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From the 5th Century the Germanim takes land from Rome, from the Black Sea to
Britain. Volkerwanderung- migration of people and it is no violence process; Barbaric
Invasion- invasion by force of people that don’t have any civilians. The East
Germanim are divided to 4 tribes the Bourgundim, the Goths, the Vandals and the
Lombardi. The Goths come to the Black Sea in year 200a.c. they’re divided to 2
groups of settlement, the Visigoths (Visi-smart) East-Spain and, The Astrogoths
(Austro-light) East to West-Italy.
247- Gothic attack on Rome, the Gothic successes is a fail to Rome.
211-The Emperor Sptimus Sevres died after him there were bad Emperors that took
the roll by force (Usurpatic). The Roman Empire is handling with the Persian Empire
in The East. The Army is a big crisis – Sevres tries to bride the Army he take the
money from the nobles.
212-Bano karkalla there is tax reform every citizen is force to pay heavy taxes (there
is an increase) those crises are help to Goths an easy work.
269- Emperor Claudius stops the progress of the Goths by bit.
Constantine understands that there is no way to stop the progress of the Goths, so he
builds toward his dead a line of fortress (Castle, Citadel) a long the Danube River and
He sign with Goths a peace treaty of foedemeticae that Rome pay annual pay in grin
and the Goths are defending on the border and don’t harming him and the Roman
interns. In the 4th-6th century Rome sign more treaties with the Goths– that drain the
treasury, by signing those treaties it teach us on Roman weakness. The treaty is kept
to one generation and after there are wars and more Gothic presser from the
The Roman Empire and her neighbors from the 3rd Century is starting to weaken,
civil wars and a weak government. There is a Germanic presser from the north and a
Persian presser from the east. Rome is supported by her Provenances to her economy
the Provenances enjoys from peace (Pax Ramana) but they don’t need it in the anther
hand Rome depending on the provenances that is the reason that Rome needed a big
Army.69- 4 Counsels, in 71- the revolt of the provenance Judah. When a Provenance
is revolting it testing that the Govern is weack.
Administrative division of the Roman Empire from the end of 3rd Century the
Emperor Duekatinus is doing an administrative division that along the Balkans there
is spearing line between East-Constantinople; West-Rome to each Empire there is an
Emperor and a deputy – Augustans in the realty East is Greek and West is Latin. The
Emperor Duekatinus says that the division is for administrative needs only and there
is a Unity of the Roman world (Urbis Romans). Each Empire is divided to 2
frefectura and each frefectura is divided to a city and a province (Diocesa). The Army
is on the border (limes) the Emperor army is the comitatenes. There is a separation
between the infantry (ground process) and the cavalry (horsemen) – the commander
on than is Magister Militum 5 in the east 2 in west. Part of than came from the
infantry and some of them came from the cavalry. After would cavalry commander
became the supreme commander (Magister Utriusque Militum) in the East he is the
most powerful force. The army has a problem to enlistment and a moral problem; the
service is for 25 years, the army is enlisting not only roman citizens but citizens from
the provinces and from the Germanim. Dismissed Germanim retune to his tribe with a
Roman military education – there is a paradox that a Germanim soldier guards on the
border against his brother.
The Roman- Germanim conflict west-Germanim settled in a peace way (foedoromti)
but with the east-Germanim there violent clashes in the 4th century the Germanim are
accepting the Christianity.
Arias- was theologies that claim a logical argue that couldn’t be equality between
creatures - created. That argue split the Empire in 325 the Nikeya conference was
gathered the roll in the matter of the Holy Ternary the out come of that conference
that the Ariaions are considered as heretics; the Ariaions turn to the Germanim in a
mission against the Catholics Hostile the Visigoths become Ariaions.
