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Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight:
The Satellite Cell
Zipora Yablonka-Reuveni and Kenneth Day
Abstract The formation of striated muscle during embryogenesis involves
morphogenetic programs that orchestrate the development of the functional units
of skeletal muscle – the myofibers. These multinucleated syncytia share with
cardiomyocytes some structural and contractile characteristics that commonly
define skeletal and cardiac muscles as sarcomeric muscles. However, distinctive to
adult skeletal muscle is its repair capacity that is contributed by satellite cells. These
cells are specified during development for response to muscle trauma in the adult.
Satellite cells are myogenic progenitors that reside on the surface of skeletal muscle
myofibers beneath the basal lamina and provide a supply of myoblasts that readily
contribute to muscle regeneration. Activated satellite cells give rise to myoblast
progeny that fuse into new myofibers or with damaged myofibers. This differentiation process of satellite cell progeny integrates temporal gene expression with cell
cycle control. Furthermore, satellite cells also may self-renew, which qualifies their
identity as muscle stem cells. Similarities in the structure of the contractile units
of skeletal and cardiac muscle have led cardiologists to consider novel approaches
toward the use of skeletal muscle stem cells for improving cardiac regeneration.
In this chapter, we discuss the basic biology of satellite cells and introduce in
brief the hopes and obstacles for repairing muscle deterioration with donor satellite cells.
Keywords Satellite cells • Myogenesis • Pax7 • MRFs • Myofibers • Intrafusal
fibers • Aging • Muscular dystrophy • Skeletal muscle repair • Myocardium
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni (*)
Department of Biological Structure, University of Washington
School of Medicine, Seattle, WA
e-mail: [email protected]
I.S. Cohen and G.R. Gaudette (eds.), Regenerating the Heart, Stem Cell Biology
and Regenerative Medicine, DOI 10.1007/978-1-61779-021-8_11,
© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
1 Introduction
1.1 Relevance of Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells to Cardiac Repair
Similarities in the structure of the contractile units of skeletal and cardiac muscle
have led cardiologists to consider novel approaches toward the use of skeletal
muscle myogenic progenitors and myoblasts for repair of failing myocardium
[1, 2]. However, the actual use of such cells to restore cardiac tissue has not progressed as fast as it had been hoped [3, 4]. Recent studies have again raised hopes
that the use of skeletal muscle myogenic cells might indeed be feasible for cardiac
repair [5–11].
1.2 About This Chapter
In this chapter we provide an overview of the basic biology of skeletal muscle satellite cells, myogenic progenitors reside on the myofiber surface and contributing to
muscle homeostasis and repair [12–14]. Other cell types isolated from skeletal
muscle, such as mesoangioblasts, pericytes, and myoendothelial cells also seem to
have myogenic potency, but it remains unknown if these additional cell types participate normally in muscle maintenance and repair [15–17]. This chapter focuses
exclusively on the satellite cell, a bona fide myogenic progenitor defined initially
by electron microcopy on the basis of its localization underneath the myofiber basal
lamina [18, 19]. More recent studies have identified molecular markers of satellite
cells, especially the expression of Pax7, allowing the distinction of satellite cells by
standard immunofluorescent microscopy [20] (Fig. 1).
Basal lamina
Satellite cell nucleus
Myofiber nucleus
Sat, satellite cell
Myofiber plasma membrane
Mf, myofiber
Fig. 1 A schematic (a) and an electron microscopy micrograph (b) of the satellite cell location.
The myofiber basement and plasma membranes have been routinely detected by immunostaining
with antibodies against laminin and dystrophin, respectively. In (a), myofiber nuclei depicted at the
myofiber periphery represent the state of healthy adult myofibers; immature myofibers present in
regenerating muscles and in muscular dystrophy display centralized myofiber nuclei (not shown).
In (b), black arrows depict the basal lamina and white arrows depict apposing satellite cell and
myofiber membranes (note the sarcomeric organization within the myofiber)
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
Herein, we review classic and contemporary studies in satellite cell biology.
We first discuss the niche and function of these cells within the intact adult muscle,
followed by details on approaches for satellite cell detection, isolation, and characterization using cell culture. We then focus on the molecular signature of satellite
cells and their progeny, emphasizing the topics of satellite cell specification and the
dynamics of satellite cell progeny as they transit through proliferation, differentiation, and self-renewal. We conclude with a brief description of the status of cellbased therapy within the context of satellite cell delivery to host skeletal muscle.
This chapter is not an exhaustive review; we cover topics mainly in accordance with
our current research interests. There is an immense amount of literature on areas
not discussed here, including satellite cell regulation by extracellular factors, mitogens, autocrine/paracrine factors, mechanical loading, and more; the reader should
refer to other, original reviews on such subjects (e.g., [12, 21–27]).
2 Location and Function of Satellite Cells
Satellite cells are myogenic progenitors that are required for the growth, repair, and
maintenance of adult skeletal muscle [12, 28]. The anatomically distinct position of
the satellite cell on the surface of the myofiber beneath the basal lamina provides
immediacy and sensitivity to a postmitotic tissue such as skeletal muscle that is
critically dependent on mechanical, structural, and functional integrity [12, 21]. In
the juvenile growth phase, when muscles enlarge, the satellite cells are proliferative
and add nuclei to growing myofibers [29–32]. In adult muscle, satellite cells are
typically quiescent, until their activation is invoked by muscle injury [32, 33].
