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Endocrine Review Questions 1
__D__1. A high concentration of calcium in the blood suggests a disorder of the
a. thymus gland
b. liver
c. pancreas
d. parathyroid glands
__A__2. Which gland produces cortisol?
a. adrenal
b. thyroid
c. pancreas
d. parathyroid
__D__3. If the amount of blood glucose is low, the pancreatic islets will
a. secrete insulin b. secrete GH
c. become inactive
d. secrete glucagon
__B__4. Levels of salt and water balance in the blood are regulated by the
a. thyroid
b. adrenals
c. pancreas
d. parathyroid
__C__5. Hormones that help the body deal with stress by increasing blood pressure, and heart
and breathing rates are produced by the
a. pancreas
b. parathyroid
c. adrenal medulla
d. adrenal cortex
__B__6. Addison's disease may be caused by
a. lack of thyroxin (TH)
c. too much parathyroid secretion
b. the lack of corticoids (cortisol)
d. too much glucose
__D__7. Cushing's disease is characterized by
a. high blood sugar
c. loss of muscle protein
b. accumulation of tissue fluid
d. All choices are correct
__A__8. The hormone that has an antagonistic effect of insulin is
a. glucogon
b. ANP
c. TSH
d. parathyroid hormone
__C__9. Excessive levels of insulin can lead to
a. hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)
b. cretinism
c. hypoglycemia (low sugar)
d. Addison's disease
__A___10. All endocrine glands secrete hormones
a. directly into the bloodstream
c. that affect target cells near the gland
b. that go to the pituitary gland
d. that are lipid molecules
___A__11. Compared with nerve impulses, hormones are generally
a. released more slowly and have longer lasting effects
b. released faster and have longer lasting effects
c. release more slowly and have effects of shorter duration
d. released faster and have effects of shorter duration
__A__12. Both oxytocin and ADH
a. are produced by the hypothalamus
b. depress the nervous system
c. are steroid hormones
d. are manufactured in the pituitary gland
__D__13. Which of the following is mismatched?
a. oxytocin - uterus
c. parathyroid hormone - bones
b. ADH - kidneys
d. insulin - hypothalamus
__D__14. Endocrine glands are often referred to as
a. ducted glands
c. digestive glands
b. enzyme-producing glands
d. ductless glands
__A__15. Thyroxine (thyroid hormone)
a. controls metabolic activities
b. inhibits insulin production
c. lowers blood calcium levels
d. promotes the development of sperm