The Hones are invading after they have past the great wall that was build against
them in China; they are coming from the east to the west. They are taking over and
they are destroying the Austrogothic kingdom - King Eremanaric suicide in a
ceremony, part of them exiled (deported) and part of them are mixed with Hones. The
Hones are moving toward to the Visigoths, the Emperor Valens give the Austrogoths
to settle in Tricia there are problems in the Empire because of the comprehension of
the massive population. 378 Battle Adrinipolice Visigoths cavalry is defeating the
Roman Army (infantry unites) and Visigoths are wondering around in Tricia. 380
Emperor Tiadusiuise give the Visigoths a status of independent subject, they get part
of Bulgaria and they obligated to defend the Empire
The out come of the Hones invasions
1.The acceptance of entire people to the Empire and violating the balance between
the Rome- Barbaric.
2. Tricia is no longer a part from the Roman Empire and from the Visigoths that part
will pass on to the Hones.
3.Permanet Separation-the Austrogoths and Visigoths have their one institutions and a
king for themselves.
395 The Death of the Emperor Tiadusiuise is willing to his 2 sons, after he has ruled
on the 2 parts on the Roman Empire; each son is getting one part of the Empire,
Accadius get the East and Honorius get the Weat. Both of the sons of the Emperor
Tiadusiuise were minors; so their Uncle Stitioho is the regent (he rule on the Empire
in their name), he is Vandal (East-Germanim). He was married to Emperor
Tiadusiuise sister. There is blurring of the Roman-Germanim identity.
Alaric- he was a Visigoth that have entered to the roman military he has advanced in
the roman army until the dead of the Emperor Tiadusiuise; after the dead he return to
his people and to his tribe. He is crowned as a king because he has roman education
he also has roman knowledge and Alaric and his people have in common that there
are both embittered on Rome.
In Rome the nobles are revolting that people who rule them come from the same place
as their salves. The nobility is threatened in the Political arena; the church is satisfied
from the Germanim values and the church is encouraging the mix marriages
especially in the lower classes. The Germanim foè and the dismissed roman solider
have the same interest and they are getting closer. The interest of defacing (Pro Patria
morir- it’s good to day for our country) is lost. The Roman nobility is that keeping on
the roman culture.395 Alaric is moving toward Constantinople, Stitioho encouraging
him because he is the commander of the west (it’s better that he will move to the east
then to the west).
The Emperor Accadius offer to Alaric the title+ a job the
commander of the army. 401 the separation of the empire weaken her; and the
Germanim are always with the strong side. Alaric is moving toward west and he lost
to Stitioho .402-403 Stitioho is defeating the Austrogoths, he is moving his forces
from the borders and the borders are cracked and open to the franks and to the
Almens. In the west Empire Honows is moving the capital city from Rome to Milan,
because of the Gothic attacks on the west Empire.
In 408 Stitioho is executed, despite he carry out his job the reason was that he tried to
advance his son; his dead is cussing to a pogroms in the Germanim that served under
him, thousand are dead and 30,000 are living to serve under Alaric in the east. The
Germanim Unity was stronger that the Roman Unity. Alaric king of the Visigoths was
the Magister Militum of Accadius and he was a political factor; he try to get a political
recognition. He demanded exchanging captives and compensation on his dead people.
Honows ignore Alaric and the Romans think because they have moved to the
Christianity so they are getting punished (380 Rome is a Christian city according to
Edictom). Alaric for compensation and a promise for negotiation with Honows he
release the siege and he force the Roman Senate to give the title the commander of the
city (Priscus Attalus). In 410 Alaric is the ruler of Rome; Honows is agree for
negotiation with Alaric. During the meeting the one of the Roman Commanders Sarus
and he is from Visigoths origin he is attacking Alaric camp in the purpose to stop the
negotiation. Alaric accuses Honows. In 24.8.410 Rome is plundered for 3 days-rapes
and murders and fire. Urbs fell in the hands of the Barbarians. Augastinus (one of the
Church founders) write “De Civitate Dei Contra Paganus” the try of cleansing
(purification) of the city of god from the unbelievers; try to cleanse the Christianity
from the fall of Rome.