Subtle injuries may lead to minimal proliferation of activated satellite cells, whereas
major trauma can recruit greater numbers of satellite cells and promote a prolonged
episode of proliferation prior to differentiation. Activation of these myogenic
precursors is controlled by proximal signals from the muscle niche, microvasculature, and inflammation [24, 26, 34–38]. Systemic factors may also regulate satellite
cell activation [39, 40]. Following their activation, satellite cells may contribute to
repair of damaged myofibers and also may generate new myofibers following
rounds of cell division and fusion of myoblast progeny [41, 42]. The behavior of
satellite cells is under stringent regulatory control to orchestrate balance and decisions
among their maintenance in quiescence, entry into proliferation and continuity of
the cell cycle, and terminal differentiation [23, 43]. Furthermore, apart from their
ability to fortify myofibers and contribute to muscle regeneration, satellite cells
have the capacity to replenish a reserve pool and self-renew, which also classifies
these progenitors as adult stem cells [41].
During early growth, muscle satellite cells may represent about 30% of the
nuclei, whereas in the healthy adult, satellite cells represent just approximately
2–7% of nuclei within skeletal muscle [13, 30]. The numbers of satellite cells per
myofiber or per cross-sectional area may vary immensely between different
muscles. For example, the fast twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) contains
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
fewer satellite cells compared with the slow twitch soleus [13, 44, 45]. Additionally,
myofiber ends may display a higher concentration of satellite cells than the bulk of
the myofiber [46]. There are also reports on an age-associated decline in satellite
cell numbers and the extent (if any) of such a decline may vary between muscles
[44, 47–49]. There is also evidence that the performance of satellite cells declines
in the aging environment, but their activity can be rejuvenated upon exposure of old
muscle to a juvenile environment by cross-transplantation or by parabiosis of
young and old mice [35, 40, 50]. The decline in satellite cell performance in old age
might be a contributory factor to age-associated muscle deterioration, also known
as sarcopenia [51]. However, additional studies suggest that the initial performance
of skeletal muscle progenitors is delayed but not necessarily impaired in old age,
and that factors beyond merely satellite cell activity may also play a role in reducing
muscle repair in old age [38, 52]. Muscle-wasting disorders are also thought to lead
to exhaustion of satellite cells owing to the continuous need for supply of myogenic
cells to repair myofibers [53–55]. Overall, satellite cells are vital to skeletal muscle
homeostasis and regeneration throughout the lifespan.
3 Isolation and Culture Approaches for Satellite Cell Analysis
Satellite cell behavior has often been investigated by transplantation of isolated
populations of satellite cells into host muscles of experimental animals, with
assessment of donor cell contribution to myofiber formation shown by expression
of donor-derived genes [41, 47, 56–58]. However, most of our understanding of
satellite cell biology has arisen from studies using primary cultures of satellite cells.
Studies with myogenic cell lines further permitted extensive biochemical and
molecular analyses, although these models do not always fully adhere to the biology
of satellite cells. The closing paragraph of this section details some of the most
commonly used myogenic cell lines.
Satellite cell populations are routinely isolated through enzymatic digestion of
skeletal muscles [59]. Depending on the enzymatic procedure that is used and the
purpose for cell isolation, enrichment for satellite cells beyond the basic isolation
protocol is often unnecessary. For example, see our studies, with Pronase digestion
of skeletal muscle [30, 43, 44, 59]. Alternatively, satellite cells can be enriched
from whole muscle cell suspensions by various approaches that remove myofibril
debris present in the initial cell suspension and reduce the presence of fibroblastic
cells. Such approaches have included (1) initial short-term plating on uncoated
tissue culture dishes that results in removal of fast adhering cells followed by
culturing of the remaining nonadhering cells (i.e., differential plating) [60–62],
(2) fractionation on Percoll density gradients [63–66], and (3) cell sorting by forward
and side scatter [67].
In studies where further enrichment of satellite cells is warranted, cells can be
isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) using antibodies that react
with satellite cell surface antigens [58]. First, cells are released from the muscle
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
tissue using collagenase–dispase, which is an enzyme mixture that preserves cell
surface antigens (whereas Pronase or trypsin digestion methods may not necessarily
preserve such cell surface antigens). Studies from various laboratories (performed
mainly with mouse tissue) have established that satellite cells can be isolated on the
basis of being negative for CD45, CD31, and Sca1, and positive for CD34 and a7
integrin [57, 58]. Additional cell surface antigens, including CXCR4, b1 integrin,
and syndecan-4 have also been utilized for isolation of myogenic progenitors from
adult muscle [56, 68]. A range of fluorescence-based reporter systems in genetically manipulated mouse strains have also permitted reliable isolation and study of
satellite cells. For example, we demonstrated that satellite cells could be isolated
from different muscle groups of transgenic nestin-green fluorescent protein (GFP)
mice where strong GFP expression in satellite cells is driven by nestin regulatory
elements [48, 69]. Pax3- and Pax7-driven reporter expression has also been utilized
to sort mouse satellite cells by FACS [57, 70]. As discussed in greater detail later
in this chapter, Pax7 is commonly expressed by satellite cells across different
muscle groups, but Pax3 expression is limited to select satellite cells. Mutant mice
with a GFP reporter gene targeted into the myogenic factor 5 (Myf5) locus also
permitted isolation of myogenic cells from such mice by FACS, but GFP expression
is below the detection level in many of the satellite cells in adult mice and reduces
the efficiency of satellite cell isolation [36, 71, 72]. Cre-Lox mouse models can also
be used to isolate satellite cells on the basis of permanent fluorescent reporter
expression in cells derived from myogenic progenitor cells expressing Cre recombinase driven by genes relevant to the myogenic lineage such as Pax3, Myf5, and
MyoD [73–75]. When working with such Cre-Lox mouse models to sort satellite
cells, one should be careful to ensure that the reporter is not expressed in additional
cell types during embryogenesis. For example, see the report on Myf5-Cre expression
in nonmyogenic sites [76].
