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9.19 o 9B Geneson the sarnechromosome tendto be inheritedtogether jn 1908,British biologistslVilliam Batesonand Reeinald Punnett (originator ofthe Punnett square)discoveiedan inheritancepattern that seemedtotally inconsistentwith Mendelian principles. Bateson and punnett were working with two characteristicsin sweet peas,flower color and pollen shape.They crosseddoubly heterozygousplants (PpLl) that exhibited the dominant traits: purple flowers ( ex pr es s io no f th e P a l l e l e ) a n d l o n g p o l l en grai ns (expr es s ion of th e I a l l e l e ). T h e c o rre s p o ndi ng recessi ve traits are red florvers(in pp plants) and round pollen (in Purplelong 284 tta / / plant s ) . a1 Purpleround 71 The top part of Figure9.18iilustratesBatesonand punBed long 1l 71 nett's experiment.When they looked at just one of the two ^' Heo round characteristics(that is, either crossPp X Pp or crossIi X LI),they found that the dominant and recessiveallelessegEXPLANATION: LINKEDG E N E S regated,producing a phenotypic ratio of approximately 3i1 / PL \ Parental for the offspring, in agreementwith lv{endel'ssegregation /o) diploidcell principle. However,when the biologists combined their cf1-3 \ / PpLt data for the two characteristics, \p/ / they did not seethe 9:3:3:I ratio they predicted for a dihybrid cross.Instead,as shown Meiosis in the table, they found a disproportionately large number of plants (339 of 381 observedoffspring) r,vitheither purple florversand long pollen (284 of 381, almost 75o/ooithe t ot al) or r e d fl o w e rsa n d ro u n d p o l l e n (55 of 3gl , about I4o/oof the total). Theseresults were not explained until severalyears later, when other studies r.,r.il.d that the Fertilization genesfor flower color and polien shape are on the same chromosome. Qnorm The number of genesin a cell is far greater than the number of chromosomes;in fact, each chromosome has pl thousandsof genes.Genesthat are iocated ciosetogether Most on the samechromosome,calledlinked genes,tenJto be offspring inherited together.As a result, they generailydo not follow Mendel'sprinciple of independent assortment.As shown in the "Explanation"part of the figure,meiosisin the heterozygous (PpLl)sweet-pea plant yields mostly two geno3 purplelong':1 red round types of gametes(PL and pl) rather than equal numbers of Not accountedfor:purpleroundand red long the four types of gametesthat would result if the flowercolor and pollen-shapegeneswere not linked. The large Figure9.18 Experiment involvinglinkedgenesin the sweetpea numbers of plants with purple long and red round traits in the Bateson-Punnettexperiment resulted from fertiiization among the PI and pl gametes.Bnt what about the Whatarelinkedgenes? a smaller numbers of plants with purple round and red iong traits?As we seein the next module, the phenom..ron oi auosouotql sues aq] uo:eqtaSot asoll ale rlol rlaqt esne:aqraqla8otpalr:aqurJq o] puat crossingover accountsfor theseoffspring.h.u, tEq] sauag ? 9;19 o 9B Crossing overproducesnew combinatlons of alleles jn jvlodule8.18,we saw that during meiosis,crossingover between homoiogous chromosomesproduces nelv combinations of alielesin gametes.Figr.rre9.19A reviervsthis pro_ cess,showing that two linked genescan give rise to iou, different gametegenotypes.Gameteswith genotypesAB 174 UN ITII CELLULR AR E PR o D U CTION A N DGE N E TIC S and ab carry parental-type chromosomes that have not been altered by crossing over. In contrast, gameteswith genotypesAb and aB are recombinant gamet;s, They carry new combinations of alleiesthat result from the exchange of chromosome segmentsin crossingover.Crossingovir FFi: .