After 3 days Alaric is living to south Italy with him Honows Sister Galia Placidia; he
died before he could attack again. He didn’t want to destroy Rome because the respect
that he has for her, he asked for recognition. In the plunders Churches don’t injured
because the Germanim are Christians. Alaric Brother in law and his heir Athaulf will
capture Flanders and Gallia.
In the 4th century Orosius Powlos write “ The History Vs. The Pagans”, that book
know as the basic sources on that time. In the book there is a description what
happened to a state that don’t have any justice -> there’re bands of plunders (rubbers).
The book relate to the issue that Athaulf want to delete Rome and to build there a
Gothic city; but Galia Placidia have convinced him to use the imperial force to build
place of living to Goths (Restituror Urbis Romamus). In 412 Athaulf fit with
Auziprtor Juviews and he overcome him. Athaulf + Galia Placidia = Emperor
Tiadusiuise, although Honows didn’t recognize in those marriages. Athaulf despise to
Rome but to be with marriages ties with the imperial family it would hurt to have.
Honows send his commander Constantine to siege but Athaulf escape to Barcelona
and died there. The Goths are rolling all over from Spain to the South of France.
The fall of the West Roman Empire
410 the plunder of Rome;
472 The removal of Romulus Augustus.
Romulus-As the mane of one of the founders of Rome,
Augustus -As the name of the founder of the Roman Empire.
After the plunder of Rome the city was cracked, because Honows doesn’t make an
effort to renovate the city; and afterward there was a chain of failing Emperors and
the power of Magister Utriusque Militum was in the hands of the Germanim
commanders. In East Empire was more dominant; Julius Nepos was elected to be the
Emperor of the west. He chose for Magister Utriusque Militum Roman person
Orestes that tries to elevate his son. Orestes runs and live soldiers that waiting to their
remuneration on their services. Odovacar a high commander demands a costume of
Germanim settlement in Rome a place that protected (Hospitalities). Orestes is vs.
Germanim settlement; He tries to fit.
In 476 the negotiation fails and Odovacar is killing Orestes and he is putting his son
in a house arrest. The fall of the west part of the Empire was in fact the removal of
Orestes by Odovacar not someone official as Romulus Augustus that was a son of
Orestes. Odovacar wants recognition as Alaric as king and a commander, but Alaric
was the Visigoths king and Odovacar was the master on a mob. Odovacar sends to the
east Emperor a suggestion for Unity, but the ruler of the east refuses for that
suggestion because he see Rome as an Old man that suffer from paralysis but died
from old age. That internal sickness was stated when the Roman Empire divided to
East and to the West. The east wasn’t troubled from the Barbarian invasion and he
survives for 1,000 years more. In the west there is no agricultures and economical
centers, only Rome and the Emperors are in Rowena. According to Gibbon that
claims that church wear off the link of the citizen-state in Rome. The Roman Citizens
see the Germanim rule, as better and they will restore Rome to her peak. For the
separation of the authorities, when Christ was asked on a tax he said: “Give Creaser
what is Creaser’s and to God what is for God’s”. Constantine is converting
Christianity in 325 the Roman Empire become Christine; the ruler is the messiah
(Gratia Dei) and if you make treachery against him you trait in god. In The east the
Emperor is ruling and the church is subordinate to him; the Emperor is equal in his
title to the holy pope. In the west the church is filling the gaps with the decline of the
imperial governs. The Christianity disrespect in the life on earth (Contempus Mundi);
the real joy is come after dead. The army becomes weaker and weaker.
The reasons to the decline according Lor
1. Absence of proper institution to run the Empire; Rome occupied but could govern;
the distribution of the Dioceses causing a change in the establishments, local duty
owners are elected in the Curia and there is no connection to Rome.
2.Ecominical crisis in the 4th century for contracts to hold the order->that cause to
burden of taxes on the local public.
3.The weakness of the military and the penetration of the Germanim to the ranks of
the army. In Rome the military passed on the culture of Rome to the provinces.
