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Psych Test on Learning – heavy emphasis on Classical & Operant Conditioning
1. Adding a stimulus that increases the likelihood of a response occurring again.
2. Weekly paychecks are an example of this reinforcement schedule.
3. Occurrence of a learned response not only to the original stimulus, but also to
other similar stimulus as well.
4. Taking away a stimulus that is not desired is an example of this type of operant
5. Learning occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with ____?
6. Name one person linked to operant conditioning.
7. Pop quizzes are an example of this type of reinforcement schedule.
8. The UCS is repeatedly withheld whenever the CS is presented.
9. Adding a stimulus that is desired is an example of this type of operant
10. In Pavlov’s experiment name the following:
11. Holding and hugging a crying baby is an example of ______.
12. A rat pressing a bar 7 times to get food is an example of what type of
reinforcement schedule?
13. Learning come much faster when the CS is pared with the UCS which leads to
the UCR after repeatedly withholding the UCS whenever the CS is presented.
14. Thorndike’s principle that behaviors followed by favorable consequences become
more likely and behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less
likely is called this.
15. In classical conditioning, the ______ signals the impending occurrence of the
16. Reinforcement ____ a behavior and Punishment _____ the behavior.
17. Calling a garage mechanic to see if your car is fixed yet is an example of what
type of reinforcement schedule?
18. Explain the UCS UCR CS CR in the Little Albert experiment
19. Innately reinforcing stimulus. Satisfies a biological need.
20. Most powerful type of cc, where people may only need one trial for learning to
21. Slot machines are an example of this type of reinforcement schedule
22. A basketball player makes a shot every 5 times he shoots.
23. Name one person associated with observational learning? What did his
experiments deal with?
24. Learning that occurs, but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate
25. Operant conditioning is to ________ classical conditioning is to ________.
26. As a child, Cameon was playing in the yard one day when a neighbor's cat
wandered over. Her mother (who has a terrible fear of animals) screamed and
snatched her into her arms. Her behavior caused Cameon to cry. She now has a
fear of cats. Identify the UCS.
27. In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the meat served as a(n)
28. In Pavlov's original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a(n) ________
stimulus; after it was paired with meat, it became a(n) ________ stimulus.
29. Watson and Rayner's study of Little Albert demonstrated how specific fears
30. chamber containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate to obtain a reward.
31. Positive reinforcers ________ the rate of operant responding and negative
reinforcers ________ the rate of operant responding.
32. In order to quickly teach a dog to roll over on command, you would be best
advised to use ________ reinforcers rather than ________ reinforcers
33. A fixed-ratio schedule of reinforcement is one in which a response is reinforced
only after a(n):
34. A fixed-interval schedule of reinforcement is one in which a response is
reinforced only after a(n):
35. Negative reinforcers ________ the rate of operant responding, and punishments
________ the rate of operant responding.
36. Sara is sexually aroused by the sight of her handsome boyfriend but not by the
sight of her equally handsome brother. This best illustrates the value of:
37. During extinction, the ________ is omitted (left out); as a result, the ________
seems to disappear.
38. In Pavlov's studies of classical conditioning of a dog's salivary responses,
spontaneous recovery occurred:
39. A child's fear at the sight of a hypodermic needle is a(n):
40. In classical conditioning, the ________ signals the impending occurrence of the
41. When a conditioned stimulus is presented without an accompanying
unconditioned stimulus, ________ will soon take place.
42. The type of learning associated with Skinner is:
43. A response that leads to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is one being:
44. I once had a Chevy Citation which was a piece of crap car. It always broke down
and never ran right. In fact it would stall at every stop sign (a real chich
magnent). Since owning this Chevy, I have an aversion to Chevy cars and will
never own one again. My aversion to Chevy cars is an example of:
45. Tim finally takes out the garbage in order to get his father to stop pestering him.
Tim's behavior is being influenced by:
46. In a well-known experiment, preschool children pounded and kicked a large
inflated Bobo doll that an adult had just beaten on. This experiment served to
illustrate the importance of:
47. In Pavlov's experiments on the salivary conditioning of dogs, the UCS was:
48. For operant conditioning to be most effective, when should the reinforcers be
presented in relation to the desired response?
49. Gambling is reinforced according to which schedule?
50. The “piecework,” or commission, method of payment is an example of which
reinforcement schedule?
51. Buying state lottery tickets and winning
52. A teenager receives an allowance every Saturday
53. A hotel maid takes a 15 minute break after cleaning three rooms
54. Watching and seeing shooting stars on a Saturday night.