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Chapter 8/ Practice & Preview Assessment
___ 1. Before conditioning took place, Pavlov's dog would naturally start to salivate each
time the dog would see or smell food. During conditioning, each time Pavlov rang a
bell he then gave the dog food. After several of these parings, Pavlov noticed that
the dog would now salivate each time he solely heard the bell. Before conditioning
had taken place the bell was called:
A) Neutral stimulus (NS)
D) Conditioned stimulus (CS)
B) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
E) Conditioned response (CR)
C) Unconditioned response (UCR)
___ 2. In the above experiment, the dog's natural salivation to the food was called:
A) Neutral stimulus (NS)
D) Conditioned stimulus (CS)
B) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
E) Conditioned response (CR)
C) Unconditioned response (UCR)
___ 3. In the above experiment, the food that caused the dog to salivate was called:
A) Neutral stimulus (NS)
D) Conditioned stimulus (CS)
B) Unconditioned stimlus (UCS)
E) Conditioned response (CR)
C) Unconditioned response (UCR)
___ 4. In the above experiment, the bell, which now caused the dog to salivate is called:
A) Neutral stimulus (NS)
D) Conditioned stimulus (CS)
B) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
E) Conditioned response (CR)
C) Unconditioned response (UCR)
___ 5. In the above experiment, the dog salivating to the sound of the bell is called:
A) Neutral stimulus (NS)
D) Conditioned stimulus (CS)
B) Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
E) Conditioned response (CR)
C) Unconditioned response (UCR)
___ 6. The conditioned stimulus (bell) must be presented before the unconditioned stimulus
(food) in order for acquisition of the CS with the UCS.
A) True
B) False
7. In the process of extinction, stopping the learned CS from causing the CR, the
_______________________ must not be given after the CS is presented.
___ 8. During the experiment of "Little Albert," Albert was conditioned to be afraid of a
white rat because he learned to associate the white rat with a loud noise. But, Albert
also became scared of any stimuli that resembled the white rat, like a white bunny.
This is referred to as:
A) Acquisition
D) Stimulus generalization
B) Extinction
E) Stimulus discrimination
C) Spontaneous recovery
Chapter 8/ Practice & Preview Assessment
___ 9. Operant conditioning is based on Edward Thorndike's Law of effect, which states
behaviors that are followed by a favorable consequence, like reward, are more likely
to be repeated; whereas behaviors followed by unfavorable consequence, like
punishment, are less likely to be repeated.
A) True
B) False
10. _________________ is an operant technique, which uses reinforcers (rewards) to
guide behavior to a successful outcome.
___ 11. Positive reinforcement increases the likelihood of a desired behavior being repeated
by following that behavior with giving a favorable consequence, like extra credit;
negative reinforcement increases the likelihood of a desired behavior being repeated
by following the behavior with the removal of an unfavorable consequence, like
cutting the lawn.
A) True
B) False
12. A person trains a dog to sit. Each time the dog sits the owner gives the dog food. In
this example, the food is considered a _________________ reinforcer
___ 13. Each time a customer buys 5 subs, his or her 6th is free. Which type of partial
reinforcement schedule is being used?
A) Fixed-interval
D) Variable-ratio
B) Fixed-ratio
E) Continuous reinforcement
C) Variable-interval
___ 14. A dad pays his son after he thinks his son has worked long enough. Could be a few
or several hours. Which type of partial reinforcement schedule is being used?
A) Fixed-interval
D) Variable-ratio
B) Variable-interval
E) Continuous reinforcement
C) Fixed-ratio
___ 15. Jimmy has been crying hysterically and Jimmy's dad states, "If you cry you are not
going to be able to go out for dinner. What operant technique is dad using?
A) Positive reinforcement
D) Negative punishment
B) Negative reinforcement
E) Partial reinforcement
C) Positive punishment
___ 16. A cognitive map is an example of latent learning, where a person mentally visualizes
a location and then is able to demonstrate.
A) True
B) False
___ 17. In Albert Bandura's Bobo doll experiment, children who watched adult get punished
for beating up their bobo doll, later when they got a chance to play with their bobo
doll exhibited the same behavior as the adults who were punished.
A) True
B) False
Chapter 8/ Practice & Preview Assessment
Answer Key
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)