The ability to isolate and culture single live myofibers (especially from rodent
models) has also provided the advantage of following individual resident satellite cell activity in the presence of the parent myofiber [77–81]. In adherent
myofiber culture models, satellite cells typically emanate from their position on
the myofiber and give rise to proliferating myoblasts that differentiate and
generate myotubes [44, 45]. Depending on culture and media conditions, rapid
activation, proliferation, and differentiation of satellite cells can take place
within the adherent parent myofiber unit [25, 26, 63, 81, 82]. Alternatively,
culture of myofibers in suspension permits the unique ability to observe the
behavior of satellite cells as they proceed through multiple rounds of cell division in cell clusters while remaining in contact with the myofiber [83]. Isolated
single myofibers also allow tracing and recording of satellite cell numbers per
myofiber on the basis of specific marker expression, with endogenous Pax7
expression becoming a common and direct approach to monitor satellite cells by
immunofluorescence [44, 45, 48, 84]. Individual progeny of satellite cells can
also be analyzed in clonal studies. We reported on such clonal analyses of satellite cells upon isolation of cells from whole muscles and also from triturated
individual myofibers [44, 48, 66].
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
Many studies with myogenic cell lines have provided important insight into
satellite cell biology with the caveat that not all findings with these models are
completely applicable. The C2C12 mouse cell line is the most commonly used
model for myogenesis and permits biochemical and molecular analyses when larger
numbers of cells are needed. The C2C12 line (available from American Tissue
Culture Collection, ATCC), was developed by subcloning of the parental C2 cell
line that originated from adult mouse muscle [85–88]. The MM14 mouse cell line
has also been used some studies [89, 90]. The rat myogenic cell lines L6 and L8
(available from ATCC) have also been used in some studies [91, 92]. In such cell
models, myoblasts remain proliferative for a longer time when placed in a serum-rich
environment and rapidly differentiate when placed in a serum-poor environment.
However, it is important to recognize that the immediate progeny of satellite cells
from adult skeletal muscle typically cannot be blocked from entering differentiation, regardless of medium composition or cell density [44, 48, 66]. Furthermore,
long-term passages of cell lines typically have led to major variations in regulatory
feedback loops that may not be reflective of cell signaling pathways that operated
within the ancestor cells used to generate the cell line. Thus, the behavior of the
long-term passaged myoblasts, which constitute the myogenic cell lines, may
reflect only some of the features of satellite cell progeny. We previously provided
a detailed summary of each of the aforementioned myogenic cell lines with regard
to expression patterns of myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs), growth factor receptor expression, and response to growth factors [23]. We emphasized some of the
main deviations of these cell lines from freshly isolated satellite cells placed into
primary culture [23], and the reader can refer to this reference for further details.
4 Satellite Cell Specification and Pax3/Pax7
Transcription Factors
Satellite cells in body and limb muscles are thought to originate from the same
compartments of the somite from where early muscle progenitors arise for development of trunk and limb muscles [75, 93]. These studies, relying on contemporary
approaches of lineage tracing, have affirmed the original report on the somitic origin
of satellite cells based on quail-chick chimeras [94]. Early studies demonstrated
that progeny of myogenic cells isolated from adult muscles displayed various morphological and biochemical features that were distinct from those of cells derived
from myogenic progenitors present in the fetal phase of embryogenesis. These
investigations further identified the emergence of “adult-type” myogenic progenitors in the late fetal phase, corresponding with the development of mature basal
lamina around myofibers [19, 95–99]. In the absence of a direct means to trace the
satellite cells themselves, the latter studies established the concept that myogenic
progenitors in the adult could be distinct from those present in fetal muscle on the
basis of the features of cells cultured from adult muscle.
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
Satellite cells in body and limb muscles are specified from the embryonic and
fetal muscle progenitor populations that express the paired box transcription factors
Pax3 and Pax7 in trunk and limb muscle [75, 100–102]. Pax3 and Pax7 are paralogs
and members of a larger family of Pax transcription factors involved in cell type
and organ determination during embryogenesis of multicellular animals. The Pax
proteins are characterized by their DNA-binding domains that include a paired
domain and a homeodomain [103, 104]. Both Pax3 and Pax7 are expressed during
muscle development, and both possess distinct and overlapping roles [105–109].
Some muscles, such as craniofacial muscles, may develop completely with the
absence of Pax3 gene activity [110–113]. The lack of Pax3 expression in head
muscle is reflective of the differences in precursor cells (i.e., head mesenchyme)
that contribute to development of these muscles [111, 114].
Pax3 cannot compensate for the essential role of Pax7 in postnatal muscle,
although embryonic muscle development progresses normally in the absence of
Pax7 [115–118]. During embryogenesis, Pax3 plays a vital role in the transcriptional upregulation of c-met/ hepatocyte growth factor receptor that is required for
the migration of muscle precursors to the limb bud [110]. Early studies indicated
that Pax7 is generally required for specification of satellite cells and the survival of
mice in which the Pax7 gene was inactivated [118]. However, more detailed studies
of Pax7 gene inactivation in mice showed that Pax7 may control survival of satellite
cells beyond the neonatal period as there was a rapid decline in the number of
detectable satellite cells postnatally, with some exhibiting markers of apoptosis
when Pax7 was absent [116, 117]. A recent report demonstrated that Pax3 and Pax7
are only required up to the juvenile stage for myogenic performance and suggested
that these Pax genes are necessary for the initial entry of specified satellite cells into
quiescence, but not for satellite cell function and maintenance in adult muscle
[119]. This study reaffirms the findings of the early studies and indicates that satellite cells (or adult-type myogenic progenitors) may represent a distinct population
of myogenic progenitors that replaces the fetal myogenic population [19].
