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Every substance has characteristic
properties that are used to
distinguish it from others.
Physical Properties
 Properties
can be
without changing
the makeup of
the material
 Ex: density, color,
Chemical Properties
 The
“ability” of an
object to change
into something
Physical Change
 Form
of a
changes but the
material stays the
 Ex: rip, bend,
phase changes
Chemical Change
 When
changes into one
or more NEW
 Ex: rusting,
 Aka: Reaction!!
Formation of a gas (bubbles/odor)
Permanent color change
Formation of a precipitate
Precipitate (ppt) – a solid formed from two
Temperature change - Thermal energy
(heat) is absorbed or given off
Consider this statement: Substances containing copper are
often blue in color. Does the statement describe a physical
or chemical property?
Consider this statement: Oxygen gas supports the burning
of wood. Does the statement refer to a physical or chemical
property of oxygen gas?
Burning aka combustion: a chemical reaction with oxygen
gas that produces heat and light; burning
 Pure
metals have a
high luster
 Surfaces of some
metals become dull
when in air
 Nitrogen gas can form
nitrogen oxides in a car
 Milk turns sour if left
 Physical
o Luster – shiny and
reflect light
 Chemical
 Chemical
 Chemical
 Diamonds
are hard
enough to be used as a
coating on a drill bit
 Metals are ductile
 Bread dough “rises”
before baking
 Metals are better
conductors of heat and
electricity than
 Physical
 Physical
o Ductile – to draw into a
 Chemical
 Physical