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Abdomen -
The belly. The cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvis.
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm -
Is a weakness in the wall of the aorta in the abdominal cavity
causing a ballooning out of the blood vessel.
Accessory Muscles of Respiration -
The muscles of the arms, shoulders and chest used to increase the
depth of breathing.
Acute Myocardial Infarction -
Sudden death of the heart muscle.
Acute Pulmonary Oedema -
Is the build up of fluid in the lungs due to the failure of the left side of
the heart.
Alveoli -
Air sac in the lungs through which oxygen crosses.
Angina Pectoris -
Chest pain due to a reduced of blood supply to the heart muscle.
Aorta -
Largest artery in body leading from the heart to all body organs
except the lungs.
Artery -
Blood vessel which carries blood away from heart.
Asphyxia -
No breathing.
Asthma -
Medical condition where the size of the airways is reduced due to
muscle contraction, inflammation and mucus plugging.
Asystole -
Cardiac arrest where there is no electrical activity in the heart.
Atria -
The upper two chambers of the heart.
Avulsion -
Traumatic amputation where a part of the body is torn off.
Breech Delivery -
The birth of the foetus which occurs buttocks or feet first.
Bronchi -
Air tubes in the lungs.
Bronchitis -
Inflammation of the bronchi.
Capillary -
Smallest of the blood vessels with a wall one cell thick.
Cardiac -
Pertaining to the heart.
Cardiac Arrest -
The heart does not contract effectively or produce a pulse.
Carotid Pulse-
Pulse found between the windpipe and the muscles of the neck.
Cell -
The basic building block of the body.
Cerebro Vascular Accident -
CVA (stroke). The damage suffered when there is a sudden
interruption in the blood supply to the brain
Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease -
A collection of diseases where damage occurs to the airways of the
lung and the air sacs themselves.
Closed Fracture -
A broken bone where there are no other injuries and where there is
no wound leading down to the ends of the broken bone.
Complicated Fracture -
A broken bone where damage occurs to other organs.
Compression bandage -
Bandage used to tie dressings to wounds or to splint a broken bone.
Compression of the Brain -
Bleeding within the skull which exerts pressure on the brain.
Concussion -
Brain injury where small spaces are opened up between the brain
Constrictive bandage -
A very tight bandage used to stop very severe bleeding where all
else fails.
Contusion -
Bruising and tearing of tissue.
Contusion of the Brain -
Bruising and tearing of the brain tissue.
Croup -
Condition affecting children and which blocks the airway through
swelling of the upper airway.
Diabetes -
Disease process where the body is unable to produce sufficient
insulin to metabolise sugar.
Dislocation -
Where the ends of bones are pulled apart.
Diuretic -
An agent that promotes the excretion of urine.
Eclampsia -
a form of toxemia of pregnancy.
Ectopic Pregnancy -
Pregnancy occurring elsewhere than in the cavity of the uterus.
Emphysema -
A chronic, irreversible disease of the lungs characterized by
abnormal enlargement of air spaces in the lungs accompanied by
the destruction of the tissue lining the walls of the air spaces.
Epiglottitis -
Severe inflammation of the eppiglottis due to infection. Life
threatening especially in young children and babies.
Epileptic Convulsions -
A convulsive fit caused by epilepsy.
Eviceration -
The exposing or removal of organs through wounds in the body.
Exhaustion Hypothermia -
Hypothermia due to over-exertion in a cold environment.
Femur -
Thigh bone.
Flail Segment -
A rib or ribs broken in two places.
Fracture -
A break in the continuity of a bone.
Frostbite -
Injury to any part of the body after excessive exposure to extreme
cold, sometimes progressing from initial redness and tingling to
Frusemide -
An oral diuretic with a rapid and powerful action,
Glasgow Coma Scale -
A system of measuring the conscious state.
Grand Mal -
A general convulsive epileptic fit.
Haemorrhage -
Haemothorax -
Bleeding in the chest cavity.
Humerus -
Bone of the upper arm.
Hyperglycaemia -
High blood sugar.
Hyperthemia -
High body temperature.
