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Climate Unit Test Review
Name: ________________________
1. Match the term to its description.
____ Measure of the amount of water vapour in the air
____ A measure of the emissions of greenhouse gases associated with an individual or activity
____ Average weather conditions in a region over a long period of time
____ Atmospheric conditions (Ex: temperature and precipitation at a particular time and place)
____ An item that stores information about what the climate was like in the past
____ The warming of Earth resulting from the ability of the atmosphere to trap radiated energy
caused by things such as the evapouration of water
____ Any gas in the atmosphere that traps energy radiated from Earth’s surface
____ The removing of forests
____ The warming of Earth resulting from the ability of the atmosphere to trap radiated energy
Water in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail that falls to or condenses on the ground
The warming of Earth resulting from the ability of the atmosphere to trap radiated energy
caused by human activities
A person who studies climates and their phenomena
The layer of gases that surrounds the Earth and regulates temperature
The increase in volume of matter as is temperature increases
The distance an area is from the equator (the greater the latitude the less solar energy an
area receives)
A person who studies atmospheric conditions, especially for predicting weather
A reservoir that stores carbon in another form
A resource that naturally replenishes itself
Refers to the light and other forms of energy the Sun gives off
A region with a particular set of climate conditions and natural features
Water in all its different forms on the Earth; regulates temperature
A thick layer of soil that is frozen all year long
2. State if the following statements are a description of weather or climate.
a) The amount of snowfall on January 8, 2010 was 6 cm.
b) The winter of 2003 was the warmest winter in the last 25 years.
c) In July of 2009 we had recorded breaking rainfall.
d) Yesterday was below normal temperatures.
greenhouse gas
carbon footprint
g) hydrosphere
h) climate
i) natural greenhouse
j) humidity
k) anthropogenic
greenhouse effect
l) deforestation
m) ecozone
n) permafrost
o) proxy record
carbon sink
solar energy
greenhouse effect
thermal expansion
renewable resource
3. State if the following statements are true or false, by circling ‘T’ for true, or ‘F’ for false.
a) T F When the Northern hemisphere is tilted towards the sun we have summer
b) T F Seasons are caused by the Earth’s tilt
c) T F Forests and oceans are examples of carbon sinks
d) T F In the last 100 years the Earth’s average temperature has increased almost 3⁰C
e) T F Greenhouse gases produced by human activities are known as anthropogenic greenhouse gases
f) T F Coal, oil, and natural gas are fossil fuels
g) T F The energy absorbed by Earth’s atmosphere, water, and land is converted to thermal energy
h) T F Natural foods with little or no packaging have a higher carbon footprint than foods that have been
processed and packaged
i) T F The data obtained from proxy records are direct records of climate
j) T F When the Earth is in a circular orbit, solar energy is more balanced than an oval orbit
k) T F As carbon dioxide is added to oceans, they are becoming less acidic
l) T F Ocean animals with shells are being negatively affected by carbon dioxide dissolving in the oceans
m) T F Locally grown foods have a lower carbon footprint than foods shipped a long distance.
n) T F Sea levels are falling due to climate change
o) T F As a result of climate change, Ontario’s growing season will be shorter
4. Match the description/source to the appropriate greenhouse gas/gasses. NOTE answers may be use more than
once, only once, or not at all.
____ Second most abundant greenhouse gas
a) Carbon dioxide and water vapour
____ Can be produced by fertilizer use
b) Nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide
____ Produced by bacteria in the stomach of cows
c) Carbon Dioxide
____ Accounts for 70% of the greenhouse effect
d) Nitrous Oxide
____ Produced by bacteria that live in bogs, and wetlands
e) CFC’s
____ Given off by animals and other organisms in respiration
f) Water vapour
____ Produced by volcanoes, forest fires, and decaying organisms
g) Methane
____ Given off by landfills
____ An anthropogenic source is sewage treatment plants
____ Most potent greenhouse gas
____ The greenhouse gas that is caused only by natural sources
____ A natural source is bacteria that live in oceans and wet, warm soils
____ Most abundant greenhouse gas
____ Caused by burning fossil fuels
5. What is the difference between the following sets of terms?
a. climate change and global warming
b. Climate and weather
c. Natural greenhouse effect and anthropogenic greenhouse effect
6. What is a proxy record? Explain two examples.
7. State and explain two impacts of rising sea levels.
8. Explain what causes ocean acidification and describe its impact on marine life.
9. How are the polar bears being affected by global warming?
10. Describe three impacts climate change may have on human health.
11. Fill in the missing way of increasing greenhouse gases by picking a word from the word box and matching it to
its description.
Land travel
Oil sands
Coal-fired Power Plants
Home heating
Industry and Manufacturing
Hydroelectric Dams
Air Travel
- these generate greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide
- can also be a high source of methane with flooding of land to build the dams causes large
volumes of standing water
- means less carbon dioxide is removed from the air by photosynthesis
- this process involves clearing of land and trees, building of more roads and increased
- construction companies clear hundreds of trees daily to make way for these
- this means that there will be increased fossil fuels being burned by cars, producing carbon
dioxide and nitrous oxides
- this burns up very large amounts of fossil fuel and is the fastest growing source of greenhouse
gas emission globally
- occurring in Alberta, this is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gases in Canada – it
generates three times as much greenhouse gas as producing one barrel of conventional oil
- these generate large amounts of methane gas
- fertilizers cause an increase in nitrogen in our soil increasing nitrous oxides
- raising crops and livestock all contribute to increased greenhouse gases
- Since Canada is one of the coldest countries and we generate a great deal of greenhouse gases
with this
- majority of the electrical energy produced in the Maritimes and the Prairies comes from this
- this occurs in centres in southern Ontario as they produce carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
oxide and halocarbons (CFC’s) in various production processes
12. What is the atmosphere? How does it regulate our temperature?
13. What is the hydrosphere? How does it regulate our temperature?
14. State and explain the four steps of the greenhouse effect.
15. Most personal greenhouse gas emissions come from heating and cooling our homes. What could be done to
reduce the emissions produced by heating a home?
16. State and explain (how it helps) six ways you can reduce your individual carbon footprint.
17. State and explain the three major impacts of global warming (changes in weather patterns, seasons, and
18. Match the following climate change affect with its impact
the severity and frequency of ocean-based storms and storms on land
has increased
Glaciers are melting  causes flooding on lands bordering the ocean
since the 1800’s the average temperature has increased by 1°C
Animals and plants are changing based on the change of temperature
and amount of precipitation in their habitat
In Canada, winter is becoming shorter and less harsh
Rising average
Changes in Ecosystems
Changes in Seasons
Changing Weather
Rising Sea Levels
19. Using the above graph, answer the following questions.
a) In what month did Windsor have the most precipitation? _____________________
b) In what month was Windsor the warmest? _______________________
c) In what month was is the coldest? _________________________
d) In what month did they receive the least amount of precipitation? ____________________
20. Answer the questions below using the following pie chart.
a) What causes the most greenhouse gas emissions in Canada? ______________________
b) What causes the least greenhouse gas emissions in Canada? _______________________