5 Pax3/Pax7 Expression by Satellite Cells
in Different Muscle Groups
Satellite cells in postnatal and adult muscle express Pax7, providing a molecular
marker for their identification by immunostaining and by stable Pax7-driven
reporter expression [30, 41, 44, 118, 119]. Pax3-driven reporter expression and
endogenous Pax3 expression is only detected in satellite cells of some adult muscles,
whereas all satellite cells express Pax7 [57, 69, 117, 120]. We demonstrated that
preparations of freshly isolated satellite cells from diaphragm muscle express relatively high levels of Pax3 messenger RNA (mRNA) compared with satellite cells
from hind-limb muscles that show very little expression; Pax7 expression levels are
similar, regardless of the muscle origin of isolated satellite cells [69]. We found that
this distinction between satellite cells from limb and diaphragm muscles is
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
maintained in old mice; this difference is also retained in the proliferating progeny
as shown by real time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) (unpublished results).
An independent study also reported on elevated Pax3 expression in cultures of
satellite cells from diaphragm compared with limb muscles [70].
The role that Pax3 and Pax7 play in skeletal muscle development and in satellite
cells remains unclear. Reports on the possible roles of Pax3 and Pax7 during
myogenesis suggest involvement of Pax7 in prevention of cell cycle progression
while also suppressing differentiation, thereby playing a possible role in satellite
cell self-renewal [121, 122]. A different study suggested that Pax7 may be involved
in maintaining proliferation and preventing precocious differentiation, but does not
promote quiescence [123]. Studies on integrated expression of Pax3 and Pax7 have
suggested that these factors function to maintain expression of myogenic regulatory
factors (MRFs) and promote myoblast expansion, but are also required for myogenic differentiation to proceed [124]. The regulation of Pax3/Pax7 gene expression and the functional targets of these genes may vary not only between muscles,
but also during satellite cell specification, myoblast proliferation, and satellite cell
maintenance in quiescence within adult muscle. Some genome-wide approaches to
map Pax7 binding sites using chromatin immunoprecipitation with Pax7 antibodies
have shown that Pax7 may potentiate the expression of genes important in the skeletal muscle lineage such as the myogenic transcription factor Myf5 by inducing
chromatin modifications [125]. However, Pax7 may rather suppress the entry of the
satellite cell into myogenesis by upregulating Id gene family members that negatively regulate the myogenic basic helix–loop–helix transcription factors [126].
Pax3 and Pax7 may also work coordinately with other factors as the Pax family
members in general have been shown to possess weak transactivation domains on
their own [106, 127]. Chromatin immunoprecipitation for Pax7 also yielded some
target genes whereby their expression is regulated by alternative splicing of Pax7
transcripts [128]. Alternatively spliced Pax3 and Pax7 mRNAs have been detected
in various tissues and cells [129–133]. Overexpression studies have suggested both
inducing and inhibitory roles of Pax3 isoforms identified in myogenic cultures
[129]. Further studies are required to determine the unique functions of these
alternatively spliced Pax3 and Pax7 isoforms during myogenesis.
6 Satellite Cells and the Role of the Myogenic
Regulatory Factors
Activation, proliferation, and differentiation of satellite cells correlates with distinct
temporal expression profiles of Pax7 and the myogenic regulatory factors (MRFs)
[14, 20]. The muscle-specific MRF family of basic loop–helix transcription factors
includes myogenic determination factor 1 (MyoD), Myf5, myogenin, and myogenic regulatory factor 4 (MRF4), which are also all involved in determination of
myogenic fate during early embryogenesis [134–138].
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
Intact muscle tissue
Formed in cell culture
Quiescent satellite cell, Pax7+
Activated satellite cell, Pax7+/MyoD+
Proliferative cell, Pax7+/MyoD+
Differentiating cell, Myogenin+/MyoD+
Reserve cell, Pax7+
Fig. 2 Schematic of the molecular signatures of satellite cells and their progeny upon activation,
proliferation, differentiation, and self-renewal (based on primary cell culture studies)
Quiescent satellite cells commonly express the paired-homeobox transcription factor Pax7 in contrast to their proliferating progeny that coexpress Pax7
and MyoD. Myogenin induction along with a decline in Pax7 mark myoblasts
that have entered into the differentiation phase. Emergence of cells that express
Pax7, but not MyoD, in cultures derived from satellite cells demarcate a self-renewing population, also referred to as reserve cells [30, 43, 44, 48, 63, 81, 83]. This
dynamic molecular signature of satellite cells and their progeny is depicted
in Fig. 2.
Quiescent satellite cells were also shown to express the Myf5 gene on the basis
of b-galactosidase detection in mutant mice in which one of the Myf5 alleles was
modified to direct lacZ expression in Myf5nlacZ/+ mice [14, 48, 49, 84]. Endogenous
Myf5 mRNA expression has also been demonstrated in quiescent satellite cells [48,
63, 69]. However, the detection of Myf5 protein has not been reported in quiescent
satellite cells, although proliferating progeny of satellite cells do express Myf5
protein together with Pax7 [43, 139]. Thus, it is possible that Myf5 protein is
expressed only at a low level in quiescent satellite cells and therefore cannot be
detected by standard immunostaining approaches.
We found that Myf5 expression declines when myoblasts enter differentiation,
whereas MyoD expression persists well into the differentiation stage, suggesting
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
that these two MRFs have different roles during myogenesis of satellite cells [43].
Muscles of MyoD-null mice contain functional satellite cells that can contribute to
normal (albeit slightly delayed) muscle regeneration [139, 140]. However, it was
initially reported that MyoD is essential for muscle regeneration [141]. Indeed, the
delayed differentiation observed in the absence of MyoD can potentially impact the
dynamics of muscle repair in vivo [139]. Recent studies from our laboratory have
also demonstrated that progeny of individual satellite cells from MyoD-null
mice differentiate poorly when the progenitors are cultured at clonal density
(unpublished data). Overall, it is possible that absence of MyoD may impact
muscle regeneration only in certain kinds of injury approaches and this may lead to
the different conclusions of the published in vivo regeneration studies with MyoDnull mice [140, 141].
