Download Day 8 The Lower Extremities

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Lower Limbs
• Pelvic Girdle
• The pelvic girdle, sacrum and coccyx bones form the pelvis.
• The pelvis provides support for the trunk of the body and provides
attachments for the lower limbs.
• Coxae (2) Hip bones
• articulate with each other anteriorly and with the sacrum posteriorly
• fusion of 3 separate bones: ilium (broad flaring upper portion),
ischium (lower posterior portion) and pubis (most anterior and forms
half of the pubic arch)
• also observe the iliac crest (where you rest your hands when you
place them on your hips) and the ischial tuberosity (absorbs the body
weight when you sit
Lower Limbs
• Form the framework of the thigh, leg and foot functioning as levers.
Lower Limbs
• Femur (2) -thigh bone
• longest, strongest bone of the body
• Patella (2) -Knee cap, the word patella means dish referring to its shape
• -Because it is formed within a tendon it is called a sesmoid bone
• Tibia (2) commonly called the shin bone, thicker bone of the foreleg.
• note the tibial tuberosity (the attachment point for the quadriceps
tendon) and the medial malleolus (the ridge you feel at the inner aspect
of the ankle.
• Fibula (2) -the thin spiral bone of the foreleg
• note the lateral malleolus (which forms the prominence at the outer
aspect of the ankle)
• Tarsals (14) -ankle bones
• -note the talus which can move freely where it attaches to the tibia
and fibula, and the calcaneus which forms the heel
• Metatarsals (10) -the instep, the arch provides a stable, springy
support for the body
• Phalanx (28) -numbers and arrangement are like the phalanges of the