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"CHEW GUM, A conspiracy for obesity." - this story later tonight on the 10:00 news.
Now on to our top story of the evening, we welcome in Doctor Brian Peppers MD.
Thanks Mr. Norris, good to be here. The topic of my report tonight is “Protein
Suppository – Best Delivery Method Ever?”
I’m sure that all of you already have a knowledge base for the absorption of nutrients
through the gastrointestinal tract, so I will only address the mechanisms pertinent to my
method. The digestion / absorption of proteins / amino acids occurs primarily in the
small intestine through the action of pancreatic enzymes as well as dipeptidases arising
from the enterocytes of the small intestine itself. Numerous transporters exist to move
these amino acids (also includes dipeptides) across the mucosal epithelial membrane and
into the intestinal cells for transport to the liver.
One problem that may occur is the unplanned amino group transfers that can denature
key amino acids- a problem that arises from the high alkaline content of the small
intestine due to the presence of pancreatic secretions (having high alkaline content and
bicarbonate). This loss of vital amino acids can be prevented through alternate methods
of protein ingestion that do not require purchasing higher-end supplements.
For those taking great amounts of protein, the loss of vital amino acids can be
nutritionally as well as financially unsound. I researched various theoretical models for
nutrition absorption in the gastrointestinal tract using native forms of protein (i.e. not
augmented for special uptake- thus leading to higher priced items). I sought a means of
utilizing the basics: protein bars and whey powders. I’m a firm believer in sticking with
natural forms of protein for uptake to save money and taste buds (pure amino acids don’t
make for the best tasting supplements).
After several failed efforts (gauged by measurements of Nitrogen balance- an indicator of
protein uptake / loss), I came across a method that resulted in a strongly positive Nitrogen
balance, thus providing evidence of successful amino acid uptake with minimal loss due
to transanimation-induced denaturing leading to loss through the urine after liver
I found that by utilizing suppository forms of protein introduction, my amino acid
utilization was greatly enhanced as supported by a strong decline in my urinary nitrogen
output. Colorectal exposure to protein bypasses the strongly alkaline environment of the
small intestine and instead exposes the protein to the relatively neutral pH of the lower
intestine in which native flora (“friendly bacteria”) may act on the protein in a manner
similar to pancreatic enzymes. The end result is the same; individual amino acids as well
as dipeptides are taken up by the mucosal cells lining the colon and shuttled to the liver
for processing. The benefit again being that such amino acids are protected from alkaline
denaturing. Thus- if you want your Glutamate to remain Glutamate, colorectal
absorption will prevent unwanted transamination to alpha-keto-glutarate.
The actual process of colorectal introduction of proteins can be a bit intimidating (as well
as potentially discomforting if done improperly). This process is only for those seeking
an added edge in nutrient absorption, for it will not be suited for every person. Note:
everyone is different and people will respond differently to these methods. I found that
two forms of cholorectal protein ingestion are effective- solid bulk form, and slurry form.
1. Solid protein cholorectal introduction:
- This method is analogous to medical usage of a suppository. The benefit
of this method is that it does not require any mechanical breakdown of the
protein solid nor does it involve retention of a great deal of fluid as
necessary in the slurry form. The drawback is that more time is required
for complete protein uptake due to lack of surface area exposure between
the bulk interior and the surface of mucosal epithelium containing
intestinal flora.
- You can use any source of “chewable” supplemental protein (standard
high-protein content nutrition bars). If discomfort occurs using standard
size bars (100-250 grams), try resorting to smaller segments taken at
- Anal insertion of the solid requires some form of lubrication to reduce the
initial discomfort. Here is where a problem arises- be sure to use a waterbased form of lubrication. Using oil based lubrication will reduce the
effectiveness of this method by inhibiting exposure of intestinal flora /
mucosal epithelium to the surface of the protein solid.
- Salivary mucus provides a readily available means of lubricating the solid.
- It is important to attempt insertion only after a bowel movement (for
obvious reasons).
- Try different positions for insertion that accommodate your own comfort.
It is best to have knees drawn toward the chest to accommodate the solid
with minimal resistance. Insert the protein solid slowly and as deeply as
comfortably possible. Do not tense up during insertion otherwise you will
make the process less comfortable.
- Plan to retain the solid in your colon for approx 3-4 hours to maximize
absorption (due to melting / peristaltic churning / actual absorption).
- During your next normal bowl movement, you may notice some looseness
resulting from increased water expulsion to accommodate amino acid
uptake, this is normal.
2. Protein Slurry method:
- This method is best comparable to introduction of an enema (without
immediate expulsion). The most prominent benefit of this method is that
surface area is maximized to permit rapid protein breakdown / absorption
by bacteria / mucosal epithelium. The primary drawback to this method is
that it requires retaining your composure a bit more and lessening physical
activity following ingestion due to increased fluid pressure immediately
interior to the anal sphincter. This pressure can be compared to feeling the
urge to expel diarrhea, thus discomfort is expected until this urge is
subsided through multiple trials.
The slurry is formed just as you would form any water-based protein
shake. Using water as a base, mix your protein shake as you would
normally, but limiting fluid to about 2/3 normal to increase viscosity (thus
reducing the urge to expel following introduction to the colon).
Measure out an appropriate fluid volume according to protein content.
Any number of devices may be used for slurry introduction including a
standard enema bulb (purchased at medical supply stores or online stores),
any basting utensil (with minimal leaking around seals), or a large
diameter douche bottle.
Using water based lubrication (esp. saliva), lubricate the device and insert
deeply while remaining comfortable. Squeeze all content out and
withdraw the device while still depressing the bulb / chamber.
It is very important to resist the urge to expel the slurry. This will be a
detectable discomfort for an hour or longer depending on viscosity of your
A common problem that arises from either method is anal tenderness, mostly a product of
overzealous insertion of the solid / device without proper relaxation of the anal sphincter.
Some may have to resort to digitally (one or two fingers) stretching the sphincter tissue
with slow tension to the exterior wall in a circular motion. Repeat this practice until
insertion discomfort is reduced appropriately and post-ingestion tenderness ceases to
I hope you all find this to be an effective method of supplementation. If you try this
method for 4-6 weeks, you will have noticeable increase in mass building comparable to
standard ingestion. If you have access to clinical Nitrogen measuring devices, take a
nitrogen balance prior to starting this method and then 6 weeks later. If you notice a
marked decrease in urinary Nitrogen output, you will know that you are successfully
increasing your native amino acid uptake and reducing unnecessary degradation of your
This has been Dr. Brian Peppers Reporting – Good Night Now.