me to build up
my confidence skills through presentations and working independently. Having the chance to experience a
mixture of lectures, seminars and workshops meant I could learn in many diverse ways and get the opportunity
to apply what I have learnt in different scenarios.
For the future I am hoping to go into Fashion buying as I have already previously gained some experience
assisting buyers. Moreover as a part of FMB I had the chance to complete a placement at an emerging
fashion label, which allowed me to gain insight into how clothes are marketed to buyers as well as using
social media platforms to market the brand. This placement has also given me a first hand experience at
getting in contact with buyers and establishing relationships with them.
Hollister provides clothing,
accessories and perfume for both
males and
females aged 12 – 18.
Hollister clothes are available
in-store and through the
company’s online store. The stores
are designed to simulate the feeling
of being in a surf shop by having the
exterior and
interior based on a lifeguard house.
(, 2015).
(, 2015)
Prices range from around £20 for
a t-shirt up to £50 for jeans and
(, 2015)
Hollister have seasonal sales and
also entice customers through
leaflets andpromotions whilst in
store. Currently, all of
Hollisters’ promotions and
campaigns are in store. However, in
the US, Hollister have collaborated
with Pretty Little Liars’ star Lucy
Hale to design a clothing collection
with Michael Scheiner, senior
director of marketing and public
relations for Abercrombie & Fitch,
which owns Hollister, saying that
Miss Hale’s ‘easygoing personality
goes hand in hand with our
Hollister lifestyle.’
(Clements, E. 2014).
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 01912687060
Linked In: Priyal Vadolia
I have been dreaming of studying something that is related to fashion since I was a
little girl. When I grow up, I found that I have started to focus more in the business and
marketing area of fashion, this course was the perfect combination of both worlds,
fashion and marketing.
This coursed have helped me to understand the fashion and lifestyle industries and it’s
roles as well as developing our creative thinking side, it also helped me to learn how
to connect with consumers through visuals though our strategic projects. The main
things that I have learned from this course is time management and team work. It also
helped me on my research skills and how to investigate to find a better information.
FMB has provided me with a unique skill set that will aid me in any future career, whether that’s in
fashion or not.
Teamwork is key in any workplace and through many experiences within my 3 years studying the
FMB course there has been many opportunities to collaborate as a team and pool creative and
strategic mind-sets to create a product or project both innovative and viable.
W at s o n
My visual skills on a variety of adobe software’s has improved ten-fold over the 3 years and has
come in very useful outside of my degree, in the workplace and of course, when deciding how
to best visualise my project ideas.
The key focus that underpins my entire degree is strategic and creative thinking; this is
incorporated within every project over the 3 years. Using both of these sides of the brain gives
us a unique advantage over a more lateral marketer as we can adapt and use innovation to
drive our techniques to a new level.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
By learning this course, I have been able to broaden my knowledge and improve my understanding of
marketing as a management science. Furthermore, this has enabled me to better understand the
actual marketing efforts, that need to be undertaken to attain succeed in the field, and professional
level. Theoretical work that were mandatory in the course enabled me to establish a basic and clear
understanding of what constitutes the prerequisites of marketing professional standards, and as
such be in a position to expand my marketing horizons.
The entire course created an opportunity where students learned from each other through
individual and group participation and presentations, a chance fostered room for improvement
and development. Also in this course I had the chance to learn and work in a group setting and
succeed as a team both a team leader and team member. I therefore look forward to putting
all I learned in the course into practice in the real environment in the fashion industry.
Contact Information
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 07936336911
Image References From Work
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2.Georgina Carter
Lammily Doll [2014]. anon. [04/01/2015].
3.Jessica Chapplow
Own Work
4.Helena Clarke
Own Work
5.Rosie Crosbie
Lane Crawford FW13 campaign [online]. 287haodiandian. Available via: post/2013-09-05/40053476271 [Accessed 10/5/2015].
6. Tiffany Dhani
Own Work
7. Sophie Dumontry
Face Collage (2014) by ACNE Studios.
SS14 (2014) by Charlie May.
AW15 (2015) by Tiaber.