- (##) f-+4) -*ffi--x Y' GG crossinsover \_-/ \_-/ Gametes Figure9.19A Review:Productionof recombinantgametes EXPERIMENT Blackbody, vesrgrarwrngs ggtt Maie The discoveryof how crossingover createsgametediversity confirmed the relationship between chromosome behavior and inheritance. Some of the first experimentsto demonstratethe effectsof crossingover were performed in the laboratory of American embryologist Thomas Hunt Morgan in the early 1900s.Morgan and his colleaguesused the fruit fly Drosophila melanogasterin many of their experiments. Often seen flying around overripe fruit, Drosophila is a good researchanimal for studies of inheritance. It can be grown in small containers on a mlxture of cornmeal and molassesand will produce hundreds of offspring in a few weeks.Using fruit flies,geneticistscan trace the inheritanceof a trait through severalgenerationsin a matter of months. Figure9.198showsone of Morgan'sexperiments,a cross between a wild-type fruit fly (gray body and long rvings) and a fly with a black body and undeveloped,or vestigial, wings. Morgan knew the genotypesof theseflies from previous studies.Here we use the follorving genesymbols: G : gray body (dominant) g : black body (recessive) I : Iong i vi ngs(domi nant) / : vestigialwings (recessive) Blackvestigial. Grayvestigial ffi Blacklong h cGld \)r&/ w' ,ffi$) \V7 944 185 Parent4l types Recombinants frequency= 3gl reiombinants = 0,17or 17% ,, : 2300t ot alof f s pr ing. . : EXPLANATION gl ffiffii€Isr4 gL ^l 'lnt ! / f o mrl o \ GD @GD % gt .<\>__\ GL\/ wrywry I G/\/ st\/ gr ^t r_CD @ED nl . @€ED (ffiED (:-:EE I sL\ @GD / I /--"--\g t\ lcere/ \_-/ Sperm at gl gt gr I Eggs ' Sgil (mate) @tr nl vL gl @EB u r r s pnng Figure 9.19B Fruitflyexperiment theroleof crossing demonstrating overin inheritance In mating a gray fly with long r,vings(genotvpe Ggl/ ) with a black fly with vestigialwings (genotypeggl/), NIorgan performed a testcross(seeModul e 9.6). If the ge nes had not been linked, then independentassortmentrvould have produced offspri ng i n a phenotypi c rati o of 1:1 : 1: 1 (f gruy body,long wings; I blact body, vestigialwings; { gray body, vestigialwings; and j black body*,long wings). But becausethesegeneslverelinked, Morgan obtainedthe resuitsshor,vnin Figure 9.198: tr{ost of the offspring had parental phenotvpes,but 17o/oof the oftipring flies rvere recombi nants.The percentageof recombi nantsi s called the recombination frequenry. When Morgan first obtained these results,he did not know about crossing over. To explain the ratio of offspri ng, he hypothesi zedthat the genesrverel i nked and that some mechanismoccasionallybrokethe linkage.Tests of the hypothesi sproved hi m correct, establ i shi ngthat crossing over lvas the mechanism that "breaks linkages" betweengenes. The lower part of Figure 9.198 explainsN{organ'sresults in terms of crossingover.A crossoverbetween chromatids of homoiogous chromosomesin parent Ggll broke linkagesbetween the G and I alielesand betrveenthe g and I alleles,forming the recombinant chromosomesGl and gl, Later stepsin meiosis distributed the recombinant chromosomesto gametes,and random fertilization produced the four kinds of offspring lv{organobserved.{-'q, 3 a recombines linked genes into assortmentsof aileles not tound in parents. Returnto the datafor sweet-peaplantsin Figure9.1B. frequencyfor the flower-color Whatisthe recombination genes? and pollen-length C h a p t e r9 P a t t e r n so f I n h e r i t a n c e L75 9.20 o 9B Geneticists usecrossoverdatato nrapgenes '..1=:orking mostly-with Drosophila,T.H. Morgan and his students produced a virtual eipiosion in our understand_ ing of genetics.Inthe.photo in Figure 9.2)A,Morgan (back far right), severalstudents,and a skeleton 1ow, are cerebrating the return of Alfr.ed H. Sturteyant (left foreground) from World lVar I military service.Or,. of Sturtevant,s major contributions to genetics.wasan approach for using crossoverdata to map