Early studies that developed Myf5-null mice demonstrated neonatal lethality as
the Myf5 mutations impaired the function of an additional gene [142]. However,
studies with recently developed Myf5-null mice, which survive to adulthood and
are fertile, suggest that Myf5 is not essential for satellite cell function in adult
muscle [72, 143]. Myogenin expression is critical for muscle formation during
embryogenesis. However, conditional inactivation of the myogenin gene in the
adult muscle does not interfere with myogenesis, and further raises questions about
the actual role of myogenin in adult life [144, 145]. The role of the fourth MRF,
namely, MRF4, remains unknown in myogenesis of satellite cells, but it is the only
MRF that is expressed at a high level in adult muscle, whereas MyoD, Myf5, and
myogenin expression levels are relatively lower [146]. MRF4 involvement in downregulating myogenin expression has been reported [147]. In two different studies
on MRF4 mRNA expression in primary myogenic cultures, this factor was detected
before, after, or concurrently with myogenin expression [148, 149].
6.1 MyoD and Satellite Cell Activation
Pax7 is coordinately expressed with the myogenic regulatory factor MyoD upon
satellite cell activation and entry into proliferation (see Fig. 2) [30, 43, 44, 83].
MyoD serves as the master transcription factor required to upregulate genes associated with myogenic differentiation [150, 151] and most studies on the role of
MyoD during proliferation addressed mechanisms that suppress MyoD function to
avoid premature differentiation [152]. However, the reason for the presence of
MyoD in proliferating progeny of satellite cells (while spending cellular resources
on suppressing its function) remains unknown. An earlier study identified Id3 and
NP1 genes as targets of MyoD in proliferating myoblasts and suggests an active
role for this factor prior to differentiation [153]. A recent study has shed new light
on this subject by defining a mechanism whereby MyoD allows satellite cells to
enter into the first round of DNA replication after transitioning out of quiescence
[154]. The latter study demonstrated in C2C12 and primary mouse myoblasts that
MyoD can occupy an E-box within the promoter of Cdc6 (which is an essential
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
regulator of DNA replication) and that this association, along with E2F3a, is
required for transcriptional activity of the Cdc6 gene. After being stimulated for
growth, C2C12 myoblasts or quiescent satellite cells (in association with parent
myofibers) express MyoD and Cdc6, but MyoD is detected at least 2–3 h earlier
than Cdc6.
Our laboratory demonstrated that MyoD expression represents one of the
earliest events of satellite cell activation [81]. MyoD protein synthesis was detected
before the first round of cell division by using parallel immunodetection of
5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation and cell cycle markers [20].
Therefore, it is apparent that MyoD protein expression may play an important role
in the activation of satellite cells and entry into the cell cycle. Rapid upregulation
of MyoD expression within several hours after muscle injury as demonstrated by in
situ hybridization [155] further provides in vivo support for the hypothesis that
satellite cells in adult muscle are already committed to entering the MyoDexpressing state. MyoD transcripts are detectable in freshly isolated satellite cells
by RT-PCR [63, 156]. Our unpublished real-time RT-PCR analysis demonstrated
that such MyoD mRNA levels in freshly isolated satellite cells were only about
20% of those in proliferating progeny of satellite cells. Furthermore, with use of a
MyoD-Cre mouse model, it has been established that satellite cells in adult muscles
derived from cells that had already expressed MyoD during development [73].
Hence, on the basis of such historical expression, satellite cells might easily
upregulate MyoD expression to maintain the balance between the quiescent state
and occasional activation required for supporting adult muscle. MyoD expression
might be suppressed in quiescent satellite cells by cues from the satellite cell niche.
Once there is a modification of this niche, even a subtle one, MyoD expression may
no longer be suppressed. Various studies have suggested that fibroblast growth
factors, hepatocyte growth factor, and myostatin could all be involved in satellite
cell activation [25–27, 44, 63], in addition to other factors [24, 77, 157, 158].
Notably, MyoD expression levels also seem to be influenced by cell culture
conditions. In a serum-rich, mitogen-depleted medium, satellite cells undergo only
one or two rounds of proliferation, after which their progeny enter differentiation
and express myogenin, but not MyoD [25, 26, 81]. In contrast, the progeny of satellite cells remain proliferative for a long time (more than 1 week) and express MyoD
even upon fusion into myotubes when grown in our rich growth medium [44, 159].
Although expression of MyoD is observed during proliferation, its main role has
been well characterized during differentiation, where it may induce myogenin
expression, along with a concomitant decline in Pax7 and Myf5 expression, cell
cycle withdrawal, and subsequent fusion of myoblasts into multinucleated myotubes [43, 151]. Satellite cells from MyoD-null mice do not display obvious impairment in myogenesis, but the transition into the differentiation phase is delayed both
in culture and in vivo [139, 140]. Thus, it is thought that the role of MyoD as a regulator of myogenic differentiation may be at least partially compensated by Myf5
[160, 161]. Mouse models in which MyoD and Myf5 gene function can be eliminated conditionally in adult muscle are needed for further studies on the exact roles
of these MRFs in adult myogenesis.
