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The sections in the book that correspond to this quiz are modules 29, 30, 31, and 32. Make sure
you open those sections and skim for important information.
1. Which category of disorders involves a separated sense of self—separate from
A) memories, thoughts, and feelings?
B) mood disorders
C) anxiety disorders
D) dissociative disorders
2. A(n) ________ is characterized by disruptive, irrational fears of objects or situations.
A) generalized anxiety disorder
C) phobia
B) obsessive compulsive disorder
D) posttraumatic stress disorder
3. Which of the following is the best definition of personality disorders?
A) a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking
B) disorders in which the sense of self becomes separated from previous memories and
C) psychological disorders in which the symptoms take bodily form without physical
D) lasting, rigid behavior patterns that disrupt social functioning
4. A person who alternates between hopelessness and an overexcited and unreasonably
optimistic state might be most likely to be diagnosed with which disorder?
A) major depressive disorder
C) bipolar disorder
B) generalized anxiety disorder
D) obsessive-compulsive disorder
5. When a person relives a severely upsetting event in unwanted recurring memories and
dreams, they might be diagnosed with:
A) generalized anxiety disorder.
C) a phobia.
B) obsessive compulsive disorder.
D) posttraumatic stress disorder.
6. Young monkeys start to fear snakes when given the opportunity to watch other monkeys.
This finding supports what kind of factor as a cause of anxiety disorders?
A) psychological
B) biological
C) social
D) learning
7. The most common compulsion among children and adolescents diagnosed with
obsessive-compulsive disorder is:
A) calling home repeatedly.
B) checking locks on doors and windows.
C) excessive washing.
D) repeatedly checking to see if the oven is off.
Page 1
8. Which of the following is the best definition of a psychological disorder?
A) behaviors defined as insane by criminal or civil courts of law
B) attitudes and thoughts that are significantly different from the majority opinions
C) harmful behaviors that are maladaptive, unjustifiable, disturbing, and atypical
D) distinctively different senses of self and personal identity
9. Which of the following is a characteristic of unjustifiable behavior?
A) destructive to oneself or others
C) troublesome to other people
B) without rational basis
D) so different that it violates a norm
10. According to research presented in the text, which of the following kinds of people are
statistically more likely to be diagnosed with major depressive disorder?
A) wealthy people
B) women
C) Americans
D) men
11. The group of disorders characterized by delusional thinking and disturbed perceptions are
A) dissociative disorders.
C) schizophrenia.
B) hallucinations.
D) somatoform disorders.
12. Which of the following models would be most useful in examining why the psychological
disorder susto is only diagnosed in Latin American countries?
A) bio-psycho-social
B) cognitive
C) psychoanalytic
D) Pinel model
13. Which of the following is a characteristic of maladaptive behavior?
A) destructive to oneself or others
C) troublesome to other people
B) without rational basis
D) so different that it violates a norm
14. A person who constantly feels so nervous and tense that he has trouble going out in public
and keeping a job, but can't figure out the cause of the nervousness, might be diagnosed
with which psychological disorder?
A) bipolar disorder
C) posttraumatic stress disorder
B) generalized anxiety disorder
D) obsessive-compulsive disorder
15. The DSM-IV-TR is a widely used system for:
A) classifying psychological disorders.
B) distinguishing sanity from insanity.
C) prescribing medications for psychological disorders.
D) treating depression.
Page 2
16. Twin studies indicate that even when raised in different families, identical twins
sometimes have similar phobias. This is evidence supporting what kind of factor as a
cause of anxiety disorders?
A) learning
B) social
C) biological
D) psychological
17. According to the medical model, psychological disorders are:
A) learned habits that need to be extinguished.
B) maladaptive responses to a troubling environment.
C) purely imaginary symptoms of distress.
D) sicknesses that need to be diagnosed and cured.
18. Nonmedical therapy is known as:
A) the eclectic approach.
B) psychiatry.
C) psychotherapy.
D) electroconvulsive therapy.
19. A person who is convinced that she has more than one personality and “blacks
out” for hours while another personality takes over is likely to be diagnosed with which of
the following?
A) dissociative identity disorder
B) dissociative schizophrenia
C) dissociative amnesia
D) dissociative fugue
20. About what percentage of people living in the United States would qualify for a
DSM diagnosis at some time in their lives?
A) 10%
B) 20%
C) 50%
D) 80%
Page 3