8.Chanice Fleming
Figure 25:
For Love & Lemons, (2015). For Love & Lemons Logo. [image] Available at: content/uploads/2013/08/For-Love-and-Lemons.png
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Figure 26:
For Love & Lemons, (2015). For Love & Lemons Happy Hour KNITZ. [image] Available at: http://static1.squarespace. com/static/547b970de4b0db8f16a9a8e6/t/54d25f21e4b092ea1b1b72eb/1423073063835/for-love-and-lemons- knits?format=750w [Accessed 7/5/2015].
9. Hannah Frost
Own Work
10.Jade Gould
Hammock (2014), Julie Cooper, [ONLINE]. Available at: https://lh5.ggpht. com/2taEpLJTvPKdnaw-dGGLJtxFRNabZ2AzL9EwNt4Rqov-HAelpbhGrdN1Tkg6khFAYNAi5g=s85
[Accessed 13/1/5].
11.Katie Heaselgrave
Own Work
12.Gabriella Hodgson
Shaving in India (2012) by Steve Mccurry [Online] Available at: [Accessed 2/5/2015].
13. Alice King
Own Work
14.Philippa Lomas
15.Edwin Leung
Millennium(Unkown) by Unkown [online] Available at: http://en.tengruiews.k2/userdata/news/en/2012/news_11760 [Accessed 20/4/2015].
16. Charlotte McIntyre
Own Work
17. Isabelle McMahon
Color Magazine, (1999). Page from Issue 34. [Scanned page] Available at: http://www.colors- [Accessed: 10/1/2015] .
Grayson Perry, (2012). All in the best possible taste tapestry. [image] Available at: http://www. [Accessed
final images all:
Rich Kids of Instagram, (2015). Various Images taken from @RichKidsOfInstagram [im- age] Available at: [Accessed 10/1/ 2015].
18.Becky Milward
Own Work
19.Ellena Money
Casa Le Floresta (2013) (Accessed 19/05/2015].
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Retro Style Images (Unknown) https://hellochao.un/blog?page=5 (Accessed 20/5/2015].
21. Sophie Newbery
Monza Celebrations. (2015). [image] Available at: [Accessed 9/5/2015].
22. Sophie Robinson
Bibelas, T. (2011). Scream and Shout. [image] Available at: [Accessed 24/4/2015].
23.Matthew Smith
NFL logo by Anon (Unknown) Available at: sK2tMz (Accessed 16/4/2015].
Regal London plane by Matthew Smith
NFL Fuel Band (edited by Matthew Smith) Available at: http:// (Accessed 1/4/2015].
Regal London merchandise
Wembley Stadium by Anon (Unknown) Available at: [Accessed 17/4/2015].
Regal London logo by Matthew Smith
Snapchat at Wembley by Anon (Unknown) (edited by Matthew Smith) Available at: (Accessed 16/4/2015].
24. Zoe Stroud
Chopped thai salad. (2014) [Photograph] At: 07/05/2015).
25. Emma Swingewood
Bearded Man n.d. [online image] Available from: [Accessed on: 10/1/15].
26. Priyal Vadolia
Surfboard background (2015), Vadolia, K. [Pen/Illustration]
Hollister tracksuit bottoms.(2015) Vadolia, K. [Pen/Illustration].
Hollister perfume bottles. (2015) Vadolia, K. [Pen/Illustration].
Hollister, (n.d.). Hollister & Lucy Hale. [image] Available at: servlet/BrandExperienceView?catalogId=11558&espotKey=LucyHale&langId=-1&storeId=19659&icmp=ICT:BTS14:F:C::LUCY?c mp=pn:080714luc yhalelaunchdrop1 [Accessed: 22/4/2015].
27.Waad Aljishi
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29.Yuling Zhou
Hiphonest. [image] [online] Available at: [Accessed 12/1/2015].
A special thank you to those who made all this possible:
The Degree Show Committee
Isabelle McMahon
Georgina Carter
Sophie Robinson
Sarah Watson
Jade Gould
Elle Money
Alice King
Fashion Marketing and Branding Staff
Suzanne Winfield
Dana Cowley
Melanie Robertson
Sue Smedley-Roberts
Yvonne Richardson
Mark Lamb
David Thomas