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Biology 101-001
Preliminary Study Guide for Exam 4
This study guide is preliminary; material may be added to it, depending on the progress of the
course. However, no material will be removed from the following list.
1. Exam format – Cumulative
You will be tested on material from exams 1-3 and the recent material. However, the focus will be
on the material covered after exam 3. All short answer questions will be on post exam 3 material. Multiple
choice questions will be cumulative, with the emphasis on the recent material. See previous study guides
for material covered in exams 1-3.
2. Foundations of Genetics (Chapter 7, sections 7.4-7.5, 7.7-7.8, 7.10-7.15)
• Know how to perform monohybrid and dihybrid genetic crosses (you will be asked to work
through problems).
• Know what a testcross is and why it is performed. Know Mendel’s 2 laws and be able to define
them in terms of meiosis.
• Know and be able to work through problems on non-mendelian patterns of inheritance. Be able to
work with problems involving multiple alleles and know what codominance is, particularly the
example of the ABO bloodtype. Know also what the Rhesus blood group antigen is, the danger it
can pose during pregnancy (including what erythroblastosis fetalis is), how such problems can be
resolved, and be able to work through problems on both the Rhesus factor and ABO blood groups.
• Know what polygenic inheritance is (including being able to identify graphs of this type of
inheritance) and be able to give examples.
• Know what incomplete dominance is, how it differs from codominance, and how it alters the
phenotypic ratio.
• Know how the environment can affect the expression of some alleles and be able to give an
• Know what autosomes and sex chromosomes are and how the sex of a human is determined.
• Know what sex linked genes are and be able to solve problems on sex linkage.
• Know what a karyotype is and what it is used for.
• Know what nondisjunction, aneuploidy, monosomy, and trisomy are. Be able to give an example
of nondisjunction of autosomes. Know the examples of nondisjunction of sex chromosomes
(metafemale, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, OY, and XYY males) and how they arise.
• Be able to solve problems involving pedigrees.
• Know that genetic diseases can be inherited both recessively and dominantly. Know what sexlinked hemophilia is and how it is inherited. Know what causes sickle-cell anemia, its effects, and
how it is inherited. Also know why this disease is common in blacks (why heterozygotes have a
selective advantage). Know what Huntington’s disease is, how it is inherited, and why the
deleterious allele continues to persist.
• Know what genetic counseling is and what methods genetic counselors use.
3. How Genes Work (Chapter 8, sections 8.5, 8.7 – 8.9, 8.12 – 8.14. Chapter 3, section 3.11)
• Know the structure of DNA and be able to compare it to RNA (sugar and base types, double or
single stranded, number of strands and functions). Also know which bases pair in a DNA double
helix and WHY each only pairs with a particular base. Know what purines and pyrimidines are.
Also know that the DNA molecule unzips during replication.
• Know what a gene is and how genes are expressed.
• Know what the 3 types of RNA are, what bases are found in the RNA molecule, and which base
each pairs with.
• Be able to describe the process of transcription and know where in the eukaryotic cell it occurs.
Also know what RNA polymerase and promoters are.
• Know how mRNA exits the nucleus.
• Know what the genetic code, codons, and anticodons are.
Know what the start signal for translation is, which amino acid it encodes and know what signals
the protein making machinery to stop translation. Be able to describe the process of translation
and where in the cell it occurs. Know the function of ribosomes, their composition, and structure
(including large and small subunits, E, P, and A sites). Know the structure and function of tRNA.
Know where translation occurs if a protein is to be secreted and where it occurs if it is to remain
within the cell. Be able to solve genetic code problems (from a given DNA sequence be able to
determine the corresponding RNA and amino acid sequences and also be able to determine the
consequences of given mutations in the DNA).
Be able to define mutation and recombination, how frequently they occur, and their importance for
evolution (including somatic versus germ line mutations).
Know what point mutations are and be able to answer questions involving insertions, deletions,
and substitutions (eg. consequences of a particular mutation in a given sequence).
Know what carcinogens and mutagens are and be able to give examples.
4. Genetic Engineering (Chapter 9, sections 9.1-9.3, 9.8 – 9.9)
• Know what genetic engineering is and be able to give examples of its uses in medicine and
• Know what restriction enzymes are and how they are used in genetic engineering. Know how you
would produce vectors and DNA fragments with matching “sticky ends”.
• Know what vectors are and what they are used for. Also, be able to give an example of a vector.
Know how you could screen for cells that have taken up the vector.
• Be able to define cloning and also be able to describe the 3 examples of cloning (DNA,
reproductive, and therapeutic). What is the purpose of therapeutic cloning? Why is it
• Know what procedure was used to produce “Dolly”, the cloned sheep. In particular, know what
allowed this technique to succeed where all previous attempts to clone adult vertebrates had failed.
Know the uses of reproductive cloning and be able to discuss the benefits and risks involved.
5. Evolution (2.1 – 2.4, 11.1, 11.3 – 11.7, 11.9, 11.11-11.13)
• Know about Darwin, his theory of natural selection, and his voyage on the HMS Beagle. Know
what evidence Darwin used to propose that evolution occurs. Know about Darwin’s finches and
how differences in their beak size and shape gave evidence for natural selection.
• Be able to define evolution, natural selection, macroevolution, microevolution, and adaptation.
• Be able to define Darwin’s Theory of Evolution in modern terms.
• Be able to give evidence for evolution (fossil, molecular, and anatomical records). Know what
fossils are and how phylogeny can be made “quantitative”.
• Know how sequence divergence is used in phylogeny and what a phylogenetic tree is.
• Know what homologous and analogous structures are (be able to distinguish them!) and be able to
give examples.
• Know what vestigial organs are and be able to give an example of one.
• Be familiar with how populations evolve. Know what allele frequencies and genetic equilibrium
• Know the Hardy-Weinberg rule (memorize the equation and be able to use it to solve problems –
make sure you can distinguish when a question is asking for q and when it is asking for q2!). Also
know the 5 conditions required for the Hardy-Weinberg rule to apply.
• Know the effects of mutation, migration, genetic drift, non-random mating, and selection on the
evolution of populations (changing allele frequencies). Be able to define genetic drift, the founder
effect, and the bottleneck effect. Also, be able to give examples of the founder and bottleneck
• Be able to give an example of natural selection altering the genetic make-up of a species (sickle
cell anemia). Know what causes the condition, the genetics of the condition, and why the
deleterious allele has not been eliminated in Africa. Know that this is an example of stabilizing
selection (the intermediate phenotype is favored).
Know what the species concept is. Be able to define a species and know the 4 steps involved in
the process of forming new species. Be able to give examples of mechanisms that can isolate
6. Classification of Organisms (12.1 – 12.4)
• Be able to define the term “species”. Also know why donkeys and horses are separate species.
• Know what the binomial system is (including who first used it) and how genus and species are
written and how the name of an organism is abbreviated.
• Know the order of higher categories of classification (species - genus- family- order- class –
phylum – kingdom – domain). Know what the 6 kingdoms and 3 domains of life are.