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Heredity – the passing of traits/genes from one
generation to the next
Genetics – the study of heredity
Genes – segments of DNA that code for a specific trait
Cell Division / Asexual Reproduction
Asexual reproduction – 1 parent ….identical offspring (clones)
*single celled eukaryotes…..yeast, paramecium, amoeba
*simple multicellular eukaryotes...hydra, jellyfish,
*binary fission……bacteria
*mitosis ……identical daughter cells (clones), same # of
chromosomes, same DNA
Sexual reproduction – 2 parents = diff offspring
What are the disadvantages of asexual reproduction?
What are the advantages to asexual reproduction?
Karyotype – picture of 23 pairs of chromosomes (46)
Homologous chromosomes – identical chromosomes
…same length, centromere, same staining pattern
…exception…males sex chromosome
1-22 autosomes
23 sex chromsomes
Human female karyotype
46 chromosomes
23 pairs
Human male karyotype
46 chromosomes
23 pairs
Homologous chromosomes
• Paired chromosomes
– both chromosomes of a pair carry “matching” genes
• control same inherited characters
• homologous = same information
2n = 4
single stranded
double stranded
homologous chromosomes
How do we make sperm & eggs?
• Must reduce 46 chromosomes  23
Gametes – single set of 22 chromosomes
1 sex chromosome…(n)=23
Meiosis: production of gametes
• Happens in gonads
– Conserves chromosome #
• diploid  haploid
• 2n  n
– humans: 46  23
• meiosis reduces chromosome
• makes gametes
– fertilization restores
chromosome number
• haploid  diploid
• n  2n
Meiosis I – Division of homologous pairs
Interphase I : -G1, S, G2 *replicates only once!
Meiosis I – Division of homologous pairs
Prophase I :
-chromosomes condense & form homologous
chromosomes called tetrads or bivalents
-crossing over occurs forming chiasmata
-synapsis allows for maternal chromsomes to pair
up w/ its paternal homolog
-centrosomes move to poles, meiotic spindle forms
-nuclear membrane disappears
-90% of time
Meiosis I – Division of homologous pairs
Metaphase I : -homologous pairs align at metaphase plate
-kinetochore microtubules attach to one
chromosome of each pair
Meiosis I – Division of homologous pairs
Anaphase I :
-homologous chromosomes move toward
opposite poles
*separate the pair
Meiosis I – Division of homologous pairs
Telophase I & Cytokinesis :
-two new nuclei form
-homologous chromosomes form
into chromatin
-nuclear membrane reappears
-divide cytoplasm
Meiosis I
Meiosis II – Division of sister chromatids
Interphase II : -G1, G2 * No replication!!
Prophase II : -spindle apparatus forms
-sister chromatids become visible
-move toward metaphase plate
-nuclear membrane disappears
Meiosis II – Division of sister chromatids
Metaphase II :
-chromosomes on metaphase plate
-kinetochore microtubules attach to
sister chromatids of each chromosome
Meiosis II – Division of sister chromatids
Anaphase II : -sister chromatids move toward opp poles
Meiosis II – Division of sister chromatids
Telophase II : -nuclear membrane reforms
-chromatin forms
-cytokinesis produces 4 haploid (n) cells
Meiosis II
Meiosis I and II
Meiosis 1
Meiosis 2
One way meiosis generates genetic variability is through the different ways in
which maternal and paternal chromosomes are combined in the daughter cells.
The number of possible chromosome combinations in the haploid nuclei is
potentially very large. In general, the number of possible chromosome combinations
is 2n, where n is the number of chromosome pairs.
For example, in fruit flies, which have 4 chromosome pairs, the number of possible
combinations is 2n, or 16. For humans, with 23 chromosome pairs, there are over 8
million metaphase arrangements. 2 parents = zygote : 223 x 223 = over 70 trillion
3 Sources of Genetic Variability
1. Independent Assortment of homologous chromosome in meiosis I
2. Crossing over during prophase I
3. Random fertilization of egg and sperm
Differences across kingdoms
• Not all organisms use haploid & diploid stages in
same way
– which one is dominant (2n or n) differs
– but still alternate between haploid & diploid
• must for sexual reproduction
Hela Cell