After 476 there is no Emperor; but there is no recognition that Rome fell, we can see
it in the books there is Emperor but Rome is still there. The church is nurturing the
myth of the fall of 4 kingdoms: Babylon, Assyria, Persia and Rome. And when Rome
will fall the apocalypse will come. Maybe that is that the fall of Rome is denied. 476
it is only the end of the decline of the west empire. Ordaned write 2 books Getica and
Romana; he write from memory and secondary testimonies on the removal of
Romulus Augustus.
The Franks they’re west- Germanim they have left Scandinavia in the 1st century
B.C.; in the year 200 they meet Julius Caesar on the river Rhinos “De Belt Galico”,
they became allies and in the 3rd there is tribal confederation in ties of dependence
with the Roman Empire -they’re in the regions of borders (there’re tomb stones in
Latin on the graves of Frankish soldiers. The Franks are settling down all over the
Roman Empire in different groups up the river as Saliams. The Frank’s are the only
group in the Army of the west or the East. The Frank’s consider them self to Pagan
tradition also to Troy just to get closer to Rome. Ayanes- is a flower, Pius- loyal to
Homeland, Family and Gods. Frank in the start it means brave and after it meant
Gregorius De Tours - low rank priest; he move to San Martine Boutre grave, because
of sickness he recover and he stays there as the town Bishop- attributed to him acts of
miracles, saints, astronomy for religion, Psalms and Franks. Gregorius De Tours
write the Historia Francorum – he is dealing on the myth of Troy he uses periods
(Annales) in the church, he is listening to rumors and he is noticing in his writing
between sources. In Historia Francorum, Gregorius De Tours tells on a king Chlodio
that seek to live on coexistence with the Roman Empire; together they fit on the Huns
with the Roman Commander Aetius. In 456-463 there is cooperation (collaboration)
with Rome, against the Huns in Gallia. We can learn in the books that kings have
been connected to the forest gods (to the fir tree-Christens tree) and they have long
hair (Reges Criuti). Chlodio send some time in the Hunic in Captive with his mom,
there is a myth that he acts like savage, and he run to a neighbors kingdom; on the
people there is a leader that convert them to Christianity.
The people are repentances and call Hunic to return; the queen is returning with him
and the people swear that Hunic is a hero and smart. There is a parallel to the story of
King Salomon and Queen of Sheba; there is a true part in that story, The Franks Vs.
Roman occupying. Roman Commanders: Aetius->Aegicdius->Syarius. 419 Chlodio
died and Clubis rule till 511; 30 years that changes the people status, but not put the
base to found a state (Rex Francorum). He is the people king not a state king.
Gregorius De Tours is declaring Credo in Nikeya; in his opinions god influence on
the history, he writes, “history is a good teacher for life”. Gregorius De Tours spend a
lot of time to analyze his sources. Historia Francorum dills with the early times of the
Franks, in the eyes of the reaches Dalton isn’t holier he is a spiritual leader with faith.
Brehowt is a Christian with prejudices, and he described the rise of Clubis in 481, he
described that Sygrues escape to Alaric that extradited him to Clubis and he executes
him. Clubis is crowned beside 2 Frankish kings that have been relative. Clubis is
disrespecting to the Christianity, but he respects the establishment. The Vase of
Swanson Clubis soldiers have looted Bishop Ramigouis he ask from than to take the
vase, but a soldier shattered it a year later Clubis find an excuse to kill him.
The conversion to Christianity of the Clubies
486 The of the Roman govern over Gallia - Clubis try to establish monarchy.
490 The marriage to Bluehinata that was beautiful and wise in government meter.
496 The Franks asks for help and he gives it to them.
Cot claim that Clubis conversion to Christianity after he was a witness in to a miracle
in San Martine, but Gregorius De Tours would have tell us on that. Wood sees
anarchistic influence he sees in Jesus the war god and adding him to his pantheon.
