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Chapter 33-The Rise of the Roman Republic
Define republic.
Who did the Romans defeat to become independent, the Etruscans or the Greeks?
Define patricians and plebeians.
Explain the differences in society between the patricians and the plebeians.
When the patricians were referring to “the people” in the Roman republic, who were they
referring to?
6. Explain the role of the senate in the Roman republic.
7. Explain the role of the consul in the Roman republic.
8. Rome was a republic but the ____ __________ held all of the power.
9. Explain how the government structure in Rome benefitted the patricians at the expense of the
10. Explain what happened in the conflict of the orders. Which side finally backed down?
11. Explain the role of the tribunes in the Roman republic.
12. Define veto.
13. Explain the role of the Council of Plebs and how their power was limited.
14. Why did the Plebes demand that laws be written down on the twelve tables?
15. Give two examples of how the plebeians changed their powers and eventually won equality with
the patricians.
16. List five characteristics of Rome’s republican form of government evident in the U.S. today.
Chapter 33-The Rise of the Roman Republic
Define republic.
Who did the Romans defeat to become independent, the Etruscans or the Greeks?
Define patricians and plebeians.
Explain the differences in society between the patricians and the plebeians.
When the patricians were referring to “the people” in the Roman republic, who were they
referring to?
6. Explain the role of the senate in the Roman republic.
7. Explain the role of the consul in the Roman republic.
8. Rome was a republic but the ____ __________ held all of the power.
9. Explain how the government structure in Rome benefitted the patricians at the expense of the
10. Explain what happened in the conflict of the orders. Which side finally backed down?
11. Explain the role of the tribunes in the Roman republic.
12. Define veto.
13. Explain the role of the Council of Plebs and how their power was limited.
14. Why did the Plebes demand that laws be written down on the twelve tables?
15. Give two examples of how the plebeians changed their powers and eventually won equality with
the patricians.
16. List five characteristics of Rome’s republican form of government evident in the U.S. today.