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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Asexual Reproduction
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. The most common form of reproduction among prokaryotes is
a. sexual reproduction.
b. binary fission.
c. budding.
d. fragmentation.
_____ 2. What is the main difference between binary fission and mitosis?
a. There is no DNA replication in binary fission.
b. Two parents are required for mitotic reproduction.
c. Binary fission occurs in single-celled organisms only.
d. Mitosis takes place only in sexual reproduction.
_____ 3. Which of the following statements is true of asexual reproduction?
a. It produces few offspring.
b. It produces genetically identical offspring.
c. It produces genetic diversity.
d. It produces offspring that are resistant to antibiotics.
_____ 4. Starfish that reproduce by splitting into pieces are reproducing by
a. binary fission.
b. vegetative reproduction.
c. budding.
d. fragmentation.
_____ 5. Vegetative reproduction, budding, and fragmentation are examples of
a. asexual mitotic reproduction.
b. reproduction through binary fission.
c. prokaryotic colony formation.
d. increased genetic variation.
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Chromosomes and Meiosis
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. A kidney cell is an example of which type of cell?
a. sex cell
b. germ cell
c. somatic cell
d. haploid cell
_____ 2. How many chromosomes are in a human gamete?
a. 46
b. 23
c. 22
d. 44
_____ 3. Which of the following best describes the genetic material a person
receives from his or her father?
a. 22 pairs of homologous chromosomes and an X and Y chromosome
b. 22 haploid cells and an X or Y chromosome
c. 23 diploid cells and an X and Y chromosome
d. 22 autosomes and an X or Y chromosome
_____ 4. Which phrase best describes the process of meiosis?
a. occurs in body cells
b. results in genetically identical cells
c. happens only in haploid cells
d. produces haploid gametes
_____ 5. At fertilization, what happens to the sex cells?
a. They retain half of their chromosomes.
b. Half of the cells copy their DNA twice.
c. Their nuclei fuse to form one nucleus.
d. One becomes an egg, and one becomes a sperm cell.
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Chromosomes and Phenotype
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Most of the traits expressed in a person’s phenotype are determined by
a. Y chromosomes.
b. X chromosome inactivation.
c. autosomal genes.
d. sex chromosomes.
_____ 2. Which of the following phrases is true of X chromosome inactivation?
a. affects fewer genes than Y chromosome expression
b. occurs in cells of female mammals
c. disables some chromosomes in cells of male mammals
d. determines phenotype in male mammals
_____ 3. A person who is heterozygous for a disorder caused by recessive alleles
is a carrier of the disorder. A carrier is a person who
a. does not have the disorder but can pass it on to offspring.
b. can develop the disorder later in life but cannot pass it on.
c. has a dominant normal allele that has been inactivated.
d. passes the disorder to offspring on the Y chromosome only.
_____ 4. Genes that are located on sex chromosomes are called
a. alleles.
b. recessive.
c. XY.
d. sex-linked.
_____ 5. Which statement is true of a sex-linked recessive gene?
a. In an XY male, this recessive gene is always expressed.
b. In an XY male, one copy is always inactivated.
c. In an XX female, only one copy is needed for expression.
d. In an XX female, it is always passed to offspring.
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Complex Patterns of Inheritance
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Unlike the traits studied by Mendel, most traits are produced by genes
a. sex linkage.
b. only one allele.
c. dominance and recessiveness.
d. multiple alleles.
_____ 2. A plant that is homozygous for red flowers is crossed with a plant that
is homozygous for white flowers. In the case of incomplete dominance,
the flowers of the offspring will be
a. red and white.
b. white only.
c. pink only.
d. red only.
_____ 3. In the case of codominant alleles, a plant that is homozygous for red
flowers that is crossed with a plant that is homozygous for white
flowers will produce flowers that are
a. red and white spotted.
b. completely white.
c. dark pink all over.
d. pink and red.
_____ 4. Eye color, hair color, and skin color are polygenic traits. Polygenic
traits result from
a. recessive genes.
b. many genes.
c. codominant genes.
d. epistatic genes.
_____ 5. Identical twins who are raised apart can have differences that last a
lifetime. This is evidence that
a. phenotype differences happen through epistatic genes.
b. genotype can change over time.
c. environment and genotype interact to affect phenotype.
d. codominance affects genotype.
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Complex Patterns of Inheritance
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Unlike the traits studied by Mendel, most traits are produced by genes
a. sex linkage.
b. only one allele.
c. dominance and recessiveness.
d. multiple alleles.
