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Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Loop Quantum Gravity in a Nutshell Dah-Wei Chiou Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Sciences National Taiwan University Department of Physics National Sun Yat-sen University May 24, 2012 Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam Outline Motivations Why quantum gravity? Difficulties of quantum gravity Canonical general relativity Connection dynamics Canonical/Hamiltonian formulation Loop quantum gravity (LQG) Loop algebra Quantum kinematics Quantum dynamics A glimpse of spin foam theories A glimpse of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) A glimpse of loop quantum black holes Summary LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Why quantum gravity? Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Why quantum gravity? • Classical-quantum inconsistency. The fundamental principles collide in the classical Einstein equations Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG Tµν (g ) 2 Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Why quantum gravity? • Classical-quantum inconsistency. The fundamental principles collide in the classical Einstein equations Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG Tµν (g ) 2 • The “only way” to make sense out of the above equations while keeping the classical and quantum nature of geometry and matter respectively is: Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG hT̂µν (g0 )i 2 g0 : background metric Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Why quantum gravity? • Classical-quantum inconsistency. The fundamental principles collide in the classical Einstein equations Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG Tµν (g ) 2 • The “only way” to make sense out of the above equations while keeping the classical and quantum nature of geometry and matter respectively is: Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG hT̂µν (g0 )i 2 g0 : background metric • However, iteration results in “run-away” solutions (related to nonrenormalizabality). Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Why quantum gravity? • Classical-quantum inconsistency. The fundamental principles collide in the classical Einstein equations Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG Tµν (g ) 2 • The “only way” to make sense out of the above equations while keeping the classical and quantum nature of geometry and matter respectively is: Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG hT̂µν (g0 )i 2 g0 : background metric • However, iteration results in “run-away” solutions (related to nonrenormalizabality). • Have to quantize both geometry and matter simultaneously! Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Why quantum gravity? • Classical-quantum inconsistency. The fundamental principles collide in the classical Einstein equations Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG Tµν (g ) 2 • The “only way” to make sense out of the above equations while keeping the classical and quantum nature of geometry and matter respectively is: Rµν − 1 R gµν = 8πG hT̂µν (g0 )i 2 g0 : background metric • However, iteration results in “run-away” solutions (related to nonrenormalizabality). • Have to quantize both geometry and matter simultaneously! • Comment on holographic principle. . . Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. • ⇒ QG? How to reconcile the paradox? Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. • ⇒ QG? How to reconcile the paradox? • string theory (strings instead of point fields. . . ) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. • ⇒ QG? How to reconcile the paradox? • string theory (strings instead of point fields. . . ) • supergravity (inclusion of supersymmetry. . . ) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. • ⇒ QG? How to reconcile the paradox? • string theory (strings instead of point fields. . . ) • supergravity (inclusion of supersymmetry. . . ) • holographic principle Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. • ⇒ QG? How to reconcile the paradox? • • • • string theory (strings instead of point fields. . . ) supergravity (inclusion of supersymmetry. . . ) holographic principle gravity as entropic force Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. • ⇒ QG? How to reconcile the paradox? • • • • • string theory (strings instead of point fields. . . ) supergravity (inclusion of supersymmetry. . . ) holographic principle gravity as entropic force and much more. . . Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Difficulties of quantum gravity • QFT: All dynamical variables are quantized except spacetime. Matters move on the background spacetime. • GR: Spacetime is dynamical. Matters and spacetime are no different. • ⇒ QG? How to reconcile the paradox? • • • • • • string theory (strings instead of point fields. . . ) supergravity (inclusion of supersymmetry. . . ) holographic principle gravity as entropic force and much more. . . LQG: quantize matters and spacetime on the equal footing! (background-independent, non-perturbative) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Metaphor: animals live on an island → animals live on the back of a whale Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam Outline Motivations Why quantum gravity? Difficulties of quantum gravity Canonical general relativity Connection dynamics Canonical/Hamiltonian formulation Loop quantum gravity (LQG) Loop algebra Quantum kinematics Quantum dynamics A glimpse of spin foam theories A glimpse of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) A glimpse of loop quantum black holes Summary LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Connection dynamics • geometrodynamics vs connection dynamics • Einstein-Hilbert action (based on Riemannian geometry): S[g ] = 1 16πG Z d 4x p |g | R • Palatini action (based on Riemann-Cartan geometry): S[e, ω] = 1 32πG Z IJKL e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩKL tetrad (vierbein; “soldering form”): eµ I , so(1, 3) connection: ωµ I J curvature: Ω := dω + ω ∧ ω gµν = ηIJ eµ I eν J • Equation of motion (in fact, as long as “torsion-free”) gives de + ω ∧ e = 0 Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs ∂µ ∂ν Riemannian geometry metric: gµν Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary ∂µ ∂ν Riemannian geometry metric: gµν I,J Riemann-Cartan geometry so(1, 3) connection: ωµ I J soldering form: eµ I Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Palatini action with Holst’s modification (based on Riemann-Cartan geometry): S[e, ω] = 1 32πG Z IJKL e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩKL − 1 16πγ Z γ: Barbero-Immirzi parameter e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩIJ Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Palatini action with Holst’s modification (based on Riemann-Cartan geometry): S[e, ω] = 1 32πG Z IJKL e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩKL − 1 16πγ Z e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩIJ γ: Barbero-Immirzi parameter • cf. (non-abelian) gauge theory (Yang-Mills action with θ-term): S= 1 2 Z a Faµν Fµν + θα 8π Z a µνρσ Fµνa Fρσ Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Palatini action with Holst’s modification (based on Riemann-Cartan geometry): S[e, ω] = 1 32πG Z IJKL e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩKL − 1 16πγ Z e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩIJ γ: Barbero-Immirzi parameter • cf. (non-abelian) gauge theory (Yang-Mills action with θ-term): S= 1 2 Z a Faµν Fµν + θα 8π Z a µνρσ Fµνa Fρσ • eµ I : tetrad (vierbein) as well as “soldering form”. (e I ∧ e J =: ΣIJ ) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Palatini action with Holst’s modification (based on Riemann-Cartan geometry): S[e, ω] = 1 32πG Z IJKL e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩKL − 1 16πγ Z e I ∧ e J ∧ ΩIJ γ: Barbero-Immirzi parameter • cf. (non-abelian) gauge theory (Yang-Mills action with θ-term): S= 1 2 Z a Faµν Fµν + θα 8π Z a µνρσ Fµνa Fρσ • eµ I : tetrad (vierbein) as well as “soldering form”. (e I ∧ e J =: ΣIJ ) • comments on Poincaré gauge theories, teleparallel theories, metric-affine connection theories, non-metric theories. . . Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Canonical/Hamiltonian general relativity • ADM (3+1) foliation N: lapse; ~ shift N: Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • 3 + 1 splitting: SO(1, 3) eµ I (tetrad) ωµ I J I de + ω I J J ∧e =0 indices: I = (0, 1, 2, 3), µ → → → → → SO(3) ∼ SU(2) ea i (triad), N, N a Γia , Kai de i + i jk Γi ∧ e k = 0 i = (1, 2, 3), a Γia : spin connection associated to the triad, (defined via de i + i jk Γi ∧ e k = 0) Kai : extrinsic curvature of the constant time three surface • Ashtekar variables: (densitized) inverse triad: e a i (~x ) −→ densitize Ẽia (~x ), g g ab = Ẽia Ẽjb δ ij Ashtekar connection: Aia (~x ) = Γia (~x ) + γKai (~x ) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Starting with Palatini+Holst action, ADM (3+1) foliation and Legendre transform give • canonical pair b {Aa i (~x ), Ẽ j (~x 0 )} = 8πG γδji δab δ 3 (~x − ~x 0 ) b Ẽ j (~x 0 ): “electric field” Aa i (~x ): “magnetic potential” • with Z S= Z dt d 3 x Ẽia Lt Aia − h(Ẽia , Aia , N, N a , ω i · t) h = (ω i · t)Gi + N a Ca + NC Gi = 0 ,C = 0 Ca = 0 i Lagrange multipliers: ω · t, Na , N Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary “completely constrained” system: Z Z S = dt d 3 x Ẽia Lt Aia − h(Ẽia , Aia , N, N a , ω i · t) h = (ω i · t)Gi + N a Ca + NC , Gi = 0 Ca = 0 ,C = 0 • Gauss (SU(2)) constraint: Gi = Da Ẽia = ∂a Ẽia + ij k Aja Ẽka • vector (Diff ) constraint: i Ca = Ẽib Fab − σ − γ2 i Ka Gi σγ • scalar (Hamiltonian) constraint (“super-Hamiltonian”): i h 8πG γ 2 k + (σ − γ 2 )2K[ai Kb]j +8πG (γ 2 −σ)∂a C = p Ẽia Ẽjb ij k Fab 2 |q| K[ai p |q| ! Gi Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam Outline Motivations Why quantum gravity? Difficulties of quantum gravity Canonical general relativity Connection dynamics Canonical/Hamiltonian formulation Loop quantum gravity (LQG) Loop algebra Quantum kinematics Quantum dynamics A glimpse of spin foam theories A glimpse of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) A glimpse of loop quantum black holes Summary LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Loop algebra One more step b/f quantization: xf • connection −→ holonomy (Wilson loop): Aia (~x ) −→ hγ := Pe R γ A γ , xi gauge transformation: F (x) A(x) hγ → → → F 0 (x) = U(x)F (x)U † (x) A0 (x) = U(x)A(x)U † (x) + U(x)dU † (x) hγ0 = U(xf )hγ U † (xi ) • smear Ẽia : Ẽia (~x ) −→ E [S, f ] := Z dSa Ẽia fi S • loop algebra: {hγ , hγ0 } = {E [S, f ], E [S 0 , f 0 ]} = 0 {hγ , E [S, f ]} = · · · Summary Motivations Canonical GR Why (Wilson) loops? LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Why (Wilson) loops? • inspired by lattice gauge theory (nonperturbative approach) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Why (Wilson) loops? • inspired by lattice gauge theory (nonperturbative approach) • loops transform “nicely” under both SU(2) and Diff . SU(2) : F (x) A(x) hγ Diff : ··· → → → F 0 (x) = U(x)F (x)U † (x) A0 (x) = U(x)A(x)U † (x) + U(x)dU † (x) hγ0 = U(xf )hγ U † (xi ) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Why (Wilson) loops? • inspired by lattice gauge theory (nonperturbative approach) • loops transform “nicely” under both SU(2) and Diff . SU(2) : F (x) A(x) hγ Diff : ··· → → → F 0 (x) = U(x)F (x)U † (x) A0 (x) = U(x)A(x)U † (x) + U(x)dU † (x) hγ0 = U(xf )hγ U † (xi ) • There exists a unique Diff -invariant measure (Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure). Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Why (Wilson) loops? • inspired by lattice gauge theory (nonperturbative approach) • loops transform “nicely” under both SU(2) and Diff . SU(2) : F (x) A(x) hγ Diff : ··· → → → F 0 (x) = U(x)F (x)U † (x) A0 (x) = U(x)A(x)U † (x) + U(x)dU † (x) hγ0 = U(xf )hγ U † (xi ) • There exists a unique Diff -invariant measure (Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure). • Aharonov-Bohm effect. . . Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Why (Wilson) loops? • inspired by lattice gauge theory (nonperturbative approach) • loops transform “nicely” under both SU(2) and Diff . SU(2) : F (x) A(x) hγ Diff : ··· → → → F 0 (x) = U(x)F (x)U † (x) A0 (x) = U(x)A(x)U † (x) + U(x)dU † (x) hγ0 = U(xf )hγ U † (xi ) • There exists a unique Diff -invariant measure (Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure). • Aharonov-Bohm effect. . . • more. . . Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Why (Wilson) loops? • inspired by lattice gauge theory (nonperturbative approach) • loops transform “nicely” under both SU(2) and Diff . SU(2) : F (x) A(x) hγ Diff : ··· → → → F 0 (x) = U(x)F (x)U † (x) A0 (x) = U(x)A(x)U † (x) + U(x)dU † (x) hγ0 = U(xf )hγ U † (xi ) • There exists a unique Diff -invariant measure (Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure). • Aharonov-Bohm effect. . . • more. . . Quantization scheme: K −→ SU(2) K0 −→ Diff ∗ KDiff −→ H H Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Kinematic Hilbert space K K −→ SU(2) K0 −→ Diff ∗ KDiff −→ H H • cylindrical functions: ψΓ,f (A) = f (U1 (A), . . . , Un (A)) instead of arbitrary functional ψ[A] Γ : graph • arbitrary Γ’s ⇒ all information captured (trough “projective limit”). • inner product (Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure): Z (ψΓ,f , ψΓ,h ) = dg1 . . . dgn f (g1 , . . . , gn ) h(g1 , . . . , gn ) SU(2)2n (ψΓ1 ,f , ψΓ2 ,h ) := (ψΓ,f , ψΓ,h ), Γ1 , Γ2 ⊂ Γ, Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC (Oriented) graphs: links (+ nodes) (a) (c) (b) (d) Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • an orthonormal basis (Peter-Weyl theorem): |Γ, jl , αl , βl i = |Γ, j1 , . . . , jL , αl , . . . , αL , βl , . . . , βL i hA|Γ, jl , αl , βl i = R (j1 ) α1 β1 (U1 (A)) . . . R (jL ) αL j1 α1 j2 β1 β2 α2 α3 β3 j3 βL (UL (A)) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary SU(2)-invariant Hilbert space K0 K −→ K0 SU(2) −→ Diff ∗ KDiff −→ H H • spin network (graph Γ + “coloring” jl , in ) S = (Γ, jl , in ), in : intertwiner (Clebsch-Gordan coefficients) j1 ⊗ j2 ⊗ · · · = 0 ⊕ 0 ⊕ . . . |Si := X αl ,βl βn +1 ,...,βn β1 ,...,βn 2 1 v 1 1 α1 ,...,αn i1 αn +1 ,...,αn 1 2 1 vi βn ,...,βn N−1 L n αn ,...,αn N−1 L ×vi j1 |Γ, jl , αl , βl i j1 α1 j2 β1 ··· α2 β2 α3 β3 j2 i2 ⇒ i1 j3 j3 Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Diff -invariant Hilbert space KDiff K −→ SU(2) K0 −→ Diff ∗ KDiff −→ H H • equivalent relation: iff |Si = |Γ, jl , in i ∼ |S 0 i = |Γ0 , jl0 , in0 i jl0 = jl , in0 = in , and Γ0 = φ(Γ) for some φ ∈ Diff ∗ • An equivalent class K of graphs Γ under diffeomorphisms is called a “knot”. • s-knot: K + “coloring”(jl and in ) ∈ KDiff • Inner product of KDiff can be defined in the natural way: Ashtekar-Lewandowski measure. • KDiff is separable! Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Equivalence under φ ∈ Diff ∗ : −→ φ∈Diff ∗ Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC s-knots (spin networks) coloring/labels: • link jl : SU(2) half-integers • node in : intertwiners (Clebsch-Gordan coefficients) Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Discreteness of area and volume • Both “area” and “volume” operators are well defined in K0 (and thus in KDiff ). A(S) = Z q na Ẽia nb Ẽ ib d 2 σ S ∵ δ δAia (~x ) ⇒ Â(S) = lim Xq N→∞ E 2 (Sn )|Si = (8πG γ~)2 jn (jn + 1)|Si Z hγ = ds γ̇ a (s) δ 3 (γs, ~x ) hγ1 τi hγ2 , E 2 (Sn ) n hγ = Pe R Aj τj Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • |Si is an eigenstate of Â(S): Â(S)|Si = 8πG γ~ X p jp (jp + 1)|Si p∈S∩Γ • spectrum of the area operator (associated to the link l) is discrete: p Al = 8πG γc −3 ~ jl (jl + 1) • similar to “volume” operator (but much more complicated). . . • Both “area” and “volume” are quantized!! Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • |Si is an eigenstate of Â(S): Â(S)|Si = 8πG γ~ X p jp (jp + 1)|Si p∈S∩Γ • spectrum of the area operator (associated to the link l) is discrete: p Al = 8πG γc −3 ~ jl (jl + 1) • similar to “volume” operator (but much more complicated). . . • Both “area” and “volume” are quantized!! • comments on diffeomorphism invariance and the discreteness. . . (cf. lattice theory of gravity) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quanta of space: s-knots • s-knot: ensemble of “chunks of space” • node in — quanta of volume • link jl — quanta of area: p Al = 8πG γc −3 ~ jl (jl + 1) Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quanta of space: s-knots • s-knot: ensemble of “chunks of space” • node in — quanta of volume • link jl — quanta of area: p Al = 8πG γc −3 ~ jl (jl + 1) • comments on inclusion of matters. . . Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Quanta of space: s-knots • s-knot: ensemble of “chunks of space” • node in — quanta of volume • link jl — quanta of area: p Al = 8πG γc −3 ~ jl (jl + 1) • comments on inclusion of matters. . . • comments on background independence (quantum states are excitations out of nothing, i.e. |∅i). . . Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Semiclassical (low-energy) limit • However, what is the smooth macroscopic space we are familiar with? • Can we find a state in KDiff that approximates a given macroscopic solution? Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Semiclassical (low-energy) limit • However, what is the smooth macroscopic space we are familiar with? • Can we find a state in KDiff that approximates a given macroscopic solution? • Coherent state? Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Semiclassical (low-energy) limit • However, what is the smooth macroscopic space we are familiar with? • Can we find a state in KDiff that approximates a given macroscopic solution? • Coherent state? • Analogy: a piece of (smooth) cloth −→ interwoven with (irregular) threads zoom in Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Semiclassical (low-energy) limit • However, what is the smooth macroscopic space we are familiar with? • Can we find a state in KDiff that approximates a given macroscopic solution? • Coherent state? • Analogy: a piece of (smooth) cloth −→ interwoven with (irregular) threads zoom in • It is still a big challenge to recover the low-energy physics! Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Semiclassical (low-energy) limit • However, what is the smooth macroscopic space we are familiar with? • Can we find a state in KDiff that approximates a given macroscopic solution? • Coherent state? • Analogy: a piece of (smooth) cloth −→ interwoven with (irregular) threads zoom in • It is still a big challenge to recover the low-energy physics! • top-down approach is difficult! Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Semiclassical (low-energy) limit • However, what is the smooth macroscopic space we are familiar with? • Can we find a state in KDiff that approximates a given macroscopic solution? • Coherent state? • Analogy: a piece of (smooth) cloth −→ interwoven with (irregular) threads zoom in • It is still a big challenge to recover the low-energy physics! • top-down approach is difficult! • bottom-up approach available: LQG ←→ midi-superspace ←→ mini-superspace (e.g. LQC) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Dynamics K −→ SU(2) K0 −→ Diff ∗ KDiff −→ H H?? • Hamiltonian operator: Z H = Ĥ = d 3x ··· i 8πG γ 2 N a b h ij k p Ẽi Ẽj k Fab + (σ − γ 2 )2K[ai Kb]j 2 |q| Fab → h , Thiemann’s trick, regularization Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space • inner product of H? Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space • inner product of H? • meaning of evolution? (e.g. |multiple loopsi are solutions to Ĥ|ψi = 0) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space • inner product of H? • meaning of evolution? (e.g. |multiple loopsi are solutions to Ĥ|ψi = 0) • dynamics looks “frozen” (timeless formalism) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space • inner product of H? • meaning of evolution? (e.g. |multiple loopsi are solutions to Ĥ|ψi = 0) • dynamics looks “frozen” (timeless formalism) • So far, kinematics of LQG is well understood, but little is known about the dynamics. Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space • inner product of H? • meaning of evolution? (e.g. |multiple loopsi are solutions to Ĥ|ψi = 0) • dynamics looks “frozen” (timeless formalism) • So far, kinematics of LQG is well understood, but little is known about the dynamics. • related to “the problem of time”. Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space • inner product of H? • meaning of evolution? (e.g. |multiple loopsi are solutions to Ĥ|ψi = 0) • dynamics looks “frozen” (timeless formalism) • So far, kinematics of LQG is well understood, but little is known about the dynamics. • related to “the problem of time”. • Inclusion of matters may be inevitable. (The notion of time emerges through relational correspondence.) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • Physical state |ψi ∈ H satisfies the quantum Hamiltonian constraint: Ĥ|ψi = 0 H : physical Hilbert space • inner product of H? • meaning of evolution? (e.g. |multiple loopsi are solutions to Ĥ|ψi = 0) • dynamics looks “frozen” (timeless formalism) • So far, kinematics of LQG is well understood, but little is known about the dynamics. • related to “the problem of time”. • Inclusion of matters may be inevitable. (The notion of time emerges through relational correspondence.) • alternative approach: spin foam formalism (covariant/path integral approach, in contrast to the canonical/Hamiltonian approach of LQG) Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs A glimpse of spin foam theories Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam Outline Motivations Why quantum gravity? Difficulties of quantum gravity Canonical general relativity Connection dynamics Canonical/Hamiltonian formulation Loop quantum gravity (LQG) Loop algebra Quantum kinematics Quantum dynamics A glimpse of spin foam theories A glimpse