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Downloaded from on June 17, 2017 - Published by
J. clin. Path., 32, Suppl. (Roy. Coll. Path.), 13, 59-62
Functional subsets of lymphocytes
From the Imperial Cancer Research Fund Human Tumour Immunology Group, University College
Hospital Medical School, London
In this review I shall survey various properties of
lymphocytes which allow clear distinctions to be
drawn between different lymphocyte subsets. I shall
discuss only thymus-derived (T) lymphocytes since
these cells appear to play a key role in regulating the
activities of other lymphoid cells (B cells and macrophages) as well as carrying out effector functions
themselves. In the first section I shall discuss murine
T lymphocytes since most of the most decisive
experimental studies have been carried out in this
species, while the concluding section of the review
will deal with human T lymphocyte heterogeneity.
Bone marrow
T stem cell
Peripheral T cells
TLThy- I
Ly- I
Ly-I+3OI/. Ly-123+50°/. Ly-23+ 1OI/.
Fig. 1 Differentiation of T cells.
T Lymphocyte heterogeneity in the mouse
described (Beverley, 1977; Simpson and Beverley,
1977). However, it illustrates the important point
that during differentiation of T cells from stem cells
resident in the bone-marrow to mature peripheral T
cells there is a major reorganisation of the cell surface. Some markers (for example, TI) are lost while
others appear (for example, Ala-1 which is present
only on mature effector cells of both T and B
lineages). In the peripheral lymphoid tissues the
Ly-1, 2, and 3 markers allow a division of the T cells
into three major subsets with different surface
expression of the three antigens (phenotype) and
distinct functional properties (Fig. 1).
Although the realisation that different subsets of
lymphocytes served different functions-for example,
Table 1 Murine T lymphocyte surface antigens
that B cells produce antibody and T cells mediate
delayed hypersensitivity-preceded theuse of antisera
Linkage group
to differentiation antigens, use of these reagents has
allowed an analysis of T cell function which was
Boyse and Old, 1968
Frelinger et al., 1974
previously impossible. Particularly enlightening are
Boyse and Old, 1969
the studies by Cantor and Boyse (1975a, b) of mixed
Raff and Wortis, 1970
Boyse et al., 1968
culture (MLC) responses. Their findings
Boyse et al., 1968
may be summarised as follows.
Boyse et al., 1971
Feeney and Hammerling, 1976
(1) The major portion of the proliferative
response in MLC is due to Ly-1+ cells.
(2) The Ly-1+ cells respond to alloantigens coded
Using a panel of antisera allows the construction in the I region of the major histocompatibility
of a scheme for T cell differentiation such as that complex (MHC).
(3) Cytotoxic effector cells generated in MLC and
given in Fig. 1. This is a considerable over-simplification since many other T cell markers have been their precursors are Ly-23+.
The most useful tool for separation of T cells into
different subsets has been the use of antisera to cell
surface differentiation markers. Cells bearing a
particular antigen may be killed by antiserum and
complement or they may be detected and separated
by such techniques as indirect immunofluorescence.
Although T lymphocyte differentiation antigens may
be detected by both heteroantisera and alloantisera
(reviewed by Beverley, 1977) the most useful markers
have been those detected by alloantisera. Table 1
lists some of the markers that have been particularly
useful in elucidating the pathway of T cell differentiation in the mouse.
Downloaded from on June 17, 2017 - Published by
P. C. L. Beverley
Ly- 123
Ly-1v *
I restricted
KID restricted
Fig. 3 T cell differentiation.
lymphocytes recognise extrinsic antigen in association with self MHC antigens and, furthermore, that
there are two major subtypes of T cells (Fig. 3). The
Ly-1+ cells are helper/amplifiers for other cell types
and respond to I region antigens, while Ly-(1)23+
cells are suppressor/killers and K/D responsive. In
addition, Fig. 3 emphasises the interactions between
these two broad categories of T cell.
Fig. 2 The mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) responses.
Human lymphocyte subsets
(4) The target antigens of the cytotoxic cells are
H-2K and D.
(5) Generation of an optimal cytotoxic response
requires the presence of Ly-1+ cells.
These important findings are summarised diagrammatically in Fig. 2. The study established not only
that different cells mediate different functions but
also that the different cells respond to antigens coded
in different regions of the MHC. In addition the
importance of cell-cell interactions in generation of
effector cells was emphasised.
Now it could be argued that the MLC is a nonphysiological in-vitro culture artefact, and one might
ask what relevance MHC recognition has to host
defence against bacteria and viruses? The now
classical experiments of Zinkernagel and Doherty
(reviewed in Doherty et al., 1976) provide an answer.
They show that cytotoxic T cells, immune to viral
antigens, recognise not just the viral antigens but
viral antigens in association with self MHC antigens.