_____ 2. A plant that is homozygous for red flowers is crossed with a plant that
is homozygous for white flowers. In the case of incomplete dominance,
the flowers of the offspring will be
a. red and white.
b. white only.
c. pink only.
d. red only.
_____ 3. In the case of codominant alleles, a plant that is homozygous for red
flowers that is crossed with a plant that is homozygous for white
flowers will produce flowers that are
a. red and white spotted.
b. completely white.
c. dark pink all over.
d. pink and red.
_____ 4. Eye color, hair color, and skin color are polygenic traits. Polygenic
traits result from
a. recessive genes.
b. many genes.
c. codominant genes.
d. epistatic genes.
_____ 5. Identical twins who are raised apart can have differences that last a
lifetime. This is evidence that
a. phenotype differences happen through epistatic genes.
b. genotype can change over time.
c. environment and genotype interact to affect phenotype.
d. codominance affects genotype.
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Gene Linkage and Mapping
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Which conclusion is a result of Thomas Hunt Morgan’s research with
fruit flies?
a. Chromosome assortment during meiosis is not random.
b. Linked genes are located on the same chromosome.
c. The physical distance between genes can be determined.
d. Genes recombine independently during mitosis.
_____ 2. Which observation of Morgan’s is evidence that crossing over occurs?
a. Linked genes are sometimes inherited separately.
b. Some dominant traits are always inherited together.
c. Inheritance of gene combinations is not random.
d. Fruit flies have only two groups of linked traits.
_____ 3. Two genes on a given chromosome that are most likely to be inherited
together are
a. 6.8 map units apart.
b. 10 map units apart.
c. 2 map units apart.
d. 18.5 map units apart.
_____ 4. Suppose that the distance between two genes on a linkage map is 7
units. The cross-over frequency between the two genes is
a. 0.7%
b. 7%
c. 70%
d. 700%
_____ 5. Suppose the cross-over percentages for three gene pairs are:
A to B  9.5%, B to C  14.5%, and A to C  5%. Which of the
following sequences could represent the order of these genes on a
a. CAB
b. ABC
c. CBA
d. ACB
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Human Genetics and Pedigrees
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Much of what we know about single-gene traits in humans is the result
of studying
a. Britain’s Royal Family.
b. polygenic traits.
c. genetic disorders.
d. hemophilia.
_____ 2. What is the main difference between the carrier of a sex-linked disorder
and the carrier of an autosomal disorder?
a. Female carriers of an autosomal disorder pass the disorder to all
b. All carriers of autosomal disorders have two dominant alleles for the
c. The carrier of a sex-linked disorder is always female but does not
have the disorder.
d. Male carriers of a sex-linked disorder always have mothers who had
the disorder.
_____ 3. A chart that traces the phenotypes and genotypes within a family is
called a
a. pedigree.
b. karyotype.
c. Punnett square.
d. chromosome map.
_____ 4. A genetic disorder is traced within a family. The disorder occurs
mostly in males. The gene for this disorder is most likely
a. not sex-linked.
b. on the X chromosome.
c. an autosomal allele.
d. carried only by males.
_____ 5. Which of the following types of genetic information can be identified
easily with a karyotype?
a. homologous chromosomes
b. dominant traits
c. exact locations of genes
d. recessive alleles
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Meiosis and Genetic Variation
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. About how many different combinations of chromosomes can be
produced through the random fertilization of human gametes?
a. 24 x 24
b. 216 x 216
c. 223 x 223
d. 246 x 246
_____ 2. Which phrase best describes the process of crossing over?
a. Pairs of homologous chromosomes exchange segments.
b. Pairs of sister chromatids exchange segments.
c. Pairs of homologous chromosomes become linked.
d. Pairs of sister chromatids become linked.
_____ 3. Suppose a gene that codes for flower color is linked with a gene that
codes for leaf shape. Which statement is true of this pair of genes?
a. They have similar loci on homologous chromosomes.
b. They cross over separately during recombination.
c. They are close together on the same chromosome.
d. They likely will be inherited separately.
_____ 4. During what stage of meiosis does crossing over occur?
a. prophase I of meiosis I
b. anaphase II of meiosis II
c. telophase I of meiosis I
d. metaphase II of meiosis II
_____ 5. Which of the following is a result of the study of gene linkage?
a. The precise genes in the human genome have been mapped.
b. The exact order of genes on a chromosome can be found.
c. The relative distances between genes can be calculated.
d. The specific characteristics of offspring can be predicted.
