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Chapter 4: Introduction to Earth Chemistry
Section 1 Notes
Properties of Matter
____________ anything that has mass and takes up space
Every object in ____________ is made up of particles of matter. The amount of matter in any object is the
_____________of that object.
All matter has two types of distinguishing properties—_______________ properties and _____________
________________ properties are characteristics that can be observed without changing the composition
of the substance.
Physical properties include ___________, ___________, ______________, ______________, ________________, and
______________ properties are characteristics that describe how a substance ______________ with other
substance to produce different substances.
_______________ a substance that cannot be _____________ or _______________ into simpler substances by
chemical means; all atoms of an element have the same ________________________________
Each element has a characteristic set of physical and chemical properties that identify it.
Every known element is represented by a _____________________.
Elements are made of _______________.
Atom the _________________________ of an element that maintains the chemical properties of that
A single atom is so small that its size is difficult to imagine.
Even though atoms are very tiny, they are made up of smaller parts called ____________________________.
There are three types of subatomic particles—_______________, ________________, and __________________.
_________________ a subatomic particle that has a _______________ charge and that is located in the nucleus
of an atom; the number of protons of the nucleus is the _______________ number, which determines the
identity of an element
_________________ a subatomic particle that has a _________________ charge
_________________ a subatomic particle that has _________________ charge and that is located in the
nucleus of an atom
The Nucleus
The protons and neutrons of an atom form the _______________________.
The __________ charged nucleus makes up most of an atom’s mass but very little of its ________________.
The volume of an atom is mostly ____________________________.
The Electron Cloud
The electrons of an atom move in a certain region of space called an ____________________ that surrounds
the nucleus.
The ________________ charged _______________ are attracted to the ________________ charged ______________.
This attraction _____________________________ atom.
Atomic Number
The number of ___________________ in the nucleus of an atom is called the atomic number.
All atoms of any given _________________ have the same atomic number. An element’s atomic number
sets the atoms of that element apart from the atoms of all other elements.
Elements on the periodic table are ordered ____________________________________________.
Elements in the same _______________ on the periodic table have similar arrangements of electrons in
their atoms, and therefore have similar ____________________ properties.
Atomic Mass
The sum of the number of __________________ and ______________________ in an atom is the mass number.
The mass of a subatomic particle is too small to be expressed easily in grams, so a special unit called the
________________________________ (amu) is used.
Protons and neutrons each have an atomic mass close to ____ amu.
_____________ have much less mass than __________or __________ do. The mass of 1 proton is equal to the
combined mass of about _________ electrons.
Because electrons add little to an atom’s total mass, their mass can be ignored _________________________
What is the difference between atomic number, mass number, and atomic mass unit?
Although all atoms of a given element contain the same number of __________, the number of
___________ may differ.
____________ an atom that has the same number of protons as the other atoms of the same element do
but that has a different number of neutrons (and thus a different atomic mass)
Because of their different number of ____________ and their different ___________, different isotopes of
the same element have slightly different ____________.
Average Atomic Mass
Because isotopes of an element have different ____________, the periodic table uses an average atomic
mass of each element.
The average atomic mass is the ___________ average of the atomic masses of the naturally occurring
isotopes of an element.
Valence Electrons and Periodic Properties
Based on similarities in their _____________ properties, elements on the periodic table are arranged in
columns, which are called ___________.
An atom’s chemical properties are largely determined _________________________________________
_____________________________. These electrons are called ______________________.
The elements that form each group commonly have the same ____________ of valence electrons.
When an atom has ____ valence electrons, it is considered ________, or _______________________.
Unreactive atoms do not easily lose or gain electrons.
Elements whose atoms have ______________________________________________ electrons easily. These
elements have ____________ properties and are generally classified as _____________.
Elements whose atoms have from _______to __________ valence electrons are more likely to ________
electrons. Many of these elements are classified ______________.
Chapter 4: Introduction to Earth Chemistry
Section 2 Notes
Elements rarely occur ____________ in Earth’s crust. They generally occur ____________ with other
compound a __________________________________________________________________________
The properties of a compound differ from the properties of the __________ that make up the compound.
_____________ a group of atoms that are held together by chemical forces; a molecule is the smallest unit
of matter that can exist by itself and retain all of a substance’s chemical properties
Chemical Formulas
A chemical formula is a _________________________________________________________________________________
______________ and the _________________________________________ that are required to make a molecule of
a compound.
In a chemical formula, the ___________ that appears after the symbol for an element shows the number
of __________________________ that are in a molecule. For example:
H2O = 2 H (hydrogen atoms) + 1 O (oxygen atom)
Chemical Equations
Elements and compounds often combine through ________________________ to form new compounds.
The reaction of these elements and compounds can be described in a formula called a _________________
Equation Structure
In a chemical equation, the ____________________ (to the left of the arrow) form the _______________ (to
the right of the arrow) through chemical reactions.
The arrow means “________” or “___________.”
In the following equation, one molecule of methane, CH4, reacts with two molecules of oxygen, O2, to
yield one molecule of ______________, ______, and two molecules of __________, __________.
Balanced Equations
+ 2______
A chemical equation must be ____________ to be useful for showing the types and amounts of the
products that could form from a particular set of reactants
An equation is balanced when ______________________________________________________________________ is
equal to ________________________________________________________.
To balance an equation, you must put numbers called _________________in front of chemical formulas.
A coefficient ___________________ the subscripts in an equation.
Chemical Bonds
The forces that hold together the atoms in molecules are called _______________________.
Chemical bonds form because of ____________________________________________________________.
Atoms form chemical bonds by either _____________or_________________ electrons from one atom to
Scientists can study _____________________of atoms to predict which kinds of atoms will form chemical
bonds together.
In what two ways do atoms form chemical bonds?
When an electron is transferred from one atom to another, both atoms become _______________.
Ion an atom or molecule that __________________________________________________ and
Ionic Bonds
ionic bond the attractive force between _______________ charged ions, which form when ________________
are transferred from one atom or molecule to another
A compound that forms through the transfer of electrons is called an _______________________.
Covalent Bonds
covalent bond a bond formed when atoms _______________ one or more pairs of electrons
A compound that forms through the sharing of electrons is called a ____________________________________.
Polar Covalent Bonds
A covalent bonds in which the bonded atoms have an ___________________________ for the shared
electrons is called a ______________________________.
Why do water molecules form from polar covalent bonds?
mixture _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Because the substances that make up a mixture ______________________________________, a mixture can be
separated into its parts by ___________________ means.
Heterogeneous Mixtures
Mixtures in which two or more substances are ______________________________ are called
Homogeneous Mixtures
In chemistry, the word ______________________ means “having ___________________ composition and
properties throughout.”
________________a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances that are uniformly dispersed
throughout the mixture
________________, ________________, and ___________________ can all be solutions.
An _________________is a solution composed of two or more metals, such as steel.