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A.P. Biology Eukaryotic vs. Prokaryotic
Cell Factory Analogy
Your task is to create an analogy of a factory using the parts that are found within plant and animal cells. This is a REVIEW
assignment (reminding you of what you learned in Biology 2 years ago). Instead of drawing exactly what each cell part looks
like, you will be creating buildings, roads, and fences that are found within or around your factory. Each structure will be
labeled with the name of an actual cell part. This assignment will be a useful study tool for this unit as well as for the AP exam
in May. Take this seriously. Refer to your textbook if you need clarification on the functions of any cell parts. The location of
these parts is also critical in the overall success of your factory (and in your grade for this assignment  ). Have fun!
You will include the following names and drawings/structures in your eukaryotic cell factory (20 points):
cell wall = brick wall
Plasma membrane = a chain link fence
Ribosomes = tables where product is assembled
Vacuole = a water storage tank
Chloroplasts = solar panels
Mitochondria = smokestacks of your factory
Golgi Apparatus = The packaging and transport plant
Lysosome = recycling plant
Peroxisome = toxic waste storage tank (remember catalase? :)
Microtubules = the perimeter road and all other roads on the factory grounds
Nucleus = the main office where the boss (aka DNA) is located
Nucleolus = a small office connected to the main office where the communication center is located (i.e. satellite dishes,
intercom system to rest of factory, etc…)
Endoplasmic Reticulum
(smooth ER have no ribosomes and rough ER have ribosomes) = The manufacturing plant
Cytosol = cement and/or grass uniting all buildings inside the fences of the factory grounds
Extra credit (1 to 5 pts per structure) will be awarded for including any of the following items on your cell factory (extra credit
because you must think of your own analogies for these):
secretory vesicles
the cis/trans faces of the Golgi Apparatus
II. You must also create a prokaryotic cell factory. Skim through your book and locate information on prokaryotes
(bacteria). As you create this drawing, you should be able to use this visual to see what organelles are missing in
prokaryotes. Please include the appropriate analogies for their organelles and use the same protocol to label your
prokaryote factory (20 points)
III. Please write a paragraph analyzing the similarities and differences of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Your eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell factory drawing must be sketched and colored. This assignment is worth
You can collaborate with the people at your table but everyone must complete their own assignment. We will have a
contest to pick the class favorites. You will turn this into me no later than ___________________________.