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Biological Macromolecules
Monomers = single unit
Polymer = many units bound together
All biological macromolecules follow the same
basic pattern:
monomer + monomer + monomer + monomer
Dehydration Synthesis
MACROMOLECULES important to life
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic Acids
What about the carbon
molecule makes it an ideal
molecule for life forms?
-monosaccharides - simple ring sugars, glucose and fructose
-disaccharides - two monosaccharides combined, sucrose and lactose
-polysaccharides - polymers (long chains of repeating units) of
Polysaccharides store energy:
starch (plants)
glycogen (animals)
Polysaccharides are also structural molecules
cellulose - makes up cell walls (plants)
chitin - makes up exoskeletons
- 5 carbon sugars, arranged in a ring
What you need to know about carbohydrates
1. Distinguish between monosaccharides, disaccharides
and polysaccharides. (Give examples of each)
2. Understand how carbohydrates are used in plants and
animals as energy storage molecules.
3. Understand how carbohydrates are used in plants and
animals as structural molecules.
4. Identify biological molecules that contain pentoses
2. Lipids
Hydrophobic (insoluble in water)
Used for insulation and long term energy storage (fat)*
Fats & Oils are made of subunits – glycerol and fatty acids
Waxes – mainly used for covering and protection
Phospholipids Important structural component of the cell membrane
Steroids - cholesterol & sex hormones (estrogen &
testosterone) – made of 4 fused rings
Cholesterol- a lipid molecule and is biosynthesized by all animal cells because it is
an essential structural component of animal cell membranes- maintains both
membrane structural integrity and fluidity.
Cholesterol enables animal cells to (a) not need a cell wall and thus be able to (b)
change shape and (c) move about (unlike bacteria and plant cells which are
restricted by their cell walls).
Saturated fats contain no double bonds, solid at room temperature;
Unsaturated have double bonds that “kink” the molecule, liquid at room
What you need to know about lipids
1. Compare saturated to unsaturated fats.
2. List the functions of lipids
3. Identify a steroid from a picture (4 rings)
4. Identify the main component of the cell membrane.
3. Proteins
Polymers made of amino acids,
which are joined by peptide
bonds - proteins are also called
Amino acids form a wide variety
of structures, mainly building
blocks for living tissue
Also used for:
Support | Enzymes | Transport |
Defense | Hormones | Motion
Proteins can be denatured, heat causes it to lose its shape,
and its functionality
There are 20 known amino acids
Proteins have four shapes
| Tertiary | Quaternary
Nucleic Acids
Informational polymers made of individual nucleotides
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) & RNA (ribonucleic acid)
Each nucleotide consists of:
1. A sugar (deoxyribose or ribose)
2. A phosphate
3. A nitrogen base
- adenine
- thymine
- guanine
- cytosine
- uracil (in RNA)
a. carbohydrate
c. protein
b. lipids
d. nucleic acids
contains adenine and thymine
chains of amino acids
long term energy storage
chains of fatty acids and glycerol
plant cell walls