Clubis don’t concede to his relevance to the Mavrogothic family under the patronage
of the forest gods. He conversion to Christianity and after him his soldiers; Clubis
asks for help from Jesus; the Elamans withdraw. A letter from Ramigouis, that
congratulated him on the victory on the Elamans; he rush Clubis to build churchesbecause Clubis is a Christian, he dares to change the region 10 years after the
occupation because a fear from Romo-Gallic upraising.
The conversion to Christianity of the Clubies came, because a man is promising his
salvation by doing 6 of 7 of the sacraments: 1.Baptism2. Mass wine and bread
3.Marigge 4.Authorization for clergy 5. Repent 6.Last rights7. Ratification.
Gregorius compare that gift of Constantine to pope Sylvester (when Constantine was
sick with leprosy he went to Rome and only pope Sylvester could cure; so Constantine
give to Sylvester rule in Rome and west provinces and some islands); Clubis is like
Constantine and Ramigouis is like Sylvester. 878 Ingomar Bishop of Raims, write the
city history he give to Clubis baptism a large part in the book. When Clubis come to
his baptism, he comes in the head of a magnificent entourage; he sleeps in the best
hotel-in the morning the church is full and the priest can’t enter; dove enter with water
and oil (flour de lea) there is myths because the Baptism is only in water and the oil
come in the last right ceremony. King appointed by god (Gratia Dei) the divine
providence is guarding on him. In fact Clubibs wouldn’t respect the Christianity, and
he will be reprimand on that. In the end of the 5th century Clubibs with Roman
collaboration are going anginas the Visigoths, he kill the king and tie connection with
the east empire to block an Austrogothic- Visigothic connection. Clubibs send his son
Tiadurik to conquest journey that end in the border of Burundi. He go to battle in the
name of Jesus he enlarge his territory and the, and Visigoths are moving to Spain. The
occupying is by the nature of the settlements of the Visigoths. The Visigoths didn’t put
down roots there is no relationship to the local population and Clubibs that look like
the old regime and order and he have the church to his side. Clubibs pass from Paris
‫מסוואסון‬theoretically there is collaboration with Rome despite they have murdered
The east ruler help to Clubibs, after the war Clubibs is crowned as a Consul (but it
doesn’t sow the recorders of 507) Antonuis want Franco-Byzantine alliance because is
threatened by the Persians. His title gives Clubibs preference, he add CI to the Roman
coins-he tries to bluer his status as conqueror and he wants to show Roman support as
a Consul. He deafened on the local population from Romo-Gallic; the value of the
money of a man (Wergeld): 1 Frank=200 soldie; 1 Romie=100 soldie …511 write a
will and in the will he divided his kingdom to 4 of his sons, so there won’t be any
murder between the brothers; Clubibs says if he have captivate it so it is his.
The kingdoms are Austria, Neutria, Burgundy all of those kingdoms together are the
Regnum Francorum.
The Salai law says that a man has to honor his fathers law-that is the personal law;
the Franks are honoring that law. The Roman law was organized in Constantinople in
553. Visigoths kings publish books that perpetuate theirs law in their time for the
Romans Lex Romana Visigothum. 2 approaches in history: the first argue that the
Franks are using the heritage of Rome; the second argue that those are Germanim
institutions that they’re holding on them. In fact that is a merging of the 2 approaches;
Roman basis + Frankish characteristic the out come is some thing in the middle.
Institutions the administrative core is from the time of the Roman Empire;
Comedlgraf rule of the city by military issues, jurisdiction tax help by the bishop; in
each one of the Diocesa there is high religious authority-bishop. The court (Placitom)
work in permanent times-you can help with 7 people (Boni Homines) usually from the
nobility, defense attorney-write letters he know his way in the Roman law. In the head
of the system is the royal court in the king courthouse. Curia Regis-is only in a bed
cases; the first law is scheduled to after 507 captivate of the Lowar River and before
511 the spreading of the Christianity there are 3 rules. The population is agrarian-so
the focuses will be on the tools; *there is no equality; *the status of the king is
prominent in many laws there’s no political stability.