of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) A glimpse of loop quantum black holes Summary LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs A glimpse of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) LQC: simplified version (“toy model”, bottom-up approach ) of LQG (mini-superspace formalism) • Ashtekar variables: homogeneity & isotropy : Aa i (~x ) → c, a Ẽ i (~x ) → p b {Aa i (~x ), Ẽ j (~x 0 )} = 8πG γδji δab δ 3 (~x − ~x 0 ) 8πG γ 3 • classical Hamiltonian constraint for the k = 0 FRW model: → {c, p} = C = Cgrav + Cmatt = − p Npφ2 3N 2 |p| + c 8πG γ 2 2 |p|3/2 • inclusion of matter (scalar field), serving as internal clock: {φ, pφ } = 1 Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs • “holonomization”: c −→ sin(µ̄c) e µ̄c − e −µ̄c = µ̄ 2i µ̄ Introduce finite µ̄ to impose the discreteness of quantum geometry of LQG by hand. • “improved” quantization: s µ̄ = ∆ , |p| √ ∆ = area gap = 2 3πγ`2Pl • “holonomized” Hamiltonian: Hµ̄ = − Npφ2 3N sin2 µ̄c p |p| + 2 2 8πG γ µ̄ 2 |p|3/2 • quantization. . . • SU(2): trivial • Diff : not an issue • Ĥµ̄ |ψi = 0: can be done thanks to internal clock! Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary The formulation of LQC has been constructed rigorously, revealing that the big bang singularity is resolved and replaced by the quantum bounce (big bounce). Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary The formulation of LQC has been constructed rigorously, revealing that the big bang singularity is resolved and replaced by the quantum bounce (big bounce). Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs “Cosmological inflation driven by holonomy corrections of loop quantum cosmology”, DWC and K. Liu, Phys. Rev. D 81, 063526 (2010), arXiv:1002.2035 . Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs slo w ro ll “Cosmological inflation driven by holonomy corrections of loop quantum cosmology”, DWC and K. Liu, Phys. Rev. D 81, 063526 (2010), arXiv:1002.2035 . reheating Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary slo w ro ll no (v n-in iol la ati tio on na of ry slo w- ro ll) “Cosmological inflation driven by holonomy corrections of loop quantum cosmology”, DWC and K. Liu, Phys. Rev. D 81, 063526 (2010), arXiv:1002.2035 . reheating superinflation Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam “Footprints of LQC on inflation and CMB? LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary A glimpse of loop quantum black holes • Is the black hole singularity also resolved by the loop quantum geometry? And How? Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary A glimpse of loop quantum black holes • Is the black hole singularity also resolved by the loop quantum geometry? And How? • The simplest step is to consider the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole, in which the metric component is homogeneous with the Kantowski-Sachs symmetry R × SO(3) (thus mini-superspace approach applicable). The metric of the Schwarzschild black hole: interior: ds 2 = ds 2 = 2GM 2GM −1 2 2 2 2 1− dt + 1 − dr + r dΩ r r −1 2GM 2GM 2 −2 2 2 2 −1 − 1 dx + t dΩ − dt + L t t − where we rename (r , t) as (t, L−1 x) with t ∈ [0, 2GM), x ∈ R Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary A glimpse of loop quantum black holes • Is the black hole singularity also resolved by the loop quantum geometry? And How? • The simplest step is to consider the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole, in which the metric component is homogeneous with the Kantowski-Sachs symmetry R × SO(3) (thus mini-superspace approach applicable). The metric of the Schwarzschild black hole: interior: ds 2 = ds 2 = 2GM 2GM −1 2 2 2 2 1− dt + 1 − dr + r dΩ r r −1 2GM 2GM 2 −2 2 2 2 −1 − 1 dx + t dΩ − dt + L t t − where we rename (r , t) as (t, L−1 x) with t ∈ [0, 2GM), x ∈ R • The loop quantum geometry of the Schwarzschild interior can be studied at the level of heuristic effective dynamics, even though the fundamental quantum theory remains to be done. Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary (Conjectured) Penrose diagrams (b) .. . .. . (c) → M(M(M )), 32 Kc → M ′ , −Kc (a) + i I+ i i I 0 i III I− − i → M, −Kc I+ II IV 0 → M(M ), 3Kc → M, Kc + → M ′ , Kc I− − i → M, Kc I+ 0 i I− → M ′ , −Kc classical → M−1 (M ), Kc /3 µ̄-scheme 0 µ̄ -scheme DWC, Phys. Rev. D 78, 064040 (2008), arXiv:0807.0665 . .. . .. . .. .. . . → M, Kc Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Resolution of the black singularity and extension of the quantum spacetime may resolve the information loss paradox. Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Resolution of the black singularity and extension of the quantum spacetime may resolve the information loss paradox. i+ r =0 I+ ra di at io n r =0 r =0 i− I− i0 Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Resolution of the black singularity and extension of the quantum spacetime may resolve the information loss paradox. i+ i+ r =0 I+ I+ i− io di ra di ra r =0 n r =0 at i0 at io n r =0 I− I− i− i0 Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam Outline Motivations Why quantum gravity? Difficulties of quantum gravity Canonical general relativity Connection dynamics Canonical/Hamiltonian formulation Loop quantum gravity (LQG) Loop algebra Quantum kinematics Quantum dynamics A glimpse of spin foam theories A glimpse of loop quantum cosmology (LQC) A glimpse of loop quantum black holes Summary LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam Summary LQC Quantum BHs Summary Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Summary Wikipedia: • Loop quantum gravity (LQG), also known as loop gravity and quantum geometry, is a proposed quantum hypothesis of spacetime which attempts to reconcile the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. • Loop quantum gravity postulates that space can be viewed as an extremely fine fabric or network “woven” of finite quantised loops of excited gravitational fields called spin networks. When viewed over time, these spin networks are referred to as spin foam. • The theory of LQG is considered a major quantum gravity contender, along with string theory, but has the perceived advantage of consistently incorporating general relativity without requiring the use of “higher dimensions”. [minimalist approach] Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Summary Wikipedia: • Loop quantum gravity (LQG), also known as loop gravity and quantum geometry, is a proposed quantum hypothesis of spacetime which attempts to reconcile the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. • Loop quantum gravity postulates that space can be viewed as an extremely fine fabric or network “woven” of finite quantised loops of excited gravitational fields called spin networks. When viewed over time, these spin networks are referred to as spin foam. • The theory of LQG is considered a major quantum gravity contender, along with string theory, but has the perceived advantage of consistently incorporating general relativity without requiring the use of “higher dimensions”. [minimalist approach] • A lot remains to be done. . . Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Summary Wikipedia: • Loop quantum gravity (LQG), also known as loop gravity and quantum geometry, is a proposed quantum hypothesis of spacetime which attempts to reconcile the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. • Loop quantum gravity postulates that space can be viewed as an extremely fine fabric or network “woven” of finite quantised loops of excited gravitational fields called spin networks. When viewed over time, these spin networks are referred to as spin foam. • The theory of LQG is considered a major quantum gravity contender, along with string theory, but has the perceived advantage of consistently incorporating general relativity without requiring the use of “higher dimensions”. [minimalist approach] • A lot remains to be done. . . • LQC. . . Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary Summary Wikipedia: • Loop quantum gravity (LQG), also known as loop gravity and quantum geometry, is a proposed quantum hypothesis of spacetime which attempts to reconcile the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity. • Loop quantum gravity postulates that space can be viewed as an extremely fine fabric or network “woven” of finite quantised loops of excited gravitational fields called spin networks. When viewed over time, these spin networks are referred to as spin foam. • The theory of LQG is considered a major quantum gravity contender, along with string theory, but has the perceived advantage of consistently incorporating general relativity without requiring the use of “higher dimensions”. [minimalist approach] • A lot remains to be done. . . • LQC. . . • Loop quantum black holes. . . Motivations Canonical GR LQG Spin Foam LQC Quantum BHs Summary