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Chapter 10
Sexual Reproduction
Sexual Reproduction and Genetics
Section 1:
Section 2:
Section 3:
Mendelian Genetics
Gene Linkage and Polyploidy
Section 10.1 Meiosis
Objective: Understand meiosis is an early
step in sexual reproduction that produces
haploid gametes.
Essential Question: At the end of meiosis
are there n or 2n number of
(13 slides)
Karyotype Diagram
Human Karyotype- 23 pairs of chromosomes
(46 total)
What is meiosis?
Meiosis = a type of cell division that reduces
the number of chromosomes in half.
Meiosis produces four haploid daughter
cells that are not identical
Spermatogenesis = 1 sperm cell  4 sperm cells
Females: Oogenesis = 1 egg cell  1 egg cell & 3 polar
bodies (total 4)
Which cells go
. through meiosis?
What are gametes?
Only the gametes
undergo meiosis
Gametes are the sex
cells, which are the
egg (ovum) and
the sperm. [pollen
for plants]
Meiosis produces haploid cells.
What does that mean?
= (n) a cell that has half the
number of chromosomes as a diploid cell.
 Haploid
In humans the haploid # is 23
What is diploid?
= (2n) a cell that has 2 copies of
each chromosome “double”
 Diploid
In humans the diploid # is 46.
What are homologous chromosomes?
Homologous chromosomes —one of
two paired chromosomes, one
from each parent. They have:
 Same length
 Same centromere position
 control the same inherited
Meiosis separates homologous
What are the steps of meiosis?
There are 2 divisions – Meiosis I and II. Each has the PMAT
What are the steps of Meiosis I?
Prophase I - Homologous chromosomes pair.
Synapse & crossing over occurs
Metaphase I - Homologous chromosomes
(pairs) line up at the equator randomly. This
increases genetic variation, too.
Anaphase I - homologous chromosomes
separate and move to opposite poles
Telophase I Chromosomes uncoil and form
two nuclei
Meiosis II – DNA is NOT duplicated again!
Prophase II –second phase begins,
chromosomes condense again
Metaphase II- chromosomes line up
individually at the equator.
Anaphase II- The sister chromatids separate
bringing the cells to a haploid number.
Telophase II- four nuclei have formed.
Cytokinesis -four haploid cells (gametes –egg
or sperm-) have formed. (n number of
Why is meiosis important?
The gametes need
to reduce their
number in half so
that when there is
fertilization the
diploid number
(2n) is restored.
For humans:
23 + 23 = 46
How Does Meiosis Provide Genetic Variation?
Random assortment
when chromosomes
line up at the
Crossing over
Random combination
of gametes during
What is synapsis?
Synapsis = a process that binds together a pair of
homologous chromosomes
What is crossing over?
Crossing over = homologous chromosomes
exchange segments.
 This increases genetic variation.
What about asexual reproduction?
 The offspring receive ALL
the genes from one parent.
This is why the offspring
look EXACTLY alike.
Example: bacteria
10.2 Mendelian Genetics
Predict combinations of alleles (genotype and
phenotype) from the genetic makeup of the
Essential Question:
What are the rules for the inheritance of traits
with Mendelian genetics?
(10 slides)
Who was Gregor Mendel?
The “father” of genetics
 Austrian Monk
 Experimented with pea
 Compared 7 contrasting
(Ex:height = tall and short)
Mendel studied seven different traits
 Seed or pea color
 Flower color
 Seed pod color
 Seed shape or texture
 Seed pod shape
 Stem length
 Flower position
What is heredity?
Heredity = passing of traits to the next generation.
How do we name generations?
The parent generation is
also known as the P
The offspring of this P
cross are called the first
filial (F1) generation.
The second filial (F2)
generation is the offspring
from the F1 cross.
What did Mendel conclude?
Allele = An alternative
form of a single gene
passed from generation to
example: alleles for pea
color are yellow & green
Dominant factor –
dominates or masks all
other factors
Recessive factor – does
not show if a dominant
factor is present
What are Mendel’s Laws?
Law of Segregation –a
pair of alleles is
separated during the
formation of gametes
Law of independent
assortment – alleles
are distributed to
independently or
What are Genotype and Phenotype?
We use Mendel’s discoveries to predict
genotype and phenotype probabilities.
 Genotype – the allele pairs (genetic
makeup) of an organism
Phenotype – the observable physical
characteristics (appearance) of an allele
Ex: PP or Pp
Ex: Purple flowers
Phenotype depends on Genotype
What are homozygous & heterozygous?
Homozygous – both alleles are the same
for a trait (AKA purebred)
Ex: (homozygous dominant- PP) or
(homozygous recessive -pp )
Heterozygous (AKA hybrid)– allele are
different for a trait
Ex: Pp (heterozygous)
Which pair of alleles is heterozygous?
B. Rr
C. rr
D. yR
Phenotype =
Genotype =
Purple flower
PP or Pp (if purple
is dominant)
What is the
genotype if it is a
recessive trait?
How do we predict genotype and phenotype?
Punnett Squares
 Monohybrid Cross (1
Be able to identify both
the phenotype and
genotype ratios
Sample Problem
In rabbits, gray fur (G) is dominant to
black fur (g). If a heterozygous male is
crossed with a heterozygous female,
what is the phenotypic ratio of the
possible offspring?
Monohybrid Cross (1 trait)
How do we predict genotype &
phenotype for two traits?
Use FOIL from math
to set up gametes!
Dihybrid cross (2
Example: YyRr x YyRr
produces the phenotypic
ratio of 9:3:3:1.
Gene Linkage and Polyploidy
(5 slides)
What is Genetic Recombination?
Genetic recombination = the new
combination of genes produced by
crossing over and independent assortment
 Combinations of genes in a gamete due to
independent assortment can be calculated
using the formula 2n where n is the
number of chromosome pairs.
 Pea Plants 27 = 128 combinations
Examples of Possible Combinations
For pea plants there are 7 pairs of
The possible combinations for each off-spring
are 27 (x) 27 = 16,384 possible combinations
For humans there are 23 pairs of chromosomes
 Since any possible male gamete can fertilize any possible
female gamete, then the possible combinations are
(x) X
= more than 70 trillion
(without considering the effects of crossing over)
What is Gene Linkage?
 The linkage of genes on a chromosome results
in an exception to Mendel’s law of independent
assortment because linked genes usually do not
segregate independently.
What is polyploidy?
Polyploidy is the
occurrence of one
or more extra
sets of all
chromosomes in
an organism
Polyploidy **
Occurs in
A triploid organism, for
instance, would be
designated 3n, which
means that it has three
complete sets of