geneloci. Sturtevant startedby asl suming that the cha"ce of crossingo,r.r1, upproximateiy e.qualat all points on a chromoro-!. H. then hlpothesized that the farther apart two genesare on a chromosome, the higher the probability that a crossoverwould occur be_ trveen them. His reasoning ,,vaselegantly simple: The greaterthe distancebetween two genes, the moie points there are betlveenthem where c.issing over can occur. Urith this principle in mind, Sturteva.,i began using re_ combination data from fruit_fly crossesto as'signto g"enes relativepositions on chromosomes_that is,to map genes. Figure 9.20Brepresentsa part of the chromosome that carries genes.for-black body (g) and vestigial .the-linked rvings (l) that we described in lvloduie gli9. This same chromosomealso carriesa genethat has a recessiveajlele (we'll call it c) determining cinnabar eye color, a brighter red than the wild-type coloi. Figure g.ZdBshows the actual crossover(recombination) frequenciesbetween these alle_ les, taken two at a time: l7o/obeiween the g and I alleles,go/o behveen g and c, and 9.5o/obetween I and."c.Sturtevant rea_ soned that theseyalues representthe relative distancesbe_ tween the genes.Becausethe crossoverfrequencies betlveen g and c and betrveen I and c are approximaiely half that be_ tween_gand l, gene c must iie rorighly midway between g and/. Thus, the sequenceof theseg.rr., on one of the fruit_ fly chromosomesmust be g-c-l (oithe equivalent l_c_g). Yearslater it was learned that Sturtevant'sassumption that crossoversare equally likely at all points on a chromo_ some was not exactlycorrect. Still, his method of mapping genesworked, and it proved extremely valuable in esiabl Ii3- , $ :\. '.1 .aF - 1=r's.iZL\' '---i Chromosome <_ 1 7 %+_ 176 u N trl t c E L L U L ARREp R o D U cl oN A N DGE N E TTcs _> Recombination frequencies Figure9.208 Mappinggenesfromcrossoverdata MUTANT PHENOTYPES Short anstae Black (s) Cinnabar Vestigial eyes wings (c) ( /) .\_\ .@t )1i .X.€:,6 "eJ r.a \ Brown eyes J'ry" Fre ^JruD 'l \ / ) **r \4 N Longaristae Gray (appendages body on head) (G) Red (c) @ Normal wings (r) \a ru Red eyes WILD-ryPEPHENOTYPES Figure9.20C A partialgeneticmap of a f ruit_fly chromosome lishing th.erelativepositions of many other fruit_fly gene Eventually,enough data were accumulatedto reveal tha Drosophilahas four groups of genes,corresponding to it four pairs of chromosomes.Figure 9.20Cis a genetic mal showingjust five of the geneloci on part of one chromo some:the loci we'vecalledg, c, and /, and two others. No tice that eyecolor is a characteristicaffectedby more thar one genelocus.Here we seethe cinnabar_eye and brown. eyegenes;still other eye-colorgenesare found elsewher (seeModule 9.22).For all thesegenes,ho.rvever, the wildtype allelespecifiesred eyes. Todai',with DNA technology,geneticistscan determine the actual distancesin nucleotidesbetweenlinked genes Thesenewergeneticmaps generallyconfirm the relatiie po_ sitions establishedby Sturtevant'smapping method.c\ 6e N Figure9.20A A partyin Morgan,s flyroom 9% -*1;9.5% + YoudesignDrosophila crosses to providerecombination datafor a genenot includedin Figure9.20C.The gene hasrecombination frequencies of 5% with the veitiqial_ wing (/,) locusand 5oowith the cinnabar-eye (cllocui. Whereis it locatedon the chromosome? rlol J?qeuurtpuE aq1uaanlaqden;leq lnoqy IvrSrlsa,r \t 22, v:.