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The First Step
• Cellular respiration is the
breakdown of sugars into
• Some of that energy is
harvested as ATP and the
rest is lost as heat
• It happens in every
• Heterotrophs and
autotrophs both do
cellular respiration
• There are three main steps
to cellular respiration
• What happens is based on
what elements are available
and what organelles are
• Glycolysis happens before
any other pathway
• Aerobic respiration happens
when there is oxygen and
• Anaerobic respiration
happens when there is no
oxygen and/or
Lets Revisit Redox Reactions
• In the previous chapter
we talked about redox
• The movement of
electrons from one
molecule to another is a
reaction (you can call it
a redox reaction)
Lets Revisit Redox Reactions
• The loss of electrons
from one substance is
called oxidation
• The addition of
electrons to another
substance is reduction
• Ex: NADP+ gains high
energy electrons in the
light reactions
Overview of Glycolysis
• Before we learn the in
depth view of glycolysis
lets investigate the overall
purpose of glycolysis
• Glycolysis is the breaking
of glucose into two
molecules of pyruvate in
the cytoplasm
• “Glyco” – Sweet
• “Lysis” – Split
Overview of Glycolysis
• In essence one
molecule of glucose (6
carbons) is being
snapped in half
• The product is two
molecules of pyruvate
(3 carbons)
• This release will give a
small amount of energy
Energy Investment
Energy Payoff
So What Does It All Mean?
• Glycolysis yields three
major things at the end
of the process
• 2 – Net ATP
• 2 – NADH (reduced
from NAD+)
• 2 - Pyruvate
So What Does It All Mean?
• In Glycolysis ATP is
created in a process
called substrate level
• This is where a
phosphate is
transferred directly to
ADP by an enzyme
So What Does It All Mean?
• The energy produced is
• ATP is stored energy
that can be used when
• NADH will be used later
during the electron
transport chain to
create ATP