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The Full Title of Darwin’s Book
“The Origin of Species by Means of Natural
Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured
Races in the Struggle for Life”.
Darwin’s Three Propositions
• Species Are Not Absolute—Unlimited Variability
Species are not bound by any limitations in variety: i.e., the
potential for genetic change is unlimited.
• All Species are Modified Variations of Each Other
All living things descended from a very small number of
“Common” ancestors—Evolutionary ‘Tree’.
Mutations help produce the necessary changes.
100 Thousands of Transitional Forms—‘missing links’
• The Mechanism of Evolution Is Natural Selection
“Survival of the Fittest”—Nature ‘red in tooth and claw’
Gradualism—No large, sudden leaps mutations, slight
variations over 100’s millions of years result in new species. No
“cataclysmic” evolution”
Two “Types” of Evolution
Natural Selection
Change within kinds-
(New Genetic Information)
Change between kinds-
Not Observed
Lessons Learned from
Artificial Selection (Breeding)
Thousands of years of
breeding millions of
animals—has NEVER
produced a radically new
kind of animal or plant.
Animals & Plants
ALWAYS reproduce after
their own ‘kind’
Variation Within “Kinds”
• Is limited by the existing, available
genetic material (DNA).
• Allows each individual to be unique
and recognizable as an individual.
• Allows for new ‘species’ within ‘kind’.
• Allows each “kind” to adapt to a wide
environments but with limitations
based on genetic material so that
many species have become extinct.
The Bible: “According to Kinds”
“Then God said, ‘Let the land produce
vegetation: seed bearing plants and trees
on the land that bear fruit with seed in it,
according to their various kinds’.” Gen 1:11
“God made the wild animals according to
their kinds, the livestock according to their
kinds, and all the creatures that move along
the ground according to their kinds.” Gen
“Two of every kind” sent to Noah’s ark.
Gen 6:20
Birds eat more
white moths on a
life probably
evolved from a
single cell???
adaptation, not
Natural Selection is
either a
Conservative or
Extinctive Force
NOT a Creative
Force — It Cannot
Change the DNA &
therefore Cannot
Create New Kinds of
plants & animals.
Remember These Important Facts
• Natural Selection, just like its counter-part,
Artificial Selection (Breeding) can only
produce (“evolve”) new species within kinds.
• Variations (speciation) within kinds is
observed, but this is NOT Darwinian
Secular Argument Against Natural Selection
as Mechanism for Darwinism
In 1871 St. George Mivart, an acquaintance of Charles
Darwin, published a book entitled On the Genesis of
Species in which he pointed out a fatal flaw in Darwin's
hypothetical Natural Selection mechanism:
“Natural selection utterly fails to account for the
conservation and development of the minute
rudimentary beginnings, the slight and infinitesimal
commencement of structures, however useful those
structures may afterward become”.
Problem of ‘Incipient’ (Partly Developed) Organs. If Natural Selection
cannot account for the origin of an organ through intermediate,
partially developed, stages then it cannot account for the existence of
new functional organs later. When one observes various animal and
plant species, one finds that there are no incipient organs or structures
when they should exist everywhere! If there were transitional forms in
the past—there should be transitional forms living in the present. Book Description of
On the “Origin of Species […]”
“It is now fully recognized that the publication of Darwin's in
1859 brought about a revolution in man's attitude toward life and
his own place in the universe. This work is rightly regarded as one
of the most important books ever published, and a knowledge of it
should be part of the intellectual equipment of every educated
person. The book remains surprisingly modern in its assertions
and is also remarkably accessible to the layman, much more so
than recent treatises necessarily encumbered with technical
language and professional jargon”.
“This first edition had a freshness and uncompromising directness
that were considerably weakened in later editions, and yet nearly
all available reprints of the work are based on the greatly
modified sixth edition of 1872”.
Here is why they want to forget about the 6th edition…..
Darwin’s Ultimate Admission
• For a new feature to have a survival advantage it would have to
come into existence functionally integrated, which violates the
mechanism of Natural Selection & defeats its role as a partly
developed transitional feature.
• Darwin ultimately came to realize that there is no survival
advantage in primitive or “incipient” (partly developed organs),
which are postulated as part of his theory, and makes a startling
admission in the 6th Edition of his book (1872), Origin of
Species….., pp. 178-180:
“I have now considered enough, perhaps more than enough, of the
cases, selected with care by a skillful naturalist, to prove that
natural selection is incompetent to account for the incipient stages of
useful structures; and I have shown, as I hope, that there is no
great difficulty on this head. [italics added]…….The belief that any
given structure, which we think, often erroneously, would have
been beneficial to a species, would have been gained under all
circumstances through natural selection, is opposed to what we
can understand of its manner of action.” Charles Darwin
What is Observed by Science?
• Species may represent modified genetic variations of
each other……… But species do not represent “kinds”.
• Variation between “kinds” requires Natural Selection to
“select” from genetic information which does not exist
contrary to Darwinism.
• Natural Selection cannot create new genetic information
contrary to Darwinism.
• Natural Selection is limited to the availability of preexisting genetic information, which limits genetic
variation within “kinds”—contrary to Darwinism.
• Natural Selection cannot explain speciation between
• Natural Selection can only explain speciation within