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The Scientists Behind the Cell Theory
Robert Hooke 1665
-Used a light microscope to look at thin
Slices of cork
-They looked like little rooms → he
named them “cells” after monk’s chamber
Matthias Schleidan 1838
-German botanist ( plant scientist)
- “All plants are made of cells”.
Rudolf Virchow 1855
“where a cell exists, there must have been
a pre-existing cell”.
Anton Von Leeuwen hook 1673
-first to see microscopic organisms in a
Pond of water
-pioneer of microscopy
Theodore Schwann 1839
-German zoologist (animal scientist)
- “All animals are made of cells”
Louis Pasteur 1864
-Disproved “spontaneous Generation”
-Bacteria life from life
-Mentor of pasteurization