The relevant MHC antigens are coded in the K and
D regions. In addition it has now been shown that
anti-viral cytotoxic cells are Ly-23+ (Pang et al.,
Does this self + antigen recognition apply only
to Ly-23+ killer cells? Somewhat more indirect
evidence than that for killer cells shows that helper
cells for antibody production recognise soluble
protein antigens in association with I region coded
antigens (Erb et al., 1976). The helper cells have also
been shown to have the Ly-1+ phenotype (Feldmann
et,£., 1975). In other experiments it has also been
demonstrated that the Ly-1+ cells which mediate
delayed type hypersensitivity reactions are also I
region restricted (Miller et al., 1976).
Taken together these data suggest that all T
In this section I briefly review our present understanding of human lymphocyte heterogeneity. Fig. 4
summarises the distribution of cell phenotypes that
may be found in human peripheral blood as distinguished by a number of widely used markers.
These separation techniques have allowed considerable advances in understanding of human cellular
immune responses but do not allow adequate
definition of the non-T (non-E-rosetting) subsets nor
subfractionation of the T cells.
30 40
50 60
80 90 100
SMI 19l
Fig. 4 Normal lymphocyte phenotypes.
Three sets of markers have allowed a start oi.
investigations of human T cell subsets. The first is
the use of IgM and IgG rosetting. Two subpopulations of T cells can be identified by the use of ox red
blood cells coated with IgM or IgG antibody. The
T.M cells comprise about 55-60% and the T.G cells
10% of peripheral blood T cells (Moretta et al.,
1976). Complete functional studies of these subsets
have not so far been reported but they show
Downloaded from on June 17, 2017 - Published by
Functional subsets of lymphocytes
Table 2 Summary of data derivedfrom studies with
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) sera and anti-THJ
and TH2 sera
Soluble antigen
not fall clearly into either category. Similarly in the
mouse it is unclear which subset of T cells is most
important in this response. In summary, it appears
that distinctions, both functional and phenotypic,
Fig. 5 Cytotoxicity ofjuvenile rheumatoid arthritis
between the major lymphocyte subsets have been
(JRA) sera. Three JRA sera were assayed on nylon
conserved during mammalian evolution.
column purified human PBL (> 90 %E+) using a
Since it is now clear that major subsets of human
two-stage s Cr release assay with absorbed rabbit serum
lymphocytes having distinct surface and functional
as a source of complement.
properties can be defined, we might ask the relevance
of these to the pathogenesis of disease. As yet data
differences in response to PHA. More importantly, it are scanty, but there is already evidence for dishas also been demonstrated that the T cells required turbances in numbers of T. M and T. G cells in certain
to potentiate a B cell response to pokeweed mitogen immunodeficiency and autoimmune disorders
reside in the T.M subset. T. G cells, on the other hand, (Moretta et al., 1977) and in multiple sclerosis
(Santoli et al., 1978). Preliminary evidence also
inhibit this response (Moretta et al., 1976).
There are more complete data on the use of two suggests that JRA patients with detectable autodifferent types of antisera to distinguish T cell sub- antibody lack circulating suppressor cells (Schlosssets. Schlossman and his colleagues have investigated man et al., 1978).
Rapid progress may be expected in this area when
the properties of sera from patients suffering from
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). Active sera have the existing markers are improved. Present heteroan autoantitody capable of killing up to 40% of sera suffer from limited availability, difficulty in
human peripheral blood T cells (Strelkauskas et al., reproducing successful immunisations, and multiple
1978). In our experience the sera are rather more specificities present in the same serum. JRA sera are
heterogeneous (Fig. 5) giving variable levels of not readily available and only untreated patients
plateau killing of peripheral blood T lymphocytes. have usable titres. Furthermore, the number of cells
Nevertheless, in Schlossman's hands several high killed may vary (Fig. 5), suggesting multiple specikilling sera have given repeatable results in studies ficities within the sera. Perhaps the most promising
of lymphocyte function (Strelkauskas et al., 1978; avenue for advance is the use of somatic cell
hybridisation to produce monoclonal antisera
Schlossman et al., 1978).
An alternative approach is to develop specific (Kohler and Milstein, 1976). Already an antigen
heteroantisera. Rabbit antisera to T lymphocytes present on human thymocytes but not peripheral T
may be absorbed with autologous B lympho- cells has been defined (McMichael et al., 1978)
cytes (Evans et al., 1977), or T leukaemia cells (Evans which is perhaps equivalent to the mouse TL antigen.
et al., 1978) to derive sera recognising subsets of T It is to be expected that peripheral T and B cell
lymphocytes. In this way two markers TH1 and markers will shortly be described.
TH2 have been identified. Table 2 summarises (and
simplifies) the data derived from studies with JRA
sera and anti THI and TH2 sera. It appears that References
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Downloaded from on June 17, 2017 - Published by
Functional subsets of
P C Beverley
J Clin Pathol 1979 s3-13: 59-62
doi: 10.1136/jcp.s3-13.1.59
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