--, o 9C genesexhibita uniquepatternof inheritance Sex-linked *es ides bea ri n g g e n e sth a t d e te rm i n e s e x,the so-cai l ed sex chromosomesof many speciesalso contain genesfor characteristicsunrelated to femalenessor maleness.Any genelocated on a sex chrornosomeis called a sex-linked gene. Sex-linked genesunrelated to sex determination are most often found on X chromosomes.However, in some animals, such as fruit flies and certain fishes,the Ychromosome does carry some genesunrelatedto sex determination. Such genesgive rise to traits appearing only in niales and passedonly from father to son. In humans, there is as yet no conclusive evidence that the Y c h r omosome carripc Figure9.22A Fruit{lyeye color,a sex linkedcharacteristic P - r ar l- av a qPncq rrnrc- l a ted to mal e sex determination. The figures here illustrate inheritance patterns for white eye color in the fruit fly, an Xlinked recessive trait. Wild-type fruit flies have red eyes; white eyes are very rare (Figure 9.22A).We use uppercaseietter R for the dominant, wild-type, red-eye alleleand r for the recessive, lvhiteeye allele.Because these alleles are carried on the X chromosome, we showthem assuperscripts to the letter{. Thus, red-eyedmale fruit flieshavethe genotypeXRy: white-eyedmalesareX'I The Ychromosomedoesnot havea genelocusfor eyecoior;therefore, the maie'sphs_ notyperesultsentirelyfrom his singleX-linkedgene.In the female,XRXRand XRX' flieshavered eyes,and X'X'flies havervhiteeyes. A white-e1'edmale (X'Y)wtlI transmit his X, to all of his femaleoffspring, but to none of his male offspring.This is because,to be female,his daughtersmust inherit his X chromosome,but his sonsmust inherit his l'chromosome. A s show n i n Fi gure 9.228, rvhen the fem ale par ent is a dominant homozygote (XRXR) and the mrle parent is Xrf; all the offspring have red eyes,but the t'emaleoffspring are ali carriers of the allele for rvhite eyes. In Figure 9.22C, we seethat when a heterozygousfemale (XRX') mates with a red-evedmale lXRY), half the male offspring are white-e,vedand half are red-eyed.All the female offspring of this crosshar,ered evesbecausethey inherit at leastone dominant allele(from their father).Half of the female offspring are homozvgous dominant because they inherit their mother's R a1lele.The other half of the femalesare heterozvgotes(X'XR; like their mother. As Figure 9.22D indicates, if a heterozygousfemale mateswith a rvhite-eyedmale, there is a 50% chancethat each offspring will have r.r'hiteeyes(resulting from genotype X'X' or X'I), regardlessof sex.Daughterswith red eyesare heterozygotes,whereasred-eyedmale offspring completely lack the recessive3|lgls.au Q 3 A white-eyedfemaleDrosophila is matedwith a redeyed(wild-type)male.Whatresultdo you predictfor the numerousoffsorino? 'l,irY-) pr.ir-atrqa 3q IIra Suirdsgo aFu IIe.'(rxyyl sno8izo:ataqlnq paia-pa.rac 11u 8ur:dryo a1eual1ry "lW."W allala r = white-eyeallele Figure 9.22B Homozygous, red-eyed femaler white-eyedmale 178 uN trl t Figure 9.22C Heterozygous female;< red-evedmale CELLULR AR E p R o D U c loN A N DGE N E Ttcs Figure9.22D Heterozygous femfe x white-eved male , .. l .' , ,, ,,,, 1. ..= r-. Sex-linkeddisordersaffectmostlymales . '9i23 5 hastaughtusmuchabouthumaninheriFruit-flygenetics includingred-green humanconditions, of number A tance. dystro- Victoria type of muscular and a hemophilia, blindness, color (X-linked) that alleles recessive sex-linked from phy,result fruit in trait white-eye way as the in the same areinherited sexwhy recessive us shows model also fruit-fly flies.The men in frequently more much Iinkedtraitsareexpressed thanin women.Likea malefruitfly,if a maninheritsonlyone Alexandra allele-fromhismother-theallelewill recessive sex-linked N i c h o l a sI a womanhasto inherittwo such of Russia In contrast, beexpressed. alleles-onefromeachparent-to exhibitthe trait. discolorblindnessisa commonsex-linked Red-green cells of light-sensitive by a malfunction ordercharacterized involving in the eyes.lt is actuallya complexof disorders, vision Figure9.238 Hemophiliain color A personwith normal X-linkedgenes. several the royalfamilyol Russia someonewith canseemorethan I50 colors.ln contrast, For some canseefewerthan25. colorblindness red-green and the firstsymptomsappearin