Download 1. According to Model 1, in what type of orga

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Name:_______________________________________________ Date:________________________
1. According to Model 1, in what type of organs are the cells that enter meiosis I found?
2. Considering what you already know about mitosis in cells, what event must take place during
interphase before a cell proceeds to division?
3. What two structures make up a single replicated chromosome?
4. In Model 1, how many replicated chromosomes does the cell contain during prophase?
5. At which stage in meiosis I do the pairs of homologous chromosomes come together?
6. At the end of meiosis I, two cells have been produced. How many replicated chromosomes are
in each of these cells?
7. Cells with a full set of chromosomes are referred to as diploid or 2n, whereas cells with half the
chromosomes are haploid or n. At which stage(s) of meiosis I are the cells diploid and at which
stage(s) are they haploid?
8. Which of the statements below correctly describes the relationship between the cells at the end
of telophase I and the original cell?
a. The new cells have one copy(sister chromatid) of all(homologous chromosomes) of the genetic
information in the original cell.
b. The new cells have two copies(sister chromatids) of all(homologous chromosomes) of the
genetic information in the original cell.
c. The new cells have one copy(sister chromatid) of half(homologous chromosomes) of the genetic
information in the original cell.
d. The new cells have two copies(sister chromatids) of half(homologous chromosomes) of the
genetic information in the original cell.
9. Considering the genetic makeup of the homologous pairs, will the cells at the end of telophase I
be genetically identical to each other? [NOTE: think about who gave you the homologous pairs]
10. According to Model 2, where did each of the cells come from that started meiosis II?
11. In meiosis I, during anaphase I, which structures separated—homologous chromosomes or sister
12. In meiosis II, during anaphase II, which structures separated—homologous chromosomes or
sister chromatids?
13. At the end of the meiosis II are four daughter cells. Are they haploid or diploid? Explain your
14. Which of the statements below correctly describes the relationship between the cells at the end
of meiosis II and the original cell?
a. The new cells have one copy of all of the genetic information in the original cell.
b. The new cells have two copies of all of the genetic information in the original cell.
c. The new cells have one copy of half of the genetic information in the original cell.
d. The new cells have two copies of half of the genetic information in the original cell.
15. Refer to Model 3, at the end of meiosis II in males, what do these cells eventually become?
16. What is the name given to the cells produced at the end of meiosis I in females?
17. During fertilization which two cells come together? How much DNA and where are they coming
from? Be specific in your answer.