The Salai population the most powerful and aggressive tribe from the Franks, was
the one that the Marovingits. Wergeld + compensation from the king treasury; classes:
Slaves- a man that was born slave and married a female slave he can sell himself to
slavery Slawe-captive from wars in North-East a slave could be release by public
declaration and by giving him certificate approval; The farmers (Colones) they’re a
few-free people who work of the land; above there are the men with the means there
is a big gap and they all subject to the king. The law recognizes the strong/the
weakness of the government, it come to support centralized monarchy-all pass throe
(Malus) the king courtroom. The heir throne (prince crown) can be from the age 12;
there is high mortality the older one is live until the age 30; to the king law there are
special validity (Binni) hurt a courtiers is equal to 3 times from a man in the same
The Roman law
Death punishment
Unity all over the empire
The Salai law
Legal pluralism
The king doesn’t write the laws he gives than validity; the king adjusts the rules to the
spirit of the time and to the Christianity.
Ascending-the people are dictating the law in the direction upward.
Descending-god is the source of the law that taken down on the people.
Those are 2 approaches.
That introduction came to describe the Franks; Augastinus is detecting between the
sons of Israel: in the flesh-the Jaws in the soul-the Christians. The Jews rejected the
prophecy of Jesus; and they are as reminder what will happen if you’ll leave Jesus.
The Franks are described as the bravest and the powerful of all; the separation
between them and the Catholics to the anther barbarian Germanim. Open the
contempt of court <bull> stilling a slave; dealing with injuries in the property; rape
and murder of women and children and the court and the king.
Codependence in the Mavorigite societyCaicus-non-religious ;
In Gallia from the 6th century there is a king; in the 7-8th century the nobility became
stronger on his expense; there is a decline in the royal authority and blaring the
sensation of a state. People are seeking for security and for money-> from the
Potentas they’re seeking sponsorship (shelter). That is the characteristics of the
Mavorigite society; the man is belonging some else. The codependence are unified in
the law; there is no stability, the land is divided because of inheritance, a men are seek
for security and for money->there’re strong people that want more power;
codependence in the society king->Duce (Ethnic region)-> Marquis (commander of
the army)-> Earl (smaller region)-> land lords->farmers->slaves; there is no
connection between the king to the common people.
Deface from the king upraise the value of the Wergeld; that temporal solution was
lasted for several centuries; that was Roman custom of Patron-Clientes-an ecumenical
help in exchange to support in the Plaves meeting. In Gallia –there is an oath (pledge)
to the death to the commander. The bigger your entourage and built from high ranking
members so your status will be higher; the Franks are still free men. The contract is
worded that say what each side has to give; both the sides are pledged to the dead.
The man that give himself declare one himself as broke and the man who give the
sponsorship is promise to give protection and livelihood; The man that give himself
will give any serves with no harm to his freedom. The connection is done in from the
free will of the both of the sides; there is a religious oath to strengthens-the ceremony
is done with the hands the giver put his hands in the shield palms.
The royal military entourage Antustiones the draft in Rome; in the Franks tribe each
free man is soldier with the move to settlement and it is become hard to live the land
for a long time periods and to bring an equipment. There is tidy system less draft in
the lower classes-for a small time there is a problem. The Wergeld is high; only to the
king have the army. An oath testimony (Fidelitas et trustis) the ceremony of the
holding of the hands; the solider is coming with his weapon and it custom to pay in a
piece of land.