Hyperventilation -
Rapid, deep breathing.
Hypoglycaemia -
Low blood sugar.
Hypothermia -
Low body temperature.
Immersion Hypothermia -
Hypothermia due to immersion in water.
Infantile Convulsion -
Fitting caused by high body temperature in a child under 8 years.
Inflammation -
Redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, heat, and disturbed function of
an area of the body.
Intestines -
The portion of the alimentary canal extending from the stomach to
the anus and, in humans and other mammals, consisting of two
segments, the small intestine and the large intestine.
Ischaemic -
Lack of blood.
Joint -
Where the bones join together.
Nasopharynx -
The throat immediately behind the nose.
Normal Sinus Rhythm -
Is a term used in medicine to describe the normal beating of the
heart, as measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG).
Open Fracture -
A broken bone where the broken ends are exposed to the air.
Oropharynx –
The throat immediately behind the mouth.
Pancreas -
A gland, situated near the stomach, that secretes a digestive fluid
into the intestine through one or more ducts and also secretes the
hormone insulin.
Pattern of Injury -
The way in which injuries occur in accidents.
Pelvis -
The bones of the lower abdomen and hips.
Perfusion -
The ability of the heart and circulatory system to supply the cells
with oxygen, food and water and to remove waste products from
Petite Mal -
A minor epileptic fit.
Pharynx -
The throat.
Pleurisy -
Inflammation of the pleura lining the lungs and inner chest wall.
Pneumothorax -
Air leaking into the chest cavity.
Poor Perfusion -
Where the patient is shocked because of inadequate perfusion.
Postpartum Haemorrhage -
Where blood loss is excessive or seems to be continuing after birth.
Potassium -
An alkaline substance the salts of which are largely used in
medicine to reduce blood vessel damages related to aging. It also
promotes efficient heart functions and strengthens the arteries.
Pre-Eclampsia -
Is the first stage in the disease process that leads to eclampsia.
Prolapsed Cord -
A prolapsed cord is where the umbilical cord drops into the birth
canal ahead of the baby and is compressed by the baby as it
Pulmonary -
Of or pertaining to the lungs.
Pulmonary Embolism -
Blockage of the pulmonary artery by foreign matter or by a blood
Pulmonary Oedema -
Water leaking from the capillaries into the air sacs of the lungs.
Radial Pulse -
A pulse in the wrist found directly over the radius bone.
Radius -
The bone in the lower arm nearest to the thumb.
Respiratory Arrest -
No breathing.
Respiratory Distress -
Poor perfusion with cyanosed skin and the use of the accessory
muscles of respiration.
Scalds -
To burn with or as if with hot liquid or steam.
Skull -
The bones which contain the brain.
Sprain -
The over-stretching or tearing of a tendon in a joint.
Status Asthmaticus -
Is a prolonged asthmatic attack that is not responding to treatment
whereby the casualty becomes progressively worse until they loose
consciousness and die.
Status Epiltpticus -
An epileptic fit which continues for longer than two minutes or where
a series of fits is seen.
Sternum -
A long, flat bone located in the centre of the chest, serving as a
support for the collarbone and ribs. Also called breastbone.
Strain -
The over-stretching or tearing of a muscle.
Stroke -
Damage to the brain caused by spontaneous bleeding or the
blockage of an artery.
Toxemia -
Blood poisoning resulting from the presence of toxins in the blood.
Tracheae -
Transient Iscahaemic Attack -
A short, stroke like attack.
Triage -
A process for sorting injured people into groups based on their need
for or likely benefit from immediate medical treatment.
Ulna -
Bone in lower arm on little finger side.
Urban Hypothermia -
Low body temperature caused by living in very cold environment
without adequate heating or food.
Vein -
One of the systems of branching vessels or tubes conveying blood
from various parts of the body to the heart.
Ventricles -
The lower two chambers of the heart.
Ventricullar Fibrillation -
The chaotic contraction of heart muscles which produces no pulse.
Ventricular Tachycardia -
Heart rate over 100 which is caused by an electrical impulse
originating in the ventricles of the heart.
Vertebrae -
Bones of the spine.