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Mendel and Heredity
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Which of the following is an example of a biological trait?
a. personality
b. hair style
c. eye color
d. regional accent
_____ 2. Mendel began his experiments with purebred pea plants. This approach
enabled him to determine that variations among offspring were the
result of
a. random mutations.
b. self-pollination.
c. genetic uniformity.
d. his crossings.
_____ 3. When Mendel crossed plants that were purebred purple-flowered with
plants that were purebred white-flowered, the resulting offspring all
had purple flowers. When allowed to self-pollinate, this F1 generation
gave rise to white-flowered plants as well as purple. As a result,
Mendel determined that individual traits are
a. inherited as discrete units.
b. diluted in offspring.
c. merged with successive generations.
d. lost in the pollination process.
_____ 4. Mendel was able to identify predictable patterns of heredity. He
succeeded mainly because he chose to study traits that
a. were always dominant.
b. tended to be recessive.
c. could be diluted.
d. had only two forms.
_____ 5. Which of the following conclusions was a result of Mendel’s
a. Organisms that give rise to purebreds are genetically superior.
b. Organisms that have intermediate features are self-pollinating.
c. Organisms inherit two copies of each gene, one from each parent.
d. Organisms that self-pollinate do not have “either-or” features.
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Mitosis and Cytokinesis
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. The processes of mitosis and cytokinesis produce two identical
a. daughter cells.
b. strands.
c. chromosomes.
d. chromatids.
_____ 2. The process of organizing and condensing DNA into its compact form
takes place at the start of
a. interphase.
b. metaphase.
c. mitosis.
d. cytokinesis.
_____ 3. Which is the term for the group of proteins that organizes and
condenses long strands of DNA into tight coils?
a. telomeres
b. centromeres
c. chromatids
d. histones
_____ 4. During which phase of mitosis do sister chromatids separate from each
a. prophase
b. metaphase
c. anaphase
d. telophase
_____ 5. Which of the following statements is true of cytokinesis?
a. takes place in plant cells only
b. completes the cell cycle
c. organizes DNA
d. occurs during prophase
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Multicellular Life
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Which sequence shows the progression from least complex structure to
most complex structure?
a. cell organ tissue organ system
b. cell tissue organ organ system
c. organ system tissue organ cell
d. organ system organ tissue cell
_____ 2. Which phrase best describes an organ system?
a. group of specialized cells that forms organs
b. group of cells that differentiates at the same rate
c. group of tissues that performs a function
d. group of organs that work together
_____ 3. Which of the following is a direct result of a normal cell’s ability to
express only certain genes?
a. Cells can become totipotent.
b. Cells can grow and reproduce.
c. Cells can mutate and adapt.
d. Cells can differentiate and specialize.
_____ 4. Stem cells are important to multicellular organisms because of their
a. capacity to differentiate.
b. tendency to maintain homeostasis.
c. potential to become totipotent.
d. ability to relocate.
_____ 5. Which type of stem cell can grow into any other cell type?
a. somatic
b. multipotent
c. totipotent
d. pluripotent
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Muscular System
The three major types of muscles in the body are:
A) Smooth muscle, sports muscles, and skeletal muscles
B) Smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and skeletal muscle
C) Smooth muscle, running muscle, and face muscles
D) Smooth muscle, flexible muscle, and strength muscle
The muscle that pumps blood throughout your body is:
A) Skeletal muscle
B) Smooth muscle
C) Valentine muscle
D) Cardiac muscle
Which muscle helps move your shoulders?
A) Smooth muscle
B) Deltoid muscle
C) Quadriceps
D) Tendons
Which type of muscle is found in your digestive system?
A) Rectus abdominus
B) Cardiac muscle
C) Smooth muscle
D) Stomach muscles
What connects bones and muscles together?
A) Tendons
B) Ligaments
C) Glue
D) Cartilage
Skeletal muscles work with bones to give your body:
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
A) Strength
B) The ability to move
C) Strength and the ability to move
D) None of the above
Some of your biggest and most powerful muscles are:
A) In your calves and thighs
B) In your back near your spine
C) In your arms
D) In your fingers
Which muscles are found on the front of your thighs?
A) Quadriceps
B) Biceps
C) Pectorals
D) Deltoids
Which muscles are found in your belly and sometimes called “abs”?
A) Pectorals
B) Quadriceps
C) Deltoids
D) Rectus abdominus
When you make a muscle in your arm, you are flexing your:
A) Pectorals
B) Biceps
C) Deltoids
D) Rectus abdominus
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Process of Meiosis
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Which of the following statements is true of homologous
a. They are exact copies.
b. They contain the same genes.
c. They divide during meiosis II.
d. They connect to each other.