Benfeiciom that it is a benefit (contract) for a sort time (Precaria), the king is the
owner of the land (Dominium) and the solider have the right to use it (Usus Frutum) –
after some time the king will nationalize the land for of 1% of the income from the
land; there is a change Mavorigite -> to Charlene: From the inside-the nobility is
express her doubts; from the outside there the Muslim threat; in the time of the time of
the Mavorigite the nobility have develop personal armies according the Roman
tradition. The nobility prefer weak Mavorigite that they could maneuver king than a
Charlene king. Charles The Hammer - founder of the dynasty; is establishing his
power an army of cavalry (horsemen). The cavalry is very expansive because the
horseman is start to try when is very young; there is a development of the reins and
the knee (that help them to ride the back of a horse better). Each horseman that
pledged allegiance will get a land-> codependence ties. According to Damshoff
climes that codependence ties produce us the Charlene feudalities.
The characters of the feudalities
1.The development of the codependence ties in extreme terms.
2. Distribution the rights of the property of the land.
3. Professional military class that populated the upper classes.
4. Hierarchy that own the land= dependant on the personal rank.
5. Scattering (dispersing) the political authorities that abuse; the king is distributors
the right to the nobles- autonomy.
Feudality is moving to fewer freemen and to multiplicity Vassus (the devote oneself)
it base in the Charlene time.
Charlene legislation in connection to Feudal-Vassal there is a try to reduce the
cases that vassal will live his master, just if his value is 1 soldie; the vassal can’t live
his master unless he try to kill him or desecration his wife and home and if he
rejection your inheritance, lanes are done in the same level-there is level solidarity.
Dominium is over Vassus-the pledge of conceded your independent (Fidelitas
Homagium) and in that act you belong to anther person. The duties of the Vassus are:
Consilium-to gives help whenever his master is in his need it; Auxilium-giving
financial helps in some cases as falling in captivity; marriage the older daughter-the
elder son is going to the crusades.
Mansus that part that Vassus is processes, part of the crops (produce) is going to the
master not over the domestic demand-there is no tried. Henry Prince 20th century
historian; he characterize the classic world to understand the changes that led to the
middle ages-and that is to understand the middle ages. The characters of the classic
world were urban civilization Mediterranean, the More Mostrumo are building an
Empire on trade; law; culture; the city is dominate the periphery (the outlying areas);
trade with the provinces; in the 3rd river trade; Jews and Syria. There is a deference
between the East to the West form the early days-the East is rich and industrialized vs.
the West that poor and under Germanim presser and there is barbarism of the west
and Oriental influences on the East-Byzantium.
The Germanim were exposed to Rome for hundreds of years. So they don’t want to
destroy her they want to use Rome institution to their needs. They can’t or don’t want
to abolish (cancel) - Roman coins, the old world trade. A list from the to a monastery
(abbey) Coribe from the day’s of the king Hilpric in 716 that was demand from the
monastery to the king; the annual pay in produces from the king. In 711 the
Mediterranean Sea trade is ruled by the Muslims->the sea is no longer Christian.
Piran argue, “…If there was no Muhammad there would be Charles the Great
(Charle le Monde-Charles Magne)...” The Mavorigites have continued the tradition,
but the Charlenes are symbolizing the break from the Roman tradition. The classic
times are considering to the time of prosperity golden coins; in Gallia there is Slavic
slaves markets, but in the medieval times the coins were silver not gold no Slavic
slaves etc.
Questions for these
1.Is there a will or policy to close the sea?
2. Is there a date to that the sea is closed?
3. Is there alternative explanation to the temperance of Oriental produces?
4.Is there international tarde in Gallia of Slavic slaves?
5. The importance of the trade in the Mavorigites times 650 year of tern?
6.Unity of the law; language; and policy in the Empire?
7.The cases that the Patron have moved to the base of money?
1.150 years of war with Islam but there wasn’t any trend to close the sea for trade
between the Moslem Middle East and Europe-and Islam isn’t forbidding (prohibit) the
trade with Non Muslims. The Islam has adopted the Roman currency and the Greek
administration-the Muslim flit couldn’t fit with the Byzantine flit in the 8th century.
2.The disappearance of Oriental produces in the west markets, because there was a
crisis in the papyrus industry and the Islam is against drinking wine so there no
3. Gallia wasn’t a trading center, just in the sort time. Since Rome time, the gold and
slave reserve went dilution.