earlychildare males, people,redhuesappeargray;othersseegrayinaffected standing up. when the childbeginsto havedifficulty hood, or red-weak, steadof green;still othersaregreen-weak he 12. Eventually, by age wheelchair-bound inevitably He is are Mostlymales of thesecolors. shades to confuse tending becomes breathing normal and (lf wasted, severely becomes femaleshavesomedefects' but heterozygous affected, Deathusuallyoccursby age20' you probablycannot difficult. colorblindness, youhavered-green dystromuscular Duchenne a severedisease, For such 9.23A.) 7 in Figure seethe numeral population, general U.S. In the phy common. is relatively traitwith a long, recessive Hemophiliais a sex-linked andthe disease bleedexcessively aboutonein 3500malebabiesis affected, Hemophiliacs history. well-documented populations. In one inbred in some common more is even alan abnormal theyhaveinherited wheninjuredbecause out of every one instance, for in Indiana, community Amish mostserilelefor a factorinvolvedin bloodclotting.The disease. the with is born 100 males maybleedto deathafterrelaouslyaffectedindividuals (discussed in Chapter Withthe helpof DNAtechnology or cuts. tivelyminorbruises muscauses Duchenne gene defectiveness whose 12),the A h i g h i n c i d e n c eo f h e mo P h i l i ahas point particular on at a mapped been has culardystrophy pla g u e d th e ro y a l fa mi l i e so f Europe. for a codes allele gene's wild-type the X chromosome.The T h e fi rs t ro y a l h e mo p h i l i a c s e e m sto present musin normal is protein calleddystrophin,which ha v e b e e n a s o n o f Qu e e n Vi c tori a patients.r"a in Duchenne clebut missing ( 18 i 9 - 1 9 0 1 )o f En g l a n dl.t i s l i k e l ythat I u u EEl t he h e m o p h i l i aa l l e l ea ro s eth ro ugh a m u ta ti o ni n o n e o f th e g a m e te so f V i ct ori a ' smo th e r o r fa th e r,m a k i n gV i cto. emor ia a c a rri e ro f th e d e a d l ya l l e l e H ph i l i a w a s e v e n tu a l l yi n tro d u c e d i nto and t he ro y a lfa m i l i e so f Pru s s i aR, u s si a, S p a i nth ro u g h th e m a rri a g e so f tw o of V i c to ri a ' d s a u g h te rsw h o w e re c arri ers. T h u s ,th e a g e -o l dp ra c ti c eo f s tre ngth- i i i I i i I I I i' 5 p F H E. eninginternational spread effectively by marriage alliances hemophilia nations. throughthe royalfamiliesof several Thephotographin Figure9.238showsQueenVictoria's who was herhusbandNicholas, Alexandra, Sranddaughter the lastczarof Russ ia, pedigree andtheirsonAlexis.The useshalf-colored carriheterozygous symbolsto represent ersof the hemophilia Asyoucanseein the pedigree, allele. Alexandra, wasa carrier, likehermotherandgrandmother, andAlexis hadthe disease. musAnother isDuchenne disorder recessive sex-linked culardystrophy,a conditioncharacterized by a progressiveweakenino Almostall cases and lossof muscletissue. fu**, , a NeitherRudynor CarlahasDuchennemuscular but theirfirstson doeshaveit. lf the couple dystrophy, hasa secondchild,what is the probabilitythat he or she will alsohavethe disease? P atruPqrC/I ) t/l Ly lu?tnu aql llrequl I[s 3l?u e ]xql atuPqr Z/I x pJlqr alEu Jo x The discoveryof sex-linked genesand their pattern of inheritance in fruit flies and humans was one of many breakthroughs in understanding how genes are passed fron one generation to the next. During the first half of the twentieth century, Mendei's work rvasrediscovered,his principleswere reinterpretedin light of chromosomalbehavioi during meiosis,and the chromosometheory of inheritance wai firmly established.The chromosome theory set the stagefor another explosion of experimentalwork in the secondhalf of the twentieth century. This work was mostly in molecular genetics'an arearve explorein the next three chapters. C h a p t e r9 P a t t e r n so f l n h e r i t a n c e 179