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
6.2 MyoD and Myf5 Detection During the Cell Cycle
MyoD protein was detected in proliferating and differentiated progeny of satellite
cells, but Myf5 protein was only detected in proliferating cells and not upon differentiation and fusion into myotubes [43, 87, 139, 162]. The temporal presence of
Myf5 in Pax7+ myoblasts during S phase in early culture stages and its absence in
differentiated cells reinforces the notion that Myf5 has a unique role apart from
MyoD that is linked to cell cycle kinetics [43, 162]. Previous reports showed that
Myf5 and MyoD levels oscillated at different phases of the cell cycle in mouse
myoblasts, with the Myf5 levels being highest in quiescent, nondifferentiated cells
(i.e., G0) [163, 164]. Other studies demonstrated that phosphorylated Myf5 was
degraded between mid S phase and mitosis, but MyoD levels were maintained
through mitosis and degraded at late G1 phase [162, 165, 166]. Furthermore, by
blocking of Myf5 degradation, the passage of cells through cell division was
perturbed [167, 168]. Thus, decreased levels of Myf5 during S phase may be regulated by proteolysis for potential entry into differentiation. Myf5 levels may also be
highest before S phase to prevent continuation of myoblasts through the cell cycle
and to direct myoblasts toward reservation and quiescence [43]. A minor Pax7+/MyoD−
population at the late culture stage may also represent the cells entering reservation
in which MyoD levels have decreased in late G1 phase [30, 83, 166, 169]. However,
it remains unclear if the Pax7+/MyoD− cells also express Myf5.Notably, Myf5 was
detected in a proposed reserve pool in primary cultures, although Pax7 was not
examined [170]. The recent finding that Pax7 directly regulates Myf5 expression
is also in accordance with our detection of Myf5 protein strictly within Pax7+ cells
[43, 125].
Many studies have investigated the regulation of myoblast proliferation, yet it is
not entirely clear what regulates the continuity of cell proliferation before the
decision to enter differentiation or self-renewal is made. The maintenance of Pax7
may be required for cell cycle continuity in individual myoblasts as Pax7 was
detected in the cytoplasm of individual mouse myoblasts even during mitosis, in
contrast to some of the MRFs [171]. Pax7-deficient satellite cells do not appear to
appropriately progress in the cell cycle, and may alternatively initiate apoptosis
[117]. However, as mentioned above, a recent study showed that regeneration in
adult muscle can progress in the absence of Pax7; this observation suggests that
Pax7 may be important for cell proliferation only in the early postnatal stage during
the robust growth phase of skeletal muscle myofibers [119].
Pulse labeling of cells with BrdU permits detection of cells that undergo DNA
replication during the pulse labeling period as this thymidine analog incorporates
into the replicating DNA. Our detection of a minor BrdU+/Pax7+/myogenin+ cell
population during early culture stages that decreased with BrdU pulse duration
suggests that myogenin is incompatible with S phase, and the elimination of Pax7
outside S phase is just as critical to complete differentiation as is the induction of
myogenin [43]. One report showed that sustained Pax7 expression with simultaneous upregulation of myogenin in Rb-deficient myoblasts prevented their terminal
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
differentiation [172]. Therefore, cell cycle withdrawal and terminal differentiation
in myogenin+ cells may not be complete until the cell cycle inhibitor p21 is present
at a sufficient level [173]. Furthermore, there may be negative reciprocal inhibition
between Pax7 and myogenin that may be the mechanism of decision between
renewal and differentiation [122].
7 Differentiation of Satellite Cell Progeny
7.1 Myogenin Expression, Cell Cycle Withdrawal,
and Fusion into Multinucleated Myotubes
The onset of myogenin expression marks entry of satellite cell progeny into myogenic differentiation [81, 87, 173]. Differentiation is also associated with a decline
in Pax7 and Myf5 expression, a withdrawal from the cell cycle, and subsequent
fusion of myoblasts into multinucleated myotubes [30, 43, 44, 83, 87, 174, 175].
Under normal culture conditions, only a small number of cells entering the onset of
differentiation (i.e., myogenin+) also show expression of differentiation-specific
structural proteins such as sarcomeric myosin that is a characteristic of striated
muscle [44, 159]. Once cells are fused into myotubes, there is an increase in the
expression of differentiation-linked structural and regulatory genes [63]. If fusion
is arrested, but terminal differentiation is permitted to progress (e.g., by manipulating calcium levels in the culture medium), there is an increase in the number of
differentiated myoblasts expressing differentiation-linked proteins even without
fusion into myotubes [99]. In some instances, cells expressing differentiationlinked markers were reported to be able to reenter proliferation [176]. However, in
general, mononucleated myoblast expression of differentiation-linked genes such
as sarcomeric myosin is considered to be terminally withdrawn from the cell cycle
under normal conditions.
Myoblasts are able to proliferate at the onset of differentiation when cells transition into the myogenin-expressing state, whereas terminal differentiation requires
permanent withdrawal from the cell cycle [164, 173]. The evaluation of BrdU±/
Pax7±/MRF± populations with regard to the length of the BrdU incubation period
revealed a population of myoblasts actively entering differentiation at the late
culture stage and suggests a transitional state (Pax7+/MyoD+ to Pax7−/MyoD+)
during differentiation in which myogenin upregulation in Pax7−/MyoD+ cells
occurs [43]. MyoD may set the pace of differentiation by upregulating myogenin
expression as Pax7 levels decrease. The delayed appearance of myogenin+ cells in
myogenic cultures from MyoD−/− mice promotes this hypothesis [139]. MyoD may
govern the induction of the cell cycle regulators involved in cell cycle withdrawal
and differentiation [177, 178]. Therefore, MyoD function must be kept inactive
until differentiation-inducing signals are present to prevent premature cell cycle
arrest [179–183]. Cyclin-dependent kinases, cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors,
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
cyclin D3, and retinoblastoma protein control terminal myogenic differentiation by
regulating cell cycle withdrawal and expression of genes encoding for structural
proteins [172, 184]. Differentiating progeny of satellite cells also exhibit enhanced
expression of myocyte enhancer factor 2A in correlation with the onset of
myogenin expression [63, 87, 159, 185]. Members of the myocyte enhancer
factor 2 transcription factor family act in concert with MRFs to direct the late
stages of myogenesis by inducing the expression of muscle-specific structural
proteins [186, 187].
