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CST Prep- 8th Grade Astronomy
Chapter 16 (Parti)
1. A
is a system of one or more stars, its planets and their
Giant clouds of gas are called
A cloud of gas that gives birth to a star is called a
What force pulls matter together?
What pushes matter apart?
The center of a star is called its
The visible part of the sun that we can see from Earth is called its
The sun's outer-most atmospheres are called the
9. Combining four hydrogen atoms to create helium is how the sun produces its energy. This
process is called
10.The process above (#9) requires extreme
L _ and
11 .The distance from the sun to Earth is called one
12. Name the planets, in order, starting closest to the sun:
13. Name the 4 inner/rocky planets:
14. Name the 4 outer/gas giants:
15. Which outermost "planet" is no longer a planet?
16. Number "15 above" is now called a
17. What two things balance each other out, keeping planets in orbit around their stars or
moons/satellites around their planets?
18. Which one from #17 is a centripetal force?
Sketch a planet and its moon. Draw and label two arrows representing both
from #17 above.
20. What word means "hard, rocky, dirt surface?"
21. Which two planets have no moons?
22. Which planet has one moon?
23. Which planet has two moons?
24. Which planet has the most moons?
25. What is another name for "moon?"
26. Which planet is called "Earth's Twin?"
27. Earth's twin has a very dense and heavy
28. Which two acids are in Venus' atmosphere?
29. Counter clockwise is
30. Clockwise is
31. Earth is the only planet with liquid
rotation of the planets.
rotation of the planets.
32. What color is Mars?
. It is this color because it has lots of
on its surface.
33. Mars has a very thin
34. Satellites (moons) and small planets have little or no atmosphere because they are too small
and have insufficient
to hold and maintain an atmosphere.
35. On Mars water is frozen at the
36. The largest volcano in the solar system is on Mars, what is its name?
37. The longest and deepest trench is on the solar system is on Mars, what is its name?
38. Jupiter's big red spot is a giant
39. How many earths can fit in Jupiter's big red spot?
40. What planet is so light it would float in a giant bathtub of water?
41 .What interstellar objects are made of dust and ice?
42. What interstellar objects are made out of solid rock and metal?
43. Will Saturn's rings last forever?
44. Name Jupiter's 4 largest moons:
45. Name Saturn's 3 largest moons:
46. What planet is knocked over on its side?
47. What planet has the big dark spot?
48. Name a moon of Uranus:
49. Name a moon of Neptune:
50. Name Pluto's moon:
51. What lies between Mars and Jupiter?
52.The theorythat something large hit Earth (a small planetoid) is how our
was created.
53.The dark spots on the moon are called
54.A full moon is a fully lit moon, an unlit dark moon is called a
55. A word that describes the moon as getting brighter and bigger is
56. A word that describes the moon as getting smaller and less bright is a.
57.Where is the moon positioned during a solar eclipse?
58.Where is the Earth positioned during a lunareclipse?
59. The tail of a comet always points
from the sW
60. This is because the sun projects a
61.Bits of asteroid or comet fragments that break off in outerspace are called
62.When these bits enter our atmosphere they burn up as
(also known as
"shooting stars").
63. Bits of outerspace material that strike the Earth's surface and can be found
64.The "hole" left in the ground from an asteroid impact is called a
65. There are two types of comets, what are they?
66. Does our solar system extend beyond the planets?
intact are now
cloud, beyond Pluto, is where our comets originate.
Draw the planets, in order, relative to their "sizes."
69. Do other solarsystems (planets revolving around stars) exist in our galaxy?
Chapter 16 (Part 2)
1. Small bodies of ice and cosmic dust are called
2. The outer planets that have massive gas atmospheres are called
3. Except for Mercury and Venus, all the planets have natural
called moons.
4. The glowing trails that result when meteoroids burn up in Earth's atmbsphere are called
5. The cloud of gas and dust that formed our solar system is the
6. A planet that appears to spin in a clockwise direction when viewed frorn above its North Pole has
7. The average distance between the sun and Earth is called a(n)
8. A planet that appears to spin in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from above its North
Pole has
9. When the shadow of one celestial body falls on another, a(n)
10. Unlike most planets, Venus has
rotation, which means that it appears to
spin in a clockwise direction when viewed from above its North Pole.
11. Natural or artificial bodies that orbit larger celestial bodies such as plahets are called
12. Becausethey are rocky and dense, the inner planets of oursolar system are called
13. The large, interstellar cloud of gas and dust that formed oursolar system is called the
14. Earth completes one
each year.
15.How do gravity and pressure keep a nebula from collapsing?
16. Describe the process of nuclear fusion.
17. How are the inner planets different from the outer planets?
18. Describe the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse.
19. Describe the current theory of how Earth's moon formed.
20. What causes phases of the moon?
21 .What characteristics of Earth's moon supports the current theory of its formation?
22. What is the difference between an annular eclipse and a total solar eclipse?
23.Which planets are parts of the inner solar system?
24. Why are the inner planets known as the terrestrial planets?
25.Compare the meaning of the terms periodof rotation and periodof revolution.
26. Explain how the planet Neptune was discovered.
27. How do meteorites vary in composition?
28. How do scientists explain the unusual tilt ofUranus' axis at an angle or almost 90°?
29. How has the classification of Pluto changed?
30.What causes the moon to appear red during a lunar eclipse?
31. Describe the two tails of a comet.
32.Why are the planets in the solar system shaped like spheres?
33. Light travels about 300,000 km/s in space. Jupiter is about 780,000,000 km from the sun. How
many minutes does it take light from the sun to reach Jupiter? Show your work.