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Concept 3 Genetics
Science 9
Concept 3 – Genetics
Learning Concept
 Describe, in general terms, the role and
relationship of chromosomes, genes and DNA
Concept 3 – Genetics
 There is a blueprint for each multicellular
organism found within all the cells of the body
 Known as deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA
 Inherited material responsible for variation
Concept 3 – Genetics
 First identified in 1869
 In 1953 a scientific paper by James Watson and
Francis Crick presented the structure of DNA
 Rosalind Franklin had groundbreaking work in
discovering the shape of DNA
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Structure is a double helix
 Resembles a ladder that has been twisted into a
 Rungs of the ladder are different in their composition
Found in pairs
Adenine (A) and Thiamine (T)
Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C)
Concept 3 – Genetics
 The arrangements of these four chemicals create a
language that cells can read
 Read in triples
 Refer to this as the genetic code – a language the
cell understands
 These chemicals are the same for all species on
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Chromosomes are packages within the cell which
contain the DNA
 One chromosome only contains some of the
instructions for making an organism
 These are paired within a cell
 In plants and animals, chromosomes are contained
within the nucleus of the cell
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Chromosome numbers vary from species to species
 The composition of the chromosomes also varies
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Currently accepted in the scientific world
 Genes are responsible for inheritance of an
organism’s characteristic features
 A single gene is an uninterrupted segment of DNA,
with coded instructions
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Genes are located on chromosomes
 Chromosomes have numerous gene locations
 Genes come in pairs
 Both genes carry instructions for the same thing
 The same genes occupy matching locations on the
 The DNA code may differ in each location
Concept 3 – Genetics
 There are different forms of the genes coming
from the parents
 These different gene forms are called alleles
Concept 3 – Genetics
Learning Concept
 Distinguish between:
 Cell division that leads to identical daughter cells
 Cell division that leads to formation of sex cells
 Describe, in general terms, the synthesis of genetic
material that takes place during fertilization
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Asexual reproduction produces offspring
genetically identical to the parents
 Sexual reproduction produces offspring genetically
different from the parents
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Binary fission occurs in unicellular organisms
 Examples: amoeba, paramecium
 Cell contents divided equally between the two new
 What happens if the DNA is split between the two
How is this corrected?
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Parent cell first makes an exact copy of its DNA
 For a short time, the parent cell has two copies of its
 When the cell divides, each new cell gets one
complete copy of the DNA
Concept 3 – Genetics
 A similar process occurs in multicellular organisms –
called MITOSIS
 Two new cells are produced with the same number of
Occurs on the body cells
Responsible for growth and cell repair in multicellular
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Sexual reproduction requires the fusion of two
 The sperm cell
 The egg cell
 Using humans as an example,
 What happens if each gamete contained 23 pairs of
 The zygote will not survive if it receives two times
the amount of DNA needed
Concept 3 – Genetics
 MEIOSIS is a type of cell division that produces cells
with only half the DNA of a normal cell
 A sperm cell will have half the DNA
 An egg cell will have half the DNA
 When the two unite to form the zygote, it will have
a complete set of DNA
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Meiosis involves two cell divisions to produce four
 A gamete will contain one copy of each different
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Textbook Activity – Who Has What Number? pg 48
 Fill in the table in your notes using the information
provided in your textbook
in cell after
in a body cell
in a gamete
# of pairs of
Black Bear
in a zygote
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Plant and animal breeders have been conducting
experiments in selective/controlled breeding for a
long period of time
 Only organisms with desired traits were allowed to
 Certain patterns of inheritance were eventually
Concept 3 – Genetics
Learning Concept
 Identify examples of dominant and recessive
 Recognize dominance and recessiveness provides
only a partial explanation for the variation of
characteristics in offspring
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Genetics looks at how
heritable characteristics
are passed from one
generation to the next
 Work was began by
Gregor Mendel, an
Austrian monk
 Traced patterns of
inheritance in pea plants
Discovered fundamental
principles that led to
modern genetics
Concept 3 – Genetics
 A purebred organism (plant or animal) is one whose
ancestors ALL had the same form of a trait
Concept 3 – Genetics
 A hybrid organism (plant or animal) is one who was
produced from two purebreds with a different
form of the trait
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Dominant traits are those which are typically
always expressed/observed if ONE is present
 Two dominant alleles are inherited
 Example
Female provided allele for Yellow seed (dominant)
Male provided allele for Yellow seed (dominant)
Offspring will inherit both alleles
 Two dominant alleles are inherited and yellow seeds will be
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Two opposite-acting alleles are inherited
 Example
Female provided allele for Tall plants (dominant)
Male provided allele for Dwarf plants (recessive)
Offspring will inherit both alleles
 Tall is a dominant alleles, so while both alleles are
inherited, a TALL plant will be observed
Concept 3 – Genetics
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Recessive traits are those which are ONLY
expressed/observed when TWO are present
 Two recessive alleles are inherited
 Example:
Female provided allele for white flowers
Male provided allele for white flowers
Offspring will inherit both alleles
 Two recessive alleles are inherited and a white flower will
be observed
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Which of the examples listed in these notes (seed
color, tall/dwarf plants, flower color) represents
 A hybrid?
 A purebred?
Concept 3 – Genetics
Learning Concept
 Investigate the transmission of characteristics from
parents to offspring, and identify examples of
characteristics in offspring that are:
 The same as the characteristics of both parents
 The same as the characteristics of one parent
 Intermediate between parent characteristics
 Different from both parents
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Recall that each adult has a pair of chromosomes,
and alleles are gene variations carried on those
 There is written “code” for genetics to show
dominant versus recessive traits
 We call the written “code” the organism’s genotype
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Dominant traits are always written as the capital
 Recessive traits are always written as the lower
case of the same letter
 For yellow seeds
Dominant trait for yellow could be Y
Recessive trait for green will then be y
Concept 3 – Genetics
 A pea plant with the yellow seed color will have
two alleles
 Dominant traits are expressed when:
Two dominant alleles are inherited
Two opposite-acting alleles are inherited
 What are the two possible genotypes for this pea
Concept 3 – Genetics
 A pea plant with the green seed color will also have
two alleles
 Recessive traits are expressed when:
Two recessive alleles are inherited
 What are the one possible genotypes for this pea
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Science Log
 Why is it possible for two plants that express the
dominant yellow seed color to have one green seed
Concept 3 – Genetics
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Give it a try ...
 Page 52 – Exploring Genetic Possibilities
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Other patterns of inheritance also exist, due to
 Incomplete dominance
 Complex patterns of inheritance
 Environmental factors
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Incomplete dominance arises when traits are not
truly dominant or recessive
 A purebred red snapdragon, when crossed with a
purebred white snapdragon, will produce all pink
What is the genotype of the red snapdragon?
What is the genotype of the white snapdragon?
What is the genotype of the pink snapdragon?
Concept 3 – Genetics
 Environmental factors can cause variations in
things such as height, weight, etc.
 Presence of environmental factors can influence the
Consumption of alcohol during a pregnancy will interfere
with normal development of brain structures and facial
Medication can cause structural deformities
 Example: thalidomide in the late 1950s
Concept 3 – Genetics