7.2 Expression of Muscle-Specific Contractile Protein:
Intrafusal Versus Extrafusual Myofibers
In this section, we briefly introduce the subject of skeletal muscle structural genes
within the context of satellite cell biology. Depending on the species from which
satellite cells were isolated and the culture conditions, both slow and fast isoforms
of differentiation-linked gene families of sarcomeric proteins might be detected in
cultures derived from satellite cells upon differentiation and fusion into myotubes
[63, 188–191]. However, the differentiation programs lead to full expression of
differentiation-linked genes more effectively in vivo because they are influenced by
innervation [11, 192–194]. The temporal expression of desmin, an intermediate
filament protein that is expressed at high level in myofibers in all species analyzed,
has also been investigated extensively in cell culture, where it was expressed by
myotubes similar to sarcomeric myosin. However, desmin can also be expressed
by proliferating myoblasts and this distinction seems to be species-specific. Mouse
and rat myoblasts express desmin, whereas bovine myoblasts do not [139, 195].
In the chicken, some infrequent proliferating myoblasts may express desmin,
whereas progeny of fetal myoblasts do not express desmin in culture [196].
During early stages of skeletal muscle embryogenesis, developing muscles
express isoforms of sarcomeric proteins, including alpha slow myosin heavy chain,
which is the predominant form of cardiac myosin throughout life. However, as
skeletal muscle development progresses, cardiac gene expression is diminished
[194]. Nevertheless, there is a strong expression of cardiac myosin (i.e., alpha slow)
in intrafusal myofibers [197]. Intrafusal myofibers are within special structures in
skeletal muscles known as spindles, which function as proprioceptive receptors
[197, 198]. Intrafusal myofibers make up a small subpopulation of all muscle
myofibers; the bulk of skeletal muscle myofibers that are typically studied by
myogenesis investigators are termed “extrafusal myofibers.” Even in mature animals,
the intrafusal myofibers are distinct; their diameter remains small from an early
postnatal age, and they retain expression of developmental myosins as well as
expression of LacZ in myofiber nuclei of Myf5nLacZ/+ knock-in mice [120, 197–200].
Intrafusal myofibers also contain Pax7+ satellite cells and display retention of
Pax3 expression at higher levels than satellite cells on extrafusal myofibers [120, 198].
However, it is unknown if the satellite cells associated with the two types of
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
myofibers are functionally unique and/or are derived from distinct myogenic
populations. It may be of potential benefit to investigators of both skeletal and cardiac
regenerative medicine to better understand the myogenic program of intrafusal
versus extrafusal myofibers.
8 Satellite Cell Self-Renewal/Reservation
Homeostasis of skeletal myofibers requires nuclear replacement and myofiber
turnover throughout life [201], and therefore without renewal, the satellite cell
pool would be depleted. Our laboratory has some evidence that the capacity of
individual satellite cells to self-renew may be impaired as animals age [48]. In this
section, we will discuss how progeny of satellite cells that are “reserved” for future
muscle maintenance are detected, and potential mechanisms that drive the selfrenewal process.
The unique patterns of Pax7 and MRF detection within myoblasts reflects the
stages of proliferation and terminal differentiation during myogenesis, but much
less is understood about how new satellite cells are generated or reserved from the
pool of proliferating myoblasts. Following transplantation of donor satellite cells to
host muscles, satellite cells are detected in vivo with donor reporter markers, indicating that at least some of the satellite cells underwent self-renewal [41]. Such
in vivo studies cannot provide accurate feedback about the proliferative dynamics
that precedes the formation of the renewed satellite cells. However, on the basis of
engraftment of single satellite cells, it is sensible to suggest that the donor cells first
go through an amplification phase before some of the cells enter the satellite cell
niche [58]. Our laboratory and others have demonstrated the presence of Pax7+/
MyoD− cells in myogenic cultures developed from satellite cells and suggests that
these cells reflect the “reserve compartment” [20, 30, 44, 83]. BrdU-labeling studies suggested that such Pax7+/MyoD− cells are derived from Pax7+/MyoD+ myoblasts that have downregulated MyoD expression and do not continue in the cell
cycle or transit into differentiation, thus demonstrating the self-renewing population [69, 83]. There is some evidence that satellite cells may self-renew through
asymmetric cell divisions that are controlled by the Notch signaling pathway [74,
202]. Cosegregation of the Notch inhibitor Numb with template DNA strands during asymmetric divisions in vivo has also been reported as a way to identify selfrenewal of satellite cells [171, 203].
In view of the close association between cell cycle withdrawal and myogenic
differentiation, it is anticipated that the mechanisms of satellite cell self-renewal
may involve signals that are required to repress the myogenic program toward
terminal differentiation while driving select myoblasts to leave the cell cycle and
self-renew. The Notch pathway has been shown to play a role in regulating myogenic
differentiation during embryonic development and activation of Notch in adult
muscle prevents satellite cell differentiation [202, 204]. Although it is unclear how
the Notch pathway directly controls the self-renewal of satellite cells, inhibition of
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
Notch activity demonstrated fewer Pax7+/MyoD− reserve cell progeny of satellite
cells [74]. Following activation of satellite cells, pathways such as Wnt and
Notch that converge on degradation or stabilization of b-catenin may control
decisions toward proliferation and differentiation [205]. Stabilization of b-catenin
was shown to direct satellite cell progeny toward the self-renewal pathway [169].
A recent report demonstrated that presenilin-1, a catalytic subunit of g-secretase
that is crucial for the cleavage and nuclear passage of the Notch intracellular
domain, may also regulate the development of reserve cells both dependent on and
independent of protease activity [206]. Notably, other factors that interact with
Notch signaling, such as the transmembrane protein Megf10 that is expressed in
satellite cells, may also play a role in decisions to proliferate, differentiate, or selfrenew [207]. The close association of satellite cells with muscle capillaries also
may provide satellite cells with direct signals from pathways traditionally shown to
be involved in angiogenesis and vascular integrity [36]. Interestingly, the angiopoeitin-1/Tie2 receptor signaling pathway may directly control development of reserve
cells and entry into quiescence [208].