_____ 2. Which phrase best describes meiosis I?
a. duplication of paired chromosomes
b. fusion of sister chromatids
c. division of homologous chromosomes
d. creation of two diploid cells
_____ 3. What happens to sister chromatids in meiosis II?
a. They duplicate.
b. They are divided.
c. They remain together.
d. They do not take part.
_____ 4. Gametogenesis is the term for
a. the production of gametes.
b. the fertilization of eggs.
c. the development of polar bodies.
d. the movement of sperm.
_____ 5. What does an egg contribute to the embryo that a sperm does not
a. polar bodies
b. organelles
c. DNA
d. germ cells
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Regulation of the Cell Cycle
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Proteins that bind to cells and stimulate cell division are called
a. enzymes.
b. kinases.
c. growth factors.
d. carcinogens.
_____ 2. What is the term for the programmed death of cells?
a. kinase
b. cyclin
c. carcinogen
d. apoptosis
_____ 3. Two internal factors that are important in advancing the cell cycle are
a. kinases and cyclins.
b. hormones and enzymes.
c. phosphates and enzymes.
d. proteins and platelets.
_____ 4. Which phrase best describes cancer?
a. absence of cyclins
b. multiple gene mutations
c. uncontrolled cell growth
d. presence of genetic defects
_____ 5. Substances known to produce or promote cancer are called
a. carcinogens.
b. kinases.
c. cyclins.
d. malignancies.
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Cell Growth and Division
Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
The Cell Cycle
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. In which stage of the cell cycle do the nucleus and its contents divide?
a. synthesis
b. gap 1
c. mitosis
d. gap 2
_____ 2. During the gap 1 stage of the cell cycle, a cell
a. splits into two new cells.
b. carries out its normal functions.
c. duplicates its DNA.
d. divides its cytoplasm
_____ 3. Which of the following phrases best describes cytokinesis?
a. division of the cytoplasm
b. division of the nucleus
c. division of DNA
d. division of surface area
_____ 4. Which statement is true about the rates of cell division in eukaryotes?
a. They remain the same for the life of the organism.
b. They are faster than that of prokaryotes.
c. They increase with the age of the organism.
d. They vary greatly within an organism
_____ 5. Which of the following limits the maximum size of a cell?
a. the stage of the cell cycle
b. the ratio of cell surface area to volume
c. the number of mitochondria in the cell
d. the size of the organism
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Traits and Probability
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. What do the letters inside the grid of a Punnett square represent?
a. phenotypes of parents
b. genotypes of offspring
c. testcrosses of offspring
d. chromosomes of parents
_____ 2. What is the probability that the offspring of a cross between a
homozygous recessive parent and a heterozygous parent will be
homozygous recessive?
a. 1/1
b. 1/2
c. 1/4
d. 1/8
_____ 3. The term for a cross that involves just one trait, such as pod shape, is
called a
a. homozygous cross.
b. test cross.
c. monohybrid cross.
d. dihybrid cross.
_____ 4. What is the phenotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross between two
heterozygous parents?
a. 3:1
b. 1:2:1
c. 9:3:3:1
d. 1:2:2:1
_____ 5. Which of the following observations did Mendel make as a result of his
experiments with dihybrid crosses?
a. Dominant traits are inherited together.
b. Different traits are inherited separately.
c. Similar traits are inherited in pairs.
d. Recessive traits are inherited unpredictably.
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Name: ______________________________Class: _________________ Date: _________________
Traits, Genes, and Alleles
Section Quiz
Choose the letter of the best answer.
_____ 1. Which phrase best describes the term genome?
a. the genetic makeup of a chromosome
b. the genes that make up an organism
c. the location of a specific set of genes
d. the sum of an organism’s physical traits
_____ 2. Hair color and eye color are examples of a person’s
a. recessive traits.
b. dominant alleles.
c. genotype.
d. phenotype.
_____ 3. When an organism has two alleles at a particular locus that are
different, the organism is called
a. purebred.
b. dominant.
c. heterozygous.
d. recessive.
_____ 4. If a pea plant were homozygous recessive for height, how would its
alleles be represented?
a. Tt
b. TT
c. tt
d. tT
_____ 5. An allele is dominant in a heterozygote when it is
a. expressed and the other allele is not.
b. a very common allele in a population.
c. the stronger of the two alleles.
d. more desirable than the other allele.
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Cell Growth and Division