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AP Psychology T.O.C.
Prologue Cover page
Reading Notes pp. 1-17; Introspection/Evolution wkst
Learning and Memory Cover page
Preview p. 6
 How does the discussion of learning in this chapter differ
from the definition of learning we typically discuss in school?
Chapter 8: Learning
pp. 312-324
NB p.7
Objective 1: What is Learning?
 A relatively permanent change in behavior based on prior
Objective 1: What are two forms of
 Associative learning: linking of two events that occur close
together; Conditioning
 Ex. Getting sick after IHOP not ordering eggs benedict from
 Observational learning: learn from others’ experiences and
 Ex. Watching someone trip over a break in the sidewalk 
watching where you walk
Objective 2: What is Classical
 Classical Conditioning: the repeated pairing of an
unconditioned stimulus (UCS) with a neutral stimulus (NS)
to produce the same behavior
Objective 2: What is behaviorism?
 Behaviorism: Psychology as an objective science and study
only observable behavior.
 “…the prediction and control of behavior” –Watson
“Conditioned” = “Learned”
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2. Take out Classical Conditioning Practice Worksheet
3. Trade with partner
4. Get out a different color pen/pencil to grade
Objective 2: What are the components
of Classical Conditioning?
 Unconditioned stimulus (UCS): an event that produces, or elicits,
an automatic or unlearned response
Unconditioned response (UCR): an automatic or unlearned
response/reaction that is preceded, or elicited, by an
unconditioned stimulus
Neutral stimulus (NS): A stimulus that does not elicit a response
prior to learning
Conditioned stimulus (CS): an original neutral stimulus that has
been paired repeatedly with the unconditioned stimulus to
produce or elicit, a response
Conditioned response (CR): a response/reaction elicited by the
conditioned stimulus
Objective 2: What are the components
of classical conditioning?
Pavlov’s Dogs
Objective 2: What are the components
of classical conditioning?
 UCS (food)  UCR (salivation)
 UCS (food) + NS (bell)  UCR (salivation)
 CS (bell)  CR (salivation)
Objective 3: How long does it take to acquire a
conditioned stimulus-response relationship?
 Acquisition: initial learning stage in classical conditioning
 Not long at all with repetition
 The process of acquisition is biologically adaptive, it allows an
organism to prepare for good or bad events
 Responding to cues (stimuli) that help in gaining food, avoiding
dangers, location a mate, etc.
Objective 4: How do extinction, spontaneous recovery,
generalization, and discrimination occur in classical
 Extinction: when the conditioned stimuli no longer elicits
the conditioned response after repeated presentation of the
CS without the UCS.
 Spontaneous Recovery: the recovery of a previously
extinguished response after a passage of time
 Generalization: the tendency for a conditioned response
(behavior) to be elicited by similar stimuli
 Discrimination: the ability to distinguish between the
conditioned stimulus (CS) and similar stimuli that are not
associated with the unconditioned stimulus (UCS).
Objective 5: How are generalization and
discrimination valuable to survival?
 Ex. Associating all foul smells with spoiled food may prevent
 Ex. Distinguishing between domestic cats from feral cats may
prevent rabies or an attack
Objective 6: Are cognitive processes
important to classical conditioning?
 Predictability
 Expectancy
 The thought that counts
 Ex. Dramamine & alcohol
Objective 7: How do our biological predispositions
affect learning by classical conditioning?
 Our associations enhance survival specific to our species
 Nausea, anxiety, pain are all things humans typically avoid
Objective 8: How did Pavlov contribute to
our understanding of learning?
 Classical conditioning is one way that virtually all organisms
learn to adapt to their environment
 Studying learning objectively – scientific model for
Objective 9: How can classical conditioning
improve human health and well-being?
 Treating Phobias-(conditioned emotional responses)
 Flooding
 Systematic desensitization
 Counterconditioning
 Conditioned Taste Aversion
Process p.6
 Provide two examples of your own behaviors that are
classically conditioned.
The Case of Little Albert