Our laboratory has found that transgenic expression of GFP driven by regulatory elements of the rat nestin gene (nestin-GFP) in mice may also be used to
follow and record satellite cells and their self-renewing, Pax7+/MyoD− reserve
progeny that develop in vitro [48, 69]. Satellite cells express nestin-GFP, but this
expression is diminished in proliferating and differentiating myoblasts and myotubes. However, cultures with dense myotube networks eventually develop mononuclear, nestin-GFP+ cells that no longer proliferate (on the basis of BrdU
incorporation studies). Examination of satellite cells in clonal cultures showed
that nestin-GFP+ reserve progeny develop only in such dense clones, which
accounts for only some of the clones [48, 69]. We also demonstrated an age-linked
decline in such clones containing nestin-GFP+ reserve cells [48]. This age-linked
decline in clones containing reserve cells is concomitant with a decline in satellite
cell numbers on myofibers isolated from old mice [48]. Therefore, impairment in
satellite cell renewal in old age may lead to the observed decline in satellite cell
numbers during aging, which also results in a significant number of myofibers that
lack satellite cells as shown in myofibers from EDL muscles [48]. It is possible
that such myofibers that lack satellite cells are more prone to age-associated myofiber atrophy, but this issue has not been studied further. We are currently using
this cell culture model of reserve cell development to investigate what factors may
regulate satellite cell renewal. In addition to secreted factors, contact with the
myotubes might provide a signal for self-renewal as also suggested in studies with
isolated myofibers maintained in suspension where the satellite cells remain on
the myofiber surface [74, 209].
Apart from the evidence that the self-renewing population is reserved from the
pool of proliferating myoblasts is the demonstration that satellite cells may include
a minor subpopulation of stem cells that can self-renew while also providing
committed satellite cells within a single proliferative round [74, 209]. According
to this asymmetric cell division model, most of the satellite cells are “committed”
and only provide committed progeny. The minor stem cell population did not
Skeletal Muscle Stem Cells in the Spotlight: The Satellite Cell
display Myf5 gene activity on the basis of Myf5-Cre-driven Rosa26-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) expression, whereas the committed cells expressed YFP [74].
However, recent studies with Myf5nLacZ/+ mice have suggested that essentially all
satellite cells do express the Myf5 reporter, but the cells with weaker expression
may only be detected with increased sensitivity of b-galactosidase detection [48].
Studies reporting some of the satellite cells in isolated myofibers from EDL muscle
that did not express the Myf5-driven b-galactosidase reporter could potentially
have failed to detect the weakly expressing satellite cells [49, 69, 84]. A recent
study with the MyoD-Cre/Rosa26-YFP mouse model has suggested that all satellite
cells are derived from cells that “historically” expressed MyoD, and therefore are
all committed to myogenesis [73]. Further studies based on different strains of
reporter mice are required to resolve questions about satellite cell functional heterogeneity and self-renewal.
9 Donor Satellite Cell Engraftment for Therapy
of Muscle-Wasting Disorders: Hopes and Hypes
Satellite cell behavior has often been investigated by transplantation of cells into
host muscles of experimental animals and assessment of donor cell contribution to
myofiber formation shown by expression of donor-derived genes [41, 47, 56–58].
The long-term goal of such studies is the improvement of muscle quality and
performance in cases of severe muscle-wasting disorders such as Duchenne
muscular dystrophy [210–213].
Donor satellite cells contribute myofiber nuclei while also establishing additional satellite cells through self-renewal in experimental mouse models, enabling
further understanding of satellite cell biology in the in vivo environment [47, 58].
However, issues of limited migration of satellite cells and their progeny, donor/host
histocompatability aspects, death of donor cells, and the need to deliver cells to
many host muscles at once represent some of the major challenges that have not yet
been resolved for cell-based therapies of skeletal-muscle-wasting disorders
[16, 214–218]. Additionally, some reports have alluded to the failure of satellite
cells injected into the circulation to reach target muscles for whole body treatment,
although detailed evidence is not available [15, 219]. Myoblasts expanded from
satellite cells in culture to multiply the number of donor cells available also cannot
be delivered systemically to target muscles and lose regenerative capacity
compared with freshly isolated satellite cells upon direct intramuscular delivery
[57, 220–222]. It also appears that there is a need to injure and irradiate muscle
prior to donor cell delivery to enhance engraftment, as shown in experimental
mouse models [41, 58, 223]. Therefore, cell-based therapy for skeletal muscle
remains a challenge despite the availability and our understanding of satellite cells.
Although repair of specific muscles might soon be possible, genetic disorders
that affect whole body muscles such as muscular dystrophies may await effective
means to deliver genes by combining cell-based therapies with viral transduction
Z. Yablonka-Reuveni and K. Day
approaches [212]. However, compared to whole body approach that is required for
the repair of many muscles in the case of muscular dystrophy, rejuvenation of
myocardium requires only repair of a single organ and therefore, there is much
anticipation that this will eventually be possible [224]. Lessons learned to date from
satellite cell engraftment to host skeletal muscles could potentially accelerate the
use of such cells for repairing the myocardium.
Acknowledgements Current research in the Z.Y.-R. laboratory is supported by grants from the
National Institutes of Health (AG021566, AG013798, AG035377, AR057794) and the Muscular
Dystrophy Association (award 135908). K.D. was supported by the Genetic Approaches to Aging
Training Program (T32 AG000057) during his postdoctoral research in this laboratory. Z.Y.-R. is
additionally grateful to the American Heart Association and the USDA Cooperative State
Research, Education, and Extension Service for past support that facilitated some of the research
described in this chapter.
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