4.Moving from Gold -> to silver, because there were founded silver minds; there isn’t
a lot of gold so they pass to silver.
Piran give an economical analysis, but that analysis doesn’t include all the earlier
Germanimic influences on Rome.
The Charlene dynasty
Pepin de Louden I-> Pepin de Herstal-> Charles Martel->Carloman & Pepin III ->
Charles Magne (king)
Charlenic Renaissance
Charles Magne is gathering (summoning) form the intelligent to his court; Einhart
writes the “De Vita Carli Magni” he’s influenced but that is a very important
manuscript. In the manuscript the Mavorigites are describe as puppets in the hands of
Moyordowmus. The dismissal of king Hilpric III was done with the church approval.
The Mavorigites are ruling because they have dynasty, but the Charlenes have the
church approval. Annual worrier meetings; Einhart find genealogy to from the 6th
century; the dismissal of a king that is useless is permitted from the days of Auridmus.
From the year 600 they act instead of the Mavorigites kings. Murder and escape.
Charles Martel escapes from detention; he formulated his rule by military operation
(campaign) in that way he neutralized the threatening that he had. 732 the battle of
Poitiers the Muslims are stopped in west Europe; the Mavorigite king is dead and he
don’t have heir to the crown.741 Charles Martel is dead and inheritance to his sons
the kingdom-they’re crowing weak Mavorigite king.747Carloman “decided” to
abstain (to become a monk), Pepin III is sole ruler-he dismissal the useless king (Rex
The pope Stephenous turns to Charles Martel for help vs. the Lomabrdim that want
barbarize his state and vs. Byzantine in the issue of the Iconplastica. Charles Martel
decided not to interfere that issues; in fact he is advancing (promoting) the
Christianity with Bonifacius the emissary that have died martyr dead (Constantine).
Charles don’t revive something old he creates something new on the ruins of the old+
new principles. Because he was an emissary (legat), Hunpishuces is drawing Pepin
the Gallic leg-like Samuel and Soul.
The act gives him the grace of god, and it stated him above the common people;
Charles Martel earns his place in history when he ‘s stopping the Muslims in the
battle of Poitiers His son is crowned with Gratia Dei. King-Pope, Give-take;
Minsteruium Regis the king duties-if he won’t perform than he could be dismissal.
752 Stephenous II and the III; the Lomabrdims occupying Rowena from the
Byzantine. The pope goes to Paris to ask for help from Pepin; when Pepin arrives
earlier see the pope and he bows-he serve the pope as an armour-bearer. Negotiation
for 3 days, after that king is drawn and his wife and 2 children; the pope order him not
to chose a king out of the dynasty that was chosen by God. Patrons, and Paul
(Patrimoniom Beati Petri et Pouli). They’re both bride in Rome to neutralize Pagan
link; Pepin get gifts and a diploma Pontificales the Frankish king is Christian, he
must execrated to held with the church demands. Stephenous prepares the document
to Constantinople before the meeting with Pepin (the description of the armour-bearer
is like Constantine proposing to Sylvester golden crown and Sylvester is satisfied with
a hat and rings-Insignia Imparii) and with that way to convince him to retune Rome to
the hands of the Pope. In the end of the negotiation Pepin is call for a meeting in her
he announce that he is going to a war against the Lomabrdim.775 invaded to Rawna
and demand from the king Athaulf to clear off he agree and return to Gallia; Athaulf
isn’t clearing off he occupied him in 756 Pepin camp out of Rome; Pepin occupied
lands and retune them to the pope, in the report it talked on major territory in Italy
there isn’t an exact border-he’ll move with the years. Pepin base rule in south to the
Lowar River-he become the Duke of Bavaria- he have vassal that wouldn’t done
problems. He died and split his kingdom to 2 Charles get a ring in the out and
Carloman that died and live him alone.
The Charlenic Empire