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SI A ECL 365
1. The endocrine system works with the ______________ system and has both
_______________ and ______________ responses.
a. Nervous, slow-acting and long-lasting
Name 3 things the endocrine system controls.
a. Reproduction
b. Growth
c. Behavior
d. Color change – rapid
e. Metabolism – rapid
Describe endocrine glands.
a. Ductless glands containing secreting cells that produce hormones
What are hormones?
a. Complex chemicals, stimulate changes in other parts of the body
______________ is the “master center” of the endocrine system and is found in
the ___________.
a. Hypothalamus, brain
They hypothalamus produces _____________ _____________ which stimulate
the _____________ ___________.
a. Releasing hormones, pituitary gland
What are the two portions of the pituitary gland?
a. Anterior and posterior
Name and describe the hormones produced in the anterior pituitary.
a. Follicle stimulating hormone: FSH
i. Egg (ovule – produced by ovaries) and sperm production (testes)
b. Luteinizing Hormone: LH
i. Induces ovulation, estrogen and progesterone production (females)
ii. Testosterone production in males
 Gonadotropins: FSH and LH
iii. Hormones affecting gonads (development and growth)
c. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone: TSH
i. causes thyroid to produce hormones
d. Growth Hormone: GH
i. stimulate body cells to grow and maintain body size once attained,
help maintain structure.
e. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH)
i. Causes adrenal cortex to produce hormones
ii. Important for molting
f. Prolactin
i. Maturation of mammary glands, mild production, nest building,
protection of young
Name and describe the hormones stored in the posterior pituitary.
a. Oxytocin
i. Uterine contractions in mammals, milk release
1. can stimulate labor
b. Vasopressin (also ADH)
i. Regulates water loss by kidneys
10. What produces the oxytocin and vasopressin?
a. Hypothalamus
11. Which gland is located in the neck? What hormone controls it? What hormone
is produced by this gland?
a. Thyroid, TSH, Thyroxin
12. Which hormone is a key to metamorphosis in amphibians?
a. Thyroxin
13. Describe the Parathyroid gland and its products.
a. 2 pairs, near thyroid
b. Parathyroidic Hormone: PTH
i. Controls calcium levels in blood
ii. Important for shell and bone formation
14. _______________ gland is found next to the kidneys in mammals and is
controlled by _________________________.
a. Adrenal gland, Adrenocorticotropic hormone
15. Name and describe the two areas of the adrenal gland.
a. Cortex:
i. Outer part, makes several hormones that control glucose and
b. Medulla
i. Inner part, makes epinephrine and norepinephrin
16. __________________ is another name for epinephrine and _________________
is another name for norephinephrin.
a. Adrenaline and noradrenaline
17. What hormones are produced in the Islet Cells of the pancreas? Describe them.
a. Insulin:
i. Controls blood glucose, allows body to use glucose
ii. Increases glucose storage (less glucose in the blood)
b. Glucagon:
i. Similar to insulin, but opposite effect
ii. Decreases glucose storage, increases glucose in blood
18. ________________ is caused by a lack of insulin.
a. Diabetes
19. The _______________________ secretes _______________ during dark, thus it
is negatively light sensitive. It is responsible for __________________ in lizards
preceeding dormancy. It is linked to _______________ _______________
____________ in humans.
a. Pineal gland, melatonin, hypothermia, seasonal affective disorder
20. In females, the ___________ are controlled by gondadotropins. These produce
what hormones?
a. ovaries
b. Estrogen:
i. Sexual development and behavior; secondary sex traits
c. Progesterone:
i. Reproductive tract, mammary gland maturation; maternal behavior
d. Relaxin:
i. Prepare body for labor, cervix dilates
21. In males, gonadotropins control the_______________, which produce
a. Testes, androgens (testosterone)
22. Name the functions of androgens.
a. Development of male repro behavior
b. Secondary sexual characteristics in males
c. “Challenge response” correlated with increase testosterone
23. Androgens are _______________ hormones and steroid based.
a. Steroid
24. What are the three most common androgens?
a. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone
25. Describe receptors.
a. Note changes in the environment, such as photoperiod, water temperature,
sexual displays (etc.),
b. Trigger hypothalamus to make releasing hormones
c